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(PublicToolbox/OtherTools/select3d.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))
Function Synopsis
[pout, vout, viout, facevout, faceiout] = select3d(obj)
Help Text
SELECT3D(H) Determines the selected point in 3-D data space.
P = SELECT3D determines the point, P, in data space corresponding
to the current selection position. P is a point on the first
patch or surface face intersected along the selection ray. If no
face is encountered along the selection ray, P returns empty.
P = SELECT3D(H) constrains selection to graphics handle H and,
if applicable, any of its children. H can be a figure, axes,
patch, or surface object.
[P V] = SELECT3D(...), V is the closest face or line vertex
selected based on the figure's current object.
[P V VI] = SELECT3D(...), VI is the index into the object's
x,y,zdata properties corresponding to V, the closest face vertex
[P V VI FACEV] = SELECT3D(...), FACE is an array of vertices
corresponding to the face polygon containing P and V.
[P V VI FACEV FACEI] = SELECT3D(...), FACEI is the row index into
the object's face array corresponding to FACE. For patch
objects, the face array can be obtained by doing
get(mypatch,'faces'). For surface objects, the face array
can be obtained from the output of SURF2PATCH (see
SURF2PATCH for more information).
SELECT3D supports surface, patch, or line object primitives. For surface
and patches, the algorithm assumes non-self-intersecting planar faces.
For line objects, the algorithm always returns P as empty, and V will
be the closest vertex relative to the selection point.
h = surf(peaks);
disp('Click anywhere on the surface, then hit return')
[p v vi face facei] = select3d;
marker1 = line('xdata',p(1),'ydata',p(2),'zdata',p(3),'marker','o',...
marker2 = line('xdata',v(1),'ydata',v(2),'zdata',v(3),'marker','o',...
marker2 = line('erasemode','xor','xdata',face(1,:),'ydata',face(2,:),...
disp(sprintf('\nYou clicked at\nX: %.2f\nY: %.2f\nZ: %.2f',p(1),p(2),p(3)'))
disp(sprintf('\nThe nearest vertex is\nX: %.2f\nY: %.2f\nZ: %.2f',v(1),v(2),v(3)'))
Version 1.2 2-15-02
Copyright Joe Conti 2002
Send comments to jconti@mathworks.com
See also GINPUT, GCO.
Cross-Reference Information
This function is called by
Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\OtherTools\select3d.m
function [pout, vout, viout, facevout, faceiout] = select3d(obj)
%SELECT3D(H) Determines the selected point in 3-D data space.
% P = SELECT3D determines the point, P, in data space corresponding
% to the current selection position. P is a point on the first
% patch or surface face intersected along the selection ray. If no
% face is encountered along the selection ray, P returns empty.
% P = SELECT3D(H) constrains selection to graphics handle H and,
% if applicable, any of its children. H can be a figure, axes,
% patch, or surface object.
% [P V] = SELECT3D(...), V is the closest face or line vertex
% selected based on the figure's current object.
% [P V VI] = SELECT3D(...), VI is the index into the object's
% x,y,zdata properties corresponding to V, the closest face vertex
% selected.
% [P V VI FACEV] = SELECT3D(...), FACE is an array of vertices
% corresponding to the face polygon containing P and V.
% [P V VI FACEV FACEI] = SELECT3D(...), FACEI is the row index into
% the object's face array corresponding to FACE. For patch
% objects, the face array can be obtained by doing
% get(mypatch,'faces'). For surface objects, the face array
% can be obtained from the output of SURF2PATCH (see
% SURF2PATCH for more information).
% SELECT3D supports surface, patch, or line object primitives. For surface
% and patches, the algorithm assumes non-self-intersecting planar faces.
% For line objects, the algorithm always returns P as empty, and V will
% be the closest vertex relative to the selection point.
% Example:
% h = surf(peaks);
% zoom(10);
% disp('Click anywhere on the surface, then hit return')
% pause
% [p v vi face facei] = select3d;
% marker1 = line('xdata',p(1),'ydata',p(2),'zdata',p(3),'marker','o',...
% 'erasemode','xor','markerfacecolor','k');
% marker2 = line('xdata',v(1),'ydata',v(2),'zdata',v(3),'marker','o',...
% 'erasemode','xor','markerfacecolor','k');
% marker2 = line('erasemode','xor','xdata',face(1,:),'ydata',face(2,:),...
% 'zdata',face(3,:),'linewidth',10);
% disp(sprintf('\nYou clicked at\nX: %.2f\nY: %.2f\nZ: %.2f',p(1),p(2),p(3)'))
% disp(sprintf('\nThe nearest vertex is\nX: %.2f\nY: %.2f\nZ: %.2f',v(1),v(2),v(3)'))
% Version 1.2 2-15-02
% Copyright Joe Conti 2002
% Send comments to jconti@mathworks.com
% See also GINPUT, GCO.
% Output variables
pout = [];
vout = [];
viout = [];
facevout = [];
faceiout = [];
% other variables
ERRMSG = 'Input argument must be a valid graphics handle';
isline = logical(0);
isperspective = logical(0);
% Parse input arguments
if nargin<1
obj = gco;
if isempty(obj) | ~ishandle(obj) | length(obj)~=1
% if obj is a figure
if strcmp(get(obj,'type'),'figure')
fig = obj;
ax = get(fig,'currentobject');
currobj = get(fig,'currentobject');
% bail out if not a child of the axes
if ~strcmp(get(get(currobj,'parent'),'type'),'axes')
% if obj is an axes
elseif strcmp(get(obj,'type'),'axes')
ax = obj;
fig = get(ax,'parent');
currobj = get(fig,'currentobject');
currax = get(currobj,'parent');
% Bail out if current object is under an unspecified axes
if ~isequal(ax,currax)
% if obj is child of axes
elseif strcmp(get(get(obj,'parent'),'type'),'axes')
currobj = obj;
ax = get(obj,'parent');
fig = get(ax,'parent');
% Bail out
axchild = currobj;
obj_type = get(axchild,'type');
is_perspective = strcmp(get(ax,'projection'),'perspective');
%% Get projection transformation %%
% syntax not supported in old versions of MATLAB
[a b] = view(ax);
xform = viewmtx(a,b);
if is_perspective
warning(sprintf('%s does not support perspective axes projection.',mfilename));
d = norm(camtarget(ax)-campos(ax))
P = [1 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0;
0 0 1 0;
0 0 -1/d 1];
xform = P*xform;
%% Get vertex, face, and current point data %%
cp = get(ax,'currentpoint')';
% If surface object
if strcmp(obj_type,'surface')
% Get surface face and vertices
fv = surf2patch(axchild);
vert = fv.vertices;
faces = fv.faces;
% If patch object
elseif strcmp(obj_type,'patch')
vert = get(axchild,'vertices');
faces = get(axchild,'faces');
% If line object
elseif strcmp(obj_type,'line')
xdata = get(axchild,'xdata');
ydata = get(axchild,'ydata');
zdata = get(axchild,'zdata');
vert = [xdata', ydata',zdata'];
faces = [];
isline = logical(1);
% Ignore all other objects
% Add z if empty
if size(vert,2)==2
vert(:,3) = zeros(size(vert(:,2)));
if isline
zdata = vert(:,3);
% NaN and Inf check
nan_inf_test1 = isnan(faces) | isinf(faces);
nan_inf_test2 = isnan(vert) | isinf(vert);
if any(nan_inf_test1(:)) | any(nan_inf_test2(:))
warning(sprintf('%s does not support NaNs or Infs in face/vertex data.',mfilename));
%% Normalize for data aspect ratio %%
dar = get(ax,'DataAspectRatio');
ncp(1,:) = cp(1,:)./dar(1);
ncp(2,:) = cp(2,:)./dar(2);
ncp(3,:) = cp(3,:)./dar(3);
ncp(4,:) = ones(size(ncp(3,:)));
nvert(:,1) = vert(:,1)./dar(1);
nvert(:,2) = vert(:,2)./dar(2);
nvert(:,3) = vert(:,3)./dar(3);
nvert(:,4) = ones(size(nvert(:,3)));
%% Transform data to view space %%
xvert = xform*nvert';
xcp = xform*ncp;
if is_perspective % normalize 4th dimension
xcp(1,:) = xcp(1,:)./xcp(4,:);
xcp(2,:) = xcp(2,:)./xcp(4,:);
xcp(3,:) = xcp(3,:)./xcp(4,:);
xcp(4,:) = xcp(4,:)./xcp(4,:);
xvert(1,:) = xvert(1,:)./xvert(4,:);
xvert(2,:) = xvert(2,:)./xvert(4,:);
xvert(3,:) = xvert(3,:)./xvert(4,:);
xvert(4,:) = xvert(4,:)./xvert(4,:);
% Ignore 3rd & 4th dimensions for crossing test
xvert(4,:) = [];
xvert(3,:) = [];
xcp(4,:) = [];
xcp(3,:) = [];
% For debugging
% if 0
% ax1 = getappdata(ax,'testselect3d');
% if isempty(ax1) | ~ishandle(ax1)
% fig = figure;
% ax1 = axes;
% axis(ax1,'equal');
% setappdata(ax,'testselect3d',ax1);
% end
% cla(ax1);
% patch('parent',ax1,'faces',faces,'vertices',xvert','facecolor','none','edgecolor','k');
% line('parent',ax1,'xdata',xcp(1,2),'ydata',xcp(2,2),'zdata',0,'marker','o','markerfacecolor','r','erasemode','xor');
% end
% Translate vertices so that the selection point is at the origin.
xvert(1,:) = xvert(1,:) - xcp(1,2);
xvert(2,:) = xvert(2,:) - xcp(2,2);
%% simple algorithm (almost naive algorithm!) for line objects %%
if isline
% Ignoring line width and marker attributes, find closest
% vertex in 2-D view space.
d = xvert(1,:).*xvert(1,:) + xvert(2,:).*xvert(2,:);
[val i] = min(d);
i = i(1); % enforce only one output
% Assign output
vout = [ xdata(i) ydata(i) zdata(i)];
viout = i;
return % Bail out early
%% Perform 2-D crossing test (Jordan Curve Theorem) %%
% Find all vertices that have y components less than zero
vert_with_negative_y = zeros(size(faces));
face_y_vert = xvert(2,faces);
ind_vert_with_negative_y = find(face_y_vert<0);
vert_with_negative_y(ind_vert_with_negative_y) = logical(1);
% Find all the line segments that span the x axis
is_line_segment_spanning_x = abs(diff([vert_with_negative_y, vert_with_negative_y(:,1)],1,2));
% Find all the faces that have line segments that span the x axis
ind_is_face_spanning_x = find(any(is_line_segment_spanning_x,2));
% Ignore data that doesn't span the x axis
candidate_faces = faces(ind_is_face_spanning_x,:);
vert_with_negative_y = vert_with_negative_y(ind_is_face_spanning_x,:);
is_line_segment_spanning_x = is_line_segment_spanning_x(ind_is_face_spanning_x,:);
% Create line segment arrays
pt1 = candidate_faces;
pt2 = [candidate_faces(:,2:end), candidate_faces(:,1)];
% Point 1
x1 = reshape(xvert(1,pt1),size(pt1));
y1 = reshape(xvert(2,pt1),size(pt1));
% Point 2
x2 = reshape(xvert(1,pt2),size(pt2));
y2 = reshape(xvert(2,pt2),size(pt2));
% Cross product of vector to origin with line segment
cross_product_test = -x1.*(y2-y1) > -y1.*(x2-x1);
% Find all line segments that cross the positive x axis
crossing_test = (cross_product_test==vert_with_negative_y) & is_line_segment_spanning_x;
% If the number of line segments is odd, then we intersected the polygon
s = sum(crossing_test,2);
s = mod(s,2);
ind_intersection_test = find(s~=0);
% Bail out early if no faces were hit
if isempty(ind_intersection_test)
%% Plane/ray intersection test %%
% Perform plane/ray intersection with the faces that passed
% the polygon intersection tests. Grab the only the first
% three vertices since that is all we need to define a plane).
% assuming planar polygons.
candidate_faces = candidate_faces(ind_intersection_test,1:3);
candidate_faces = reshape(candidate_faces',1,prod(size(candidate_faces)));
vert = vert';
candidate_facev = vert(:,candidate_faces);
candidate_facev = reshape(candidate_facev,3,3,length(ind_intersection_test));
% Get three contiguous vertices along polygon
v1 = squeeze(candidate_facev(:,1,:));
v2 = squeeze(candidate_facev(:,2,:));
v3 = squeeze(candidate_facev(:,3,:));
% Get normal to face plane
vec1 = [v2-v1];
vec2 = [v3-v2];
crs = cross(vec1,vec2);
mag = sqrt(sum(crs.*crs));
nplane(1,:) = crs(1,:)./mag;
nplane(2,:) = crs(2,:)./mag;
nplane(3,:) = crs(3,:)./mag;
% Compute intersection between plane and ray
cp1 = cp(:,1);
cp2 = cp(:,2);
d = cp2-cp1;
dp = dot(-nplane,v1);
%A = dot(nplane,d);
A(1,:) = nplane(1,:).*d(1);
A(2,:) = nplane(2,:).*d(2);
A(3,:) = nplane(3,:).*d(3);
A = sum(A,1);
%B = dot(nplane,pt1)
B(1,:) = nplane(1,:).*cp1(1);
B(2,:) = nplane(2,:).*cp1(2);
B(3,:) = nplane(3,:).*cp1(3);
B = sum(B,1);
% Distance to intersection point
t = (-dp-B)./A;
% Find "best" distance (smallest)
[tbest ind_best] = min(t);
% Determine intersection point
pout = cp1 + tbest .* d;
%% Assign additional output variables %%
if nargout>1
% Get face index and vertices
faceiout = ind_is_face_spanning_x(ind_intersection_test(ind_best));
facevout = vert(:,faces(faceiout,:));
% Determine index of closest face vertex intersected
facexv = xvert(:,faces(faceiout,:));
dist = sqrt(facexv(1,:).*facexv(1,:) + facexv(2,:).*facexv(2,:));
min_dist = min(dist);
min_index = find(dist==min_dist);
% Get closest vertex index and vertex
viout = faces(faceiout,min_index);
vout = vert(:,viout);
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