WHAT'S NEW WITH glmlab VERSION 2 (that rhymes--I wonder what will happen with version 3?) glmlab version 2 is much better than version 1. There are many improvements, most of which aren't visible to the user. But here are some of the major changes that come with version 2 (a list of all changes can be found in CHANGES.txt): From 2.3 to 2.3.1 * Fixed problem with MATLAB v5.2 that weren't in MATLAB v5.0 * Fixed an obscure bug where MATLAB complained about a COLON operator. * Some other bugs fixes * Updated web reference to point to new glmlab Home Page. * Quicker and smoother start * Tooltips added To 2.0 * Interactive variable selection windows * Change fitting parameters in window, not in the file * The inverse Gaussian distribution is now included. * An on-line manual is available, accessable via glmlab. * A demo is included that runs in the gui window. * Dialog boxes are used whenever possible. * The Residual Plots have been mobved to a pull-down menu. * The A-variable window allows multi-line strings; indeed, this is how glmlab handles them now. * The standard errors of the parameter estimates are now returned in a separate variable SERRORS. * The value of the linear predictor (usually called eta) is returned as LINPRED. * The workspace has been tidied by using the UserData property of MATAB, rather than having the workspace all cluttered up by internal variables. * Fixed some bugs (and, unfortunately, probably introduced some creative new ones). Peter Dunn 02 March 1998