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(PublicToolbox/MRI_toolbox_v2p0/avw_hdr_read.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))
Function Synopsis
[ avw, machine ] = avw_hdr_read(fileprefix, machine)
Help Text
avw_hdr_read - read Analyze format data header (*.hdr)
[ avw, machine ] = avw_hdr_read(fileprefix, [machine])
fileprefix - string filename (without .hdr); the file name
can be given as a full path or relative to the
current directory.
machine - a string, see machineformat in fread for details.
The default here is 'ieee-le' but the routine
will automatically switch between little and big
endian to read any such Analyze header. It
reports the appropriate machine format and can
return the machine value.
avw.hdr - a struct, all fields returned from the header.
For details, find a good description on the web
or see the Analyze File Format pdf in the
mri_toolbox doc folder or read this .m file.
This function is called by avw_img_read
See also avw_hdr_write, avw_hdr_make, avw_view_hdr, avw_view
Cross-Reference Information
This function is called by
- avw_img_read C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\MRI_toolbox_v2p0\avw_img_read.m
Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\MRI_toolbox_v2p0\avw_hdr_read.m
function [ avw, machine ] = avw_hdr_read(fileprefix, machine)
% avw_hdr_read - read Analyze format data header (*.hdr)
% [ avw, machine ] = avw_hdr_read(fileprefix, [machine])
% fileprefix - string filename (without .hdr); the file name
% can be given as a full path or relative to the
% current directory.
% machine - a string, see machineformat in fread for details.
% The default here is 'ieee-le' but the routine
% will automatically switch between little and big
% endian to read any such Analyze header. It
% reports the appropriate machine format and can
% return the machine value.
% avw.hdr - a struct, all fields returned from the header.
% For details, find a good description on the web
% or see the Analyze File Format pdf in the
% mri_toolbox doc folder or read this .m file.
% This function is called by avw_img_read
% See also avw_hdr_write, avw_hdr_make, avw_view_hdr, avw_view
% $Revision: 1 $ $Date: 5/21/04 12:51p $
% Licence: GNU GPL, no express or implied warranties
% History: 05/2002, Darren.Weber@flinders.edu.au
% The Analyze format and c code below is copyright
% (c) Copyright, 1986-1995
% Biomedical Imaging Resource, Mayo Foundation
version = '[$Revision: 1 $]';
fprintf('\nAVW_HDR_READ [v%s]\n',version(12:16)); tic;
if ~exist('fileprefix','var'),
msg = sprintf('...no input fileprefix - see help avw_hdr_read\n\n');
if ~exist('machine','var'), machine = 'ieee-le'; end
if findstr('.hdr',fileprefix),
% fprintf('...removing .hdr extension from ''%s''\n',fileprefix);
fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.hdr','');
if findstr('.img',fileprefix),
% fprintf('...removing .img extension from ''%s''\n',fileprefix);
fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.img','');
file = sprintf('%s.hdr',fileprefix);
if exist(file),
fprintf('...reading %s Analyze format',machine);
fid = fopen(file,'r',machine);
avw.hdr = read_header(fid);
avw.fileprefix = fileprefix;
if ~isequal(avw.hdr.hk.sizeof_hdr,348),
% first try reading the opposite endian to 'machine'
switch machine,
case 'ieee-le', machine = 'ieee-be';
case 'ieee-be', machine = 'ieee-le';
fprintf('...reading %s Analyze format',machine);
fid = fopen(file,'r',machine);
avw.hdr = read_header(fid);
avw.fileprefix = fileprefix;
if ~isequal(avw.hdr.hk.sizeof_hdr,348),
% Now throw an error
msg = sprintf('...size of header not equal to 348 bytes!\n\n');
msg = sprintf('...cannot find file %s.hdr\n\n',file);
t=toc; fprintf('...done (%5.2f sec).\n',t);
function [ dsr ] = read_header(fid)
% Original header structures - ANALYZE 7.5
%struct dsr
% {
% struct header_key hk; /* 0 + 40 */
% struct image_dimension dime; /* 40 + 108 */
% struct data_history hist; /* 148 + 200 */
% }; /* total= 348 bytes*/
dsr.hk = header_key(fid);
dsr.dime = image_dimension(fid);
dsr.hist = data_history(fid);
function [hk] = header_key(fid)
% The required elements in the header_key substructure are:
% int sizeof_header Must indicate the byte size of the header file.
% int extents Should be 16384, the image file is created as
% contiguous with a minimum extent size.
% char regular Must be 'r' to indicate that all images and
% volumes are the same size.
% Original header structures - ANALYZE 7.5
% struct header_key /* header key */
% { /* off + size */
% int sizeof_hdr /* 0 + 4 */
% char data_type[10]; /* 4 + 10 */
% char db_name[18]; /* 14 + 18 */
% int extents; /* 32 + 4 */
% short int session_error; /* 36 + 2 */
% char regular; /* 38 + 1 */
% char hkey_un0; /* 39 + 1 */
% }; /* total=40 bytes */
hk.sizeof_hdr = fread(fid, 1,'*int32'); % should be 348!
hk.data_type = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
hk.db_name = fread(fid,18,'*char')';
hk.extents = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
hk.session_error = fread(fid, 1,'*int16');
hk.regular = fread(fid, 1,'*char')'; % might be uint8
hk.hkey_un0 = fread(fid, 1,'*uint8')';
% check if this value was a char zero
if hk.hkey_un0 == 48,
hk.hkey_un0 = 0;
function [ dime ] = image_dimension(fid)
%struct image_dimension
% { /* off + size */
% short int dim[8]; /* 0 + 16 */
% /*
% dim[0] Number of dimensions in database; usually 4.
% dim[1] Image X dimension; number of *pixels* in an image row.
% dim[2] Image Y dimension; number of *pixel rows* in slice.
% dim[3] Volume Z dimension; number of *slices* in a volume.
% dim[4] Time points; number of volumes in database
% */
% char vox_units[4]; /* 16 + 4 */
% char cal_units[8]; /* 20 + 8 */
% short int unused1; /* 28 + 2 */
% short int datatype; /* 30 + 2 */
% short int bitpix; /* 32 + 2 */
% short int dim_un0; /* 34 + 2 */
% float pixdim[8]; /* 36 + 32 */
% /*
% pixdim[] specifies the voxel dimensions:
% pixdim[1] - voxel width, mm
% pixdim[2] - voxel height, mm
% pixdim[3] - slice thickness, mm
% pixdim[4] - volume timing, in msec
% ..etc
% */
% float vox_offset; /* 68 + 4 */
% float roi_scale; /* 72 + 4 */
% float funused1; /* 76 + 4 */
% float funused2; /* 80 + 4 */
% float cal_max; /* 84 + 4 */
% float cal_min; /* 88 + 4 */
% int compressed; /* 92 + 4 */
% int verified; /* 96 + 4 */
% int glmax; /* 100 + 4 */
% int glmin; /* 104 + 4 */
% }; /* total=108 bytes */
dime.dim = fread(fid,8,'*int16')';
dime.vox_units = fread(fid,4,'*char')';
dime.cal_units = fread(fid,8,'*char')';
dime.unused1 = fread(fid,1,'*int16');
dime.datatype = fread(fid,1,'*int16');
dime.bitpix = fread(fid,1,'*int16');
dime.dim_un0 = fread(fid,1,'*int16');
dime.pixdim = fread(fid,8,'*float')';
dime.vox_offset = fread(fid,1,'*float');
dime.roi_scale = fread(fid,1,'*float');
dime.funused1 = fread(fid,1,'*float');
dime.funused2 = fread(fid,1,'*float');
dime.cal_max = fread(fid,1,'*float');
dime.cal_min = fread(fid,1,'*float');
dime.compressed = fread(fid,1,'*int32');
dime.verified = fread(fid,1,'*int32');
dime.glmax = fread(fid,1,'*int32');
dime.glmin = fread(fid,1,'*int32');
if dime.dim(1) < 4, % Number of dimensions in database; usually 4.
fprintf('...ensuring 4 dimensions in avw.hdr.dime.dim\n');
dime.dim(1) = int16(4);
if dime.dim(5) < 1, % Time points; number of volumes in database
fprintf('...ensuring at least 1 volume in avw.hdr.dime.dim(5)\n');
dime.dim(5) = int16(1);
function [ hist ] = data_history(fid)
% Original header structures - ANALYZE 7.5
%struct data_history
% { /* off + size */
% char descrip[80]; /* 0 + 80 */
% char aux_file[24]; /* 80 + 24 */
% char orient; /* 104 + 1 */
% char originator[10]; /* 105 + 10 */
% char generated[10]; /* 115 + 10 */
% char scannum[10]; /* 125 + 10 */
% char patient_id[10]; /* 135 + 10 */
% char exp_date[10]; /* 145 + 10 */
% char exp_time[10]; /* 155 + 10 */
% char hist_un0[3]; /* 165 + 3 */
% int views /* 168 + 4 */
% int vols_added; /* 172 + 4 */
% int start_field; /* 176 + 4 */
% int field_skip; /* 180 + 4 */
% int omax; /* 184 + 4 */
% int omin; /* 188 + 4 */
% int smax; /* 192 + 4 */
% int smin; /* 196 + 4 */
% }; /* total=200 bytes */
hist.descrip = fread(fid,80,'*char')';
hist.aux_file = fread(fid,24,'*char')';
hist.orient = fread(fid, 1,'*uint8'); % see note below on char
hist.originator = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
hist.generated = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
hist.scannum = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
hist.patient_id = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
hist.exp_date = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
hist.exp_time = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
hist.hist_un0 = fread(fid, 3,'*char')';
hist.views = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
hist.vols_added = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
hist.start_field = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
hist.field_skip = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
hist.omax = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
hist.omin = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
hist.smax = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
hist.smin = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
% check if hist.orient was saved as ascii char value
switch hist.orient,
case 48, hist.orient = uint8(0);
case 49, hist.orient = uint8(1);
case 50, hist.orient = uint8(2);
case 51, hist.orient = uint8(3);
case 52, hist.orient = uint8(4);
case 53, hist.orient = uint8(5);
% Note on using char:
% The 'char orient' field in the header is intended to
% hold simply an 8-bit unsigned integer value, not the ASCII representation
% of the character for that value. A single 'char' byte is often used to
% represent an integer value in Analyze if the known value range doesn't
% go beyond 0-255 - saves a byte over a short int, which may not mean
% much in today's computing environments, but given that this format
% has been around since the early 1980's, saving bytes here and there on
% older systems was important! In this case, 'char' simply provides the
% byte of storage - not an indicator of the format for what is stored in
% this byte. Generally speaking, anytime a single 'char' is used, it is
% probably meant to hold an 8-bit integer value, whereas if this has
% been dimensioned as an array, then it is intended to hold an ASCII
% character string, even if that was only a single character.
% Denny <hanson.dennis2@mayo.edu>
% Comments
% The header format is flexible and can be extended for new
% user-defined data types. The essential structures of the header
% are the header_key and the image_dimension.
% The required elements in the header_key substructure are:
% int sizeof_header Must indicate the byte size of the header file.
% int extents Should be 16384, the image file is created as
% contiguous with a minimum extent size.
% char regular Must be 'r' to indicate that all images and
% volumes are the same size.
% The image_dimension substructure describes the organization and
% size of the images. These elements enable the database to reference
% images by volume and slice number. Explanation of each element follows:
% short int dim[ ]; /* Array of the image dimensions */
% dim[0] Number of dimensions in database; usually 4.
% dim[1] Image X dimension; number of pixels in an image row.
% dim[2] Image Y dimension; number of pixel rows in slice.
% dim[3] Volume Z dimension; number of slices in a volume.
% dim[4] Time points; number of volumes in database.
% dim[5] Undocumented.
% dim[6] Undocumented.
% dim[7] Undocumented.
% char vox_units[4] Specifies the spatial units of measure for a voxel.
% char cal_units[8] Specifies the name of the calibration unit.
% short int unused1 /* Unused */
% short int datatype /* Datatype for this image set */
% /*Acceptable values for datatype are*/
% #define DT_NONE 0
% #define DT_UNKNOWN 0 /*Unknown data type*/
% #define DT_BINARY 1 /*Binary ( 1 bit per voxel)*/
% #define DT_UNSIGNED_CHAR 2 /*Unsigned character ( 8 bits per voxel)*/
% #define DT_SIGNED_SHORT 4 /*Signed short (16 bits per voxel)*/
% #define DT_SIGNED_INT 8 /*Signed integer (32 bits per voxel)*/
% #define DT_FLOAT 16 /*Floating point (32 bits per voxel)*/
% #define DT_COMPLEX 32 /*Complex (64 bits per voxel; 2 floating point numbers)/*
% #define DT_DOUBLE 64 /*Double precision (64 bits per voxel)*/
% #define DT_RGB 128 /*A Red-Green-Blue datatype*/
% #define DT_ALL 255 /*Undocumented*/
% short int bitpix; /* Number of bits per pixel; 1, 8, 16, 32, or 64. */
% short int dim_un0; /* Unused */
% float pixdim[]; Parallel array to dim[], giving real world measurements in mm and ms.
% pixdim[0]; Pixel dimensions?
% pixdim[1]; Voxel width in mm.
% pixdim[2]; Voxel height in mm.
% pixdim[3]; Slice thickness in mm.
% pixdim[4]; timeslice in ms (ie, TR in fMRI).
% pixdim[5]; Undocumented.
% pixdim[6]; Undocumented.
% pixdim[7]; Undocumented.
% float vox_offset; Byte offset in the .img file at which voxels start. This value can be
% negative to specify that the absolute value is applied for every image
% in the file.
% float roi_scale; Specifies the Region Of Interest scale?
% float funused1; Undocumented.
% float funused2; Undocumented.
% float cal_max; Specifies the upper bound of the range of calibration values.
% float cal_min; Specifies the lower bound of the range of calibration values.
% int compressed; Undocumented.
% int verified; Undocumented.
% int glmax; The maximum pixel value for the entire database.
% int glmin; The minimum pixel value for the entire database.
Produced by color_mat2html, a customized BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha) version of mat2html on Tue Oct 12 12:05:14 2004
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