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(PublicToolbox/regutools/ilaplace.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))
Function Synopsis
[A,b,x] = ilaplace(n,example)
Help Text
ILAPLACE Test problem: inverse Laplace transformation.
[A,b,x] = ilaplace(n,example)
Discretization of the inverse Laplace transformation by means of
Gauss-Laguerre quadrature. The kernel K is given by
K(s,t) = exp(-s*t) ,
and both integration intervals are [0,inf).
The following examples are implemented, where f denotes
the solution, and g denotes the right-hand side:
1: f(t) = exp(-t/2), g(s) = 1/(s + 0.5)
2: f(t) = 1 - exp(-t/2), g(s) = 1/s - 1/(s + 0.5)
3: f(t) = t^2*exp(-t/2), g(s) = 2/(s + 0.5)^3
4: f(t) = | 0 , t <= 2, g(s) = exp(-2*s)/s.
| 1 , t > 2
Cross-Reference Information
This function is called by
- regudemo C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\regudemo.m
Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\ilaplace.m
function [A,b,x] = ilaplace(n,example)
%ILAPLACE Test problem: inverse Laplace transformation.
% [A,b,x] = ilaplace(n,example)
% Discretization of the inverse Laplace transformation by means of
% Gauss-Laguerre quadrature. The kernel K is given by
% K(s,t) = exp(-s*t) ,
% and both integration intervals are [0,inf).
% The following examples are implemented, where f denotes
% the solution, and g denotes the right-hand side:
% 1: f(t) = exp(-t/2), g(s) = 1/(s + 0.5)
% 2: f(t) = 1 - exp(-t/2), g(s) = 1/s - 1/(s + 0.5)
% 3: f(t) = t^2*exp(-t/2), g(s) = 2/(s + 0.5)^3
% 4: f(t) = | 0 , t <= 2, g(s) = exp(-2*s)/s.
% | 1 , t > 2
% Reference: J. M. Varah, "Pitfalls in the numerical solution of linear
% ill-posed problems", SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 4 (1983), 164-176.
% Per Christian Hansen, UNI-C, 09/18/92.
% Initialization.
if (n <= 0), error('The order n must be positive'); end
if (nargin == 1), example = 1; end
% Compute equidistand collocation points s.
s = (10/n)*[1:n]';
% Compute abscissas t and weights w from the eigensystem of the
% symmetric tridiagonal system derived from the recurrence
% relation for the Laguerre polynomials. Sorting of the
% eigenvalues and -vectors is necessary.
t = diag(2*[1:n]-1) - diag([1:n-1],1) - diag([1:n-1],-1);
[Q,t] = eig(t); t = diag(t); [t,indx] = sort(t);
w = Q(1,indx).^2; Q = [];
% Set up the coefficient matrix A.
A = zeros(n,n);
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
A(i,j) = (1-s(i))*t(j);
A = exp(A)*diag(w);
% Compute the right-hand side b and the solution x by means of
% simple collocation.
if (example==1)
b = ones(n,1)./(s + .5);
x = exp(-t/2);
elseif (example==2)
b = ones(n,1)./s - ones(n,1)./(s + .5);
x = ones(n,1) - exp(-t/2);
elseif (example==3)
b = 2*ones(n,1)./((s + .5).^3);
x = (t.^2).*exp(-t/2);
elseif (example==4)
b = exp(-2*s)./s;
x = ones(n,1); f = find(t<=2); x(f) = zeros(length(f),1);
error('Illegal example')
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