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(PublicToolbox/regutools/gsvd.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))
Function Synopsis
[U,V,sm,X] = gsvd(A,L)
Help Text
GSVD Generalized SVD of a matrix pair.
sm = gsvd(A,L)
[U,V,sm,X] = gsvd(A,L) , sm = [sigma,mu]
Computes the generalized SVD of the matrix pair (A,L):
[ A ] = [ U 0 ]*[ diag(sigma) 0 ]*inv(X)
[ L ] [ 0 V ] [ 0 eye(n-p) ]
[ diag(mu) 0 ]
U is m-by-n , sigma is p-by-1
V is p-by-p , mu is p-by-1
X is n-by-n .
It is assumed that m >= n >= p .
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls
- csd C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\csd.m
This function is called by
- regudemo C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\regudemo.m
Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\gsvd.m
function [U,V,sm,X] = gsvd(A,L)
%GSVD Generalized SVD of a matrix pair.
% sm = gsvd(A,L)
% [U,V,sm,X] = gsvd(A,L) , sm = [sigma,mu]
% Computes the generalized SVD of the matrix pair (A,L):
% [ A ] = [ U 0 ]*[ diag(sigma) 0 ]*inv(X)
% [ L ] [ 0 V ] [ 0 eye(n-p) ]
% [ diag(mu) 0 ]
% where
% U is m-by-n , sigma is p-by-1
% V is p-by-p , mu is p-by-1
% X is n-by-n .
% It is assumed that m >= n >= p .
% Reference: C. F. Van Loan, "Computing the CS and the generalized
% singular value decomposition", Numer. Math. 46 (1985), 479-491.
% Per Christian Hansen, UNI-C, 06/22/93.
% Initialization.
[m,n] = size(A); [p,n1] = size(L);
if (n1 ~= n | m < n | n < p) % orginal
error('Incorrect dimensions of A and L')
% Compute the GSVD in compact form via the CS decomposition.
[Q,d,X] = svd([full(A);full(L)]); Q = Q(:,1:n); d = diag(d);
if (nargout > 1)
[U,V,sm,Z] = csd(Q(1:m,:),Q(m+1:m+p,:));
if (nargout==4)
for j=1:n, X(:,j) = X(:,j)/d(j); end
X = X*Z;
U = csd(Q(1:m,:),Q(m+1:m+p,:));
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