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(PublicToolbox/Sphere_Tessellation/sphere_tri.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))

Function Synopsis

[FV] = sphere_tri(shape,maxlevel,r,winding)

Help Text

 sphere_tri - generate a triangle mesh approximating a sphere
 Usage: FV = sphere_tri(shape,Nrecurse,r,winding)
   shape is a string, either of the following:
   'ico'   starts with icosahedron (most even, default)
   'oct'   starts with octahedron
   'tetra' starts with tetrahedron (least even)

   Nrecurse is int >= 0, setting the recursions (default 0)

   r is the radius of the sphere (default 1)

   winding is 0 for clockwise, 1 for counterclockwise (default 0).  The
   matlab patch command gives outward surface normals for clockwise
   order of vertices in the faces (viewed from outside the surface).

   FV has fields FV.vertices and FV.faces.  The vertices 
   are listed in clockwise order in FV.faces, as viewed 
   from the outside in a RHS coordinate system.
 The function uses recursive subdivision.  The first
 approximation is an platonic solid, either an  icosahedron,
 octahedron or a tetrahedron.  Each level of refinement 
 subdivides each triangle face by a factor of 4 (see also 
 mesh_refine).  At each refinement, the vertices are 
 projected to the sphere surface (see sphere_project).
 A recursion level of 3 or 4 is a good sphere surface, if
 gouraud shading is used for rendering.
 The returned struct can be used in the patch command, eg:
 % create and plot, vertices: [2562x3] and faces: [5120x3]
 FV = sphere_tri('ico',4,1);
 lighting phong; shading interp; figure;
       'facecolor',[1 0 0],'edgecolor',[.2 .2 .6]);
 axis off; camlight infinite; camproj('perspective');
 See also: mesh_refine, sphere_project

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\Sphere_Tessellation\sphere_tri.m

function [FV] = sphere_tri(shape,maxlevel,r,winding)

% sphere_tri - generate a triangle mesh approximating a sphere
% Usage: FV = sphere_tri(shape,Nrecurse,r,winding)
%   shape is a string, either of the following:
%   'ico'   starts with icosahedron (most even, default)
%   'oct'   starts with octahedron
%   'tetra' starts with tetrahedron (least even)
%   Nrecurse is int >= 0, setting the recursions (default 0)
%   r is the radius of the sphere (default 1)
%   winding is 0 for clockwise, 1 for counterclockwise (default 0).  The
%   matlab patch command gives outward surface normals for clockwise
%   order of vertices in the faces (viewed from outside the surface).
%   FV has fields FV.vertices and FV.faces.  The vertices 
%   are listed in clockwise order in FV.faces, as viewed 
%   from the outside in a RHS coordinate system.
% The function uses recursive subdivision.  The first
% approximation is an platonic solid, either an  icosahedron,
% octahedron or a tetrahedron.  Each level of refinement 
% subdivides each triangle face by a factor of 4 (see also 
% mesh_refine).  At each refinement, the vertices are 
% projected to the sphere surface (see sphere_project).
% A recursion level of 3 or 4 is a good sphere surface, if
% gouraud shading is used for rendering.
% The returned struct can be used in the patch command, eg:
% % create and plot, vertices: [2562x3] and faces: [5120x3]
% FV = sphere_tri('ico',4,1);
% lighting phong; shading interp; figure;
% patch('vertices',FV.vertices,'faces',FV.faces,...
%       'facecolor',[1 0 0],'edgecolor',[.2 .2 .6]);
% axis off; camlight infinite; camproj('perspective');
% See also: mesh_refine, sphere_project

% $Revision: 1 $ $Date: 5/20/04 3:58p $

% Licence:  GNU GPL, no implied or express warranties
% Jon Leech (leech @ cs.unc.edu) 3/24/89
% icosahedral code added by Jim Buddenhagen (jb1556@daditz.sbc.com) 5/93
% 06/2002, adapted from c to matlab by Darren.Weber_at_radiology.ucsf.edu
% 05/2004, reorder of the faces for the 'ico' surface so they are indeed
% clockwise!  Now the surface normals are directed outward.  Also reset the
% default recursions to zero, so we can get out just the platonic solids.

if ~exist('shape','var') || isempty(shape),
    shape = 'ico';
fprintf('...creating sphere tesselation based on %s\n',shape);

% default maximum subdivision level
if ~exist('maxlevel','var') || isempty(maxlevel) || maxlevel < 0,
    maxlevel = 0;

% default radius
if ~exist('r','var') || isempty(r),
    r = 1;

if ~exist('winding','var') || isempty(winding),
    winding = 0;

% -----------------
% define the starting shapes

shape = lower(shape);

switch shape,
case 'tetra',
    % Vertices of a tetrahedron
    sqrt_3 = 0.5773502692;
    tetra.v = [  sqrt_3,  sqrt_3,  sqrt_3 ;   % +X, +Y, +Z  - PPP
                -sqrt_3, -sqrt_3,  sqrt_3 ;   % -X, -Y, +Z  - MMP
                -sqrt_3,  sqrt_3, -sqrt_3 ;   % -X, +Y, -Z  - MPM
                 sqrt_3, -sqrt_3, -sqrt_3 ];  % +X, -Y, -Z  - PMM
    % Structure describing a tetrahedron
    tetra.f = [ 1, 2, 3;
                1, 4, 2;
                3, 2, 4;
                4, 1, 3 ];
    FV.vertices = tetra.v;
    FV.faces    = tetra.f;
case 'oct',
    % Six equidistant points lying on the unit sphere
    oct.v = [  1,  0,  0 ;  %  X
              -1,  0,  0 ;     % -X
               0,  1,  0 ;  %  Y
               0, -1,  0 ;     % -Y
               0,  0,  1 ;     %  Z
               0,  0, -1 ];    % -Z
    % Join vertices to create a unit octahedron
    oct.f = [ 1 5 3 ;    %  X  Z  Y  -  First the top half
              3 5 2 ;    %  Y  Z -X
              2 5 4 ;    % -X  Z -Y
              4 5 1 ;    % -Y  Z  X
              1 3 6 ;    %  X  Y -Z  -  Now the bottom half
              3 2 6 ;    %  Y  Z -Z
              2 4 6 ;    % -X  Z -Z
              4 1 6 ];   % -Y  Z -Z
    FV.vertices = oct.v;
    FV.faces    = oct.f;
case 'ico',
    % Twelve vertices of icosahedron on unit sphere
    tau = 0.8506508084; % t=(1+sqrt(5))/2, tau=t/sqrt(1+t^2)
    one = 0.5257311121; % one=1/sqrt(1+t^2) , unit sphere
    ico.v( 1,:) = [  tau,  one,    0 ]; % ZA
    ico.v( 2,:) = [ -tau,  one,    0 ]; % ZB
    ico.v( 3,:) = [ -tau, -one,    0 ]; % ZC
    ico.v( 4,:) = [  tau, -one,    0 ]; % ZD
    ico.v( 5,:) = [  one,   0 ,  tau ]; % YA
    ico.v( 6,:) = [  one,   0 , -tau ]; % YB
    ico.v( 7,:) = [ -one,   0 , -tau ]; % YC
    ico.v( 8,:) = [ -one,   0 ,  tau ]; % YD
    ico.v( 9,:) = [   0 ,  tau,  one ]; % XA
    ico.v(10,:) = [   0 , -tau,  one ]; % XB
    ico.v(11,:) = [   0 , -tau, -one ]; % XC
    ico.v(12,:) = [   0 ,  tau, -one ]; % XD
    % Structure for unit icosahedron
    ico.f = [  5,  8,  9 ;
               5, 10,  8 ;
               6, 12,  7 ;
               6,  7, 11 ;
               1,  4,  5 ;
               1,  6,  4 ;
               3,  2,  8 ;
               3,  7,  2 ;
               9, 12,  1 ;
               9,  2, 12 ;
              10,  4, 11 ;
              10, 11,  3 ;
               9,  1,  5 ;
              12,  6,  1 ;
               5,  4, 10 ;
               6, 11,  4 ;
               8,  2,  9 ;
               7, 12,  2 ;
               8, 10,  3 ;
               7,  3, 11 ];
    FV.vertices = ico.v;
    FV.faces    = ico.f;

% -----------------
% refine the starting shapes with subdivisions
if maxlevel,
    % Subdivide each starting triangle (maxlevel) times
    for level = 1:maxlevel,
        % Subdivide each triangle and normalize the new points thus
        % generated to lie on the surface of a sphere radius r.
        FV = mesh_refine_tri4(FV);
        FV.vertices = sphere_project(FV.vertices,r);
        % An alternative might be to define a min distance
        % between vertices and recurse or use fminsearch

if winding,
    fprintf('...returning counterclockwise vertex order (viewed from outside)\n');
    FV.faces = FV.faces(:,[1 3 2]);
    fprintf('...returning clockwise vertex order (viewed from outside)\n');


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