MATLAB Programs
MATLAB programs in mathematics and statistics
This document contain some brief
information about MATLAB programs that I have created and collected over
time, and includes links to them.
All of the programs are free, but are copyright by myself.
Generalized linear models
glmlab is a free gui MATLAB toolbox for analysing generalized linear
models. glmlab can fit all types of generalized linear models, including
(among others):
multiple regression;
log-linear models;
logistic regression; and
weighted regression.
To achieve these tasks, glmlab incorporates
a number of error distributions and links function. For more information,
see the features of glmlab. It uses a graphical
user interface and is easy to learn, and even comes with an
A Demonstration for generalized linear models:
This program for MATLAB version 6 is a demonstration that
can be used as an aid to explaining some of the important aspects
of generalized linear models.
The distribution, link function and dispersion parameter can be
independently adjusted and the effect seen immediately.
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Distribution Theory
Limit Theorem: A gui function that plots the sampling distribution
from an exponential dsitribution to demonstrate its limiting to the normal
Approximation to the Binomial: A gui function showing how the
normal distribution approximates the binomial dsitribution.
Normal Distribution: A gui function that allows the user to `play'
with the parameters of the bivariate normal distribution to see the effects,
and to understand the bivariate normal distribution better.
For a discussion on the uses of these
programs, see Peter K. Dunn (1999). ``Three Tools for Interactively Visualizing
Distribution Theory Concepts'' in
The American Statistician, 53, 137--139.
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Regression Diagnostics
A gui function that shows the effects of overfitting a simple (linear, quadratic or cubic) relationship between two variables with higher order
Normal Probability Plots:
A gui function that shows normal probability plots for different types
of distributions: normal, right skewed, left skewed, heavy tailed and
light tailed. The normal probability plots and histograms are displayed
for these plots for a specified sample size.
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Introductory Calculus
rule: A gui function that shows the trapezoidal rule in action
for any given function (within reason...).
Simpson's rule:
A gui function that shows how Simpson's 1/3 rule calculates the areas
under curves for any function.
Newton's method:
A gui function that shows what Newton's method is doing for any function.
A gui function that shows the concept of a derivative numerically for any
given function.
as rectangular areas: A gui function that shows the concept of limiting rectangles
as an integral.
a Cycloid: A gui function that actually shows a circle generating
a cycloid.
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A gui function made for non-MATLAB users to produce decent MATLAB plots.
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since September 2000.
Last Revision: 19 October 2000
Author: Peter