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(PublicToolbox/regutools/lsqr.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))

Function Synopsis

[X,rho,eta,F] = lsqr(A,b,k,reorth,s)

Help Text

LSQR Solution of least squares problems by Lanczos bidiagonalization.

 [X,rho,eta,F] = lsqr(A,b,k,reorth,s)

 Performs k steps of the LSQR Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm
 applied to the system
    min || A x - b || .
 The routine returns all k solutions, stored as columns of
 the matrix X.  The solution norm and residual norm are returned
 in eta and rho, respectively.

 If the singular values s are also provided, lsqr computes the
 filter factors associated with each step and stores them columnwise
 in the matrix F.

 Reorthogonalization is controlled by means of reorth:
    reorth = 0 : no reorthogonalization (default),
    reorth = 1 : reorthogonalization by means of MGS,
    reorth = 2 : Householder-reorthogonalization.

Cross-Reference Information

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Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\lsqr.m

function [X,rho,eta,F] = lsqr(A,b,k,reorth,s)
%LSQR Solution of least squares problems by Lanczos bidiagonalization.
% [X,rho,eta,F] = lsqr(A,b,k,reorth,s)
% Performs k steps of the LSQR Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm
% applied to the system
%    min || A x - b || .
% The routine returns all k solutions, stored as columns of
% the matrix X.  The solution norm and residual norm are returned
% in eta and rho, respectively.
% If the singular values s are also provided, lsqr computes the
% filter factors associated with each step and stores them columnwise
% in the matrix F.
% Reorthogonalization is controlled by means of reorth:
%    reorth = 0 : no reorthogonalization (default),
%    reorth = 1 : reorthogonalization by means of MGS,
%    reorth = 2 : Householder-reorthogonalization.

% Reference: C. C. Paige & M. A. Saunders, "LSQR: an algorithm for
% sparse linear equations and sparse least squares", ACM Trans.
% Math. Software 8 (1982), 43-71.

% Per Christian Hansen, UNI-C, 05/25/93.

% The fudge threshold is used to prevent filter factors from exploding.
fudge_thr = 1e-4;

% Initialization.
if (k < 1), error('Number of steps k must be positive'), end
if (nargin==3), reorth = 0; end
if (nargout==4 & nargin<5), error('Too few input arguments'), end
[m,n] = size(A); X = zeros(n,k);
if (reorth==0)
  UV = 0;
elseif (reorth==1)
  U = zeros(m,k); V = zeros(n,k); UV = 1;
elseif (reorth==2)
  if (k>=n), error('No. of iterations must satisfy k < n'), end
  UV = 0; HHU = zeros(m,k); HHV = zeros(n,k);
  HHalpha = zeros(1,k); HHbeta = HHalpha;
  error('Illegal reorth')
if (nargout > 1)
  eta = zeros(k,1); rho = eta;
  c2 = -1; s2 = 0; xnorm = 0; z = 0;
if (nargin==5)
  ls = length(s);
  F = zeros(ls,k); Fv = zeros(ls,1); Fw = Fv;
  s = s.^2;

% Prepare for LSQR iteration.
v = zeros(n,1); x = v; beta = norm(b); 
if (beta==0), error('Right-hand side must be nonzero'), end
if (reorth==2)
  [beta,HHbeta(1),HHU(:,1)] = gen_hh(b);
u = b/beta; if (UV), U(:,1) = u; end
r = A'*u; alpha = norm(r);
if (reorth==2)
  [alpha,HHalpha(1),HHV(:,1)] = gen_hh(r);
v = r/alpha; if (UV), V(:,1) = v; end
phi_bar = beta; rho_bar = alpha; w = v;
if (nargin==5), Fv = s/(alpha*beta); Fw = Fv; end

% Perform Lanczos bidiagonalization with/without reorthogonalization.
for i=2:k+1

  alpha_old = alpha; beta_old = beta;

  % Compute A*v - alpha*u.
  p = A*v - alpha*u;
  if (reorth==0)
    beta = norm(p); u = p/beta;
  elseif (reorth==1)
    for j=1:i-1, p = p - (U(:,j)'*p)*U(:,j); end
    beta = norm(p); u = p/beta;
    for j=1:i-1
      p(j:m) = app_hh(p(j:m),HHbeta(j),HHU(j:m,j));
    [beta,HHbeta(i),HHU(i:m,i)] = gen_hh(p(i:m));
    u = zeros(m,1); u(i) = 1;
    for j=i:-1:1
      u(j:m) = app_hh(u(j:m),HHbeta(j),HHU(j:m,j));

  % Compute A'*u - beta*v.
  r = A'*u - beta*v;
  if (reorth==0)
    alpha = norm(r); v = r/alpha;
  elseif (reorth==1)
    for j=1:i-1, r = r - (V(:,j)'*r)*V(:,j); end
    alpha = norm(r); v = r/alpha;
    for j=1:i-1
      r(j:n) = app_hh(r(j:n),HHalpha(j),HHV(j:n,j));
    [alpha,HHalpha(i),HHV(i:n,i)] = gen_hh(r(i:n));
    v = zeros(n,1); v(i) = 1;
    for j=i:-1:1
      v(j:n) = app_hh(v(j:n),HHalpha(j),HHV(j:n,j));

  % Store U and V if necessary.
  if (UV), U(:,i) = u; V(:,i) = v; end

  % Construct and apply orthogonal transformation.
  rrho = pythag(rho_bar,beta); c1 = rho_bar/rrho;
  s1 = beta/rrho; theta = s1*alpha; rho_bar = -c1*alpha;
  phi = c1*phi_bar; phi_bar = s1*phi_bar;

  % Compute solution norm and residual norm if necessary;
  if (nargout > 1)
    delta = s2*rrho; gamma_bar = -c2*rrho; rhs = phi - delta*z;
    z_bar = rhs/gamma_bar; eta(i-1) = pythag(xnorm,z_bar);
    gamma = pythag(gamma_bar,theta);
    c2 = gamma_bar/gamma; s2 = theta/gamma;
    z = rhs/gamma; xnorm = pythag(xnorm,z);
    rho(i-1) = abs(phi_bar);

  % If required, compute the filter factors.
  if (nargin==5)

    if (i==2)
      Fv_old = Fv;
      Fv = Fv.*(s - beta^2 - alpha_old^2)/(alpha*beta);
      F(:,i-1) = (phi/rrho)*Fw;
      tmp = Fv;
      Fv = (Fv.*(s - beta^2 - alpha_old^2) - ...
      Fv_old = tmp;
      F(:,i-1) = F(:,i-2) + (phi/rrho)*Fw;
    if (i > 3)
      f = find(abs(F(:,i-2)-1) < fudge_thr & abs(F(:,i-3)-1) < fudge_thr);
      if (length(f) > 0), F(f,i-1) = ones(length(f),1); end
    Fw = Fv - (theta/rrho)*Fw;


  % Update the solution.
  x = x + (phi/rrho)*w; w = v - (theta/rrho)*w;
  X(:,i-1) = x;


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