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(PublicToolbox/regutools/deriv2.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))
Function Synopsis
[A,b,x] = deriv2(n,case)
Help Text
DERIV2 Test problem: computation of the second derivative.
[A,b,x] = deriv2(n,case)
This is a mildly ill-posed problem. It is a discretization of a
first kind Fredholm integral equation whose kernel K is the
Green's function for the second derivative:
K(s,t) = | s(t-1) , s < t .
| t(s-1) , s >= t
Both integration intervals are [0,1], and as right-hand side g
and correspond solution f one can choose between the following:
case = 1 : g(s) = (s^3 - s)/6 , f(t) = t
case = 2 : g(s) = exp(s) + (1-e)s - 1 , f(t) = exp(t)
case = 3 : g(s) = | (4s^3 - 3s)/24 , s < 0.5
| (-4s^3 + 12s^2 - 9s + 1)/24 , s >= 0.5
f(t) = | t , t < 0.5
| 1-t , t >= 0.5
Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\deriv2.m
function [A,b,x] = deriv2(n,case)
%DERIV2 Test problem: computation of the second derivative.
% [A,b,x] = deriv2(n,case)
% This is a mildly ill-posed problem. It is a discretization of a
% first kind Fredholm integral equation whose kernel K is the
% Green's function for the second derivative:
% K(s,t) = | s(t-1) , s < t .
% | t(s-1) , s >= t
% Both integration intervals are [0,1], and as right-hand side g
% and correspond solution f one can choose between the following:
% case = 1 : g(s) = (s^3 - s)/6 , f(t) = t
% case = 2 : g(s) = exp(s) + (1-e)s - 1 , f(t) = exp(t)
% case = 3 : g(s) = | (4s^3 - 3s)/24 , s < 0.5
% | (-4s^3 + 12s^2 - 9s + 1)/24 , s >= 0.5
% f(t) = | t , t < 0.5
% | 1-t , t >= 0.5
% References. The first two examples are from L. M. Delves & J. L.
% Mohamed, "Computational Methods for Integral Equations", Cambridge
% University Press, 1985; p. 310. The third example is from A. K.
% Louis & P. Maass, "A mollifier method for linear operator equations
% of the first kind", Inverse Problems 6 (1990), 427-440.
% Discretized by Galerkin method with orthonormal box functions.
% Per Christian Hansen, UNI-C, 05/28/93.
% Initialization.
if (nargin==1), case = 1; end
h = 1/n; sqh = sqrt(h); h32 = h*sqh; h2 = h^2; sqhi = 1/sqh;
t = 2/3; A = zeros(n,n);
% Compute the matrix A.
for i=1:n
A(i,i) = h2*((i^2 - i + 0.25)*h - (i - t));
for j=1:i-1
A(i,j) = h2*(j-0.5)*((i-0.5)*h-1);
A = A + tril(A,-1)';
% Compute the right-hand side vector b.
if (nargout>1)
b = zeros(n,1);
if (case==1)
for i=1:n
b(i) = h32*(i-0.5)*((i^2 + (i-1)^2)*h2/2 - 1)/6;
elseif (case==2)
ee = 1 - exp(1);
for i=1:n
b(i) = sqhi*(exp(i*h) - exp((i-1)*h) + ee*(i-0.5)*h2 - h);
elseif (case==3)
if (rem(n,2)~=0), error('Order n must be even'), else
for i=1:n/2
s12 = (i*h)^2; s22 = ((i-1)*h)^2;
b(i) = sqhi*(s12 + s22 - 1.5)*(s12 - s22)/24;
for i=n/2+1:n
s1 = i*h; s12 = s1^2; s2 = (i-1)*h; s22 = s2^2;
b(i) = sqhi*(-(s12+s22)*(s12-s22) + 4*(s1^3 - s2^3) - ...
4.5*(s12 - s22) + h)/24;
error('Illegal value of case')
% Compute the solution vector x.
if (nargout==3)
x = zeros(n,1);
if (case==1)
for i=1:n, x(i) = h32*(i-0.5); end
for i=1:n, x(i) = sqhi*(exp(i*h) - exp((i-1)*h)); end
for i=1:n/2, x(i) = sqhi*((i*h)^2 - ((i-1)*h)^2)/2; end
for i=n/2+1:n, x(i) = sqhi*(h - ((i*h)^2 - ((i-1)*h)^2)/2); end
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