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(PublicToolbox/regutools/std_form.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))
Function Synopsis
[A_s,b_s,L_p,K,M] = std_form(A,L,b,W)
Help Text
STD_FORM Transform a general-form reg. problem into one in standard form.
[A_s,b_s,L_p,K,M] = std_form(A,L,b) (method 1)
[A_s,b_s,L_p,x_0] = std_form(A,L,b,W) (method 2)
Transforms a regularization problem in general form
min { || A x - b ||^2 + lambda^2 || L x ||^2 }
into one in standard form
min { || A_s x_s - b_s ||^2 + lambda^2 || x_s ||^2 } .
Two methods are available. In both methods, the regularized
solution to the original problem can be written as
x = L_p*x_s + d
where L_p and d depend on the method as follows:
method = 1: L_p = pseudoinverse of L, d = K*M*(b - A*L_p*x_s)
method = 2: L_p = A-weighted pseudoinverse of L, d = x_0.
The transformation from x_s back to x can be carried out by means
of the subroutine gen_form.
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls
- nu C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\nu.m
- pinit C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\pinit.m
Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\std_form.m
function [A_s,b_s,L_p,K,M] = std_form(A,L,b,W)
%STD_FORM Transform a general-form reg. problem into one in standard form.
% [A_s,b_s,L_p,K,M] = std_form(A,L,b) (method 1)
% [A_s,b_s,L_p,x_0] = std_form(A,L,b,W) (method 2)
% Transforms a regularization problem in general form
% min { || A x - b ||^2 + lambda^2 || L x ||^2 }
% into one in standard form
% min { || A_s x_s - b_s ||^2 + lambda^2 || x_s ||^2 } .
% Two methods are available. In both methods, the regularized
% solution to the original problem can be written as
% x = L_p*x_s + d
% where L_p and d depend on the method as follows:
% method = 1: L_p = pseudoinverse of L, d = K*M*(b - A*L_p*x_s)
% method = 2: L_p = A-weighted pseudoinverse of L, d = x_0.
% The transformation from x_s back to x can be carried out by means
% of the subroutine gen_form.
% References: L. Elden, "Algorithms for regularization of ill-
% conditioned least-squares problems", BIT 17 (1977), 134-145.
% L. Elden, "A weighted pseudoinverse, generalized singular values,
% and constrained lest squares problems", BIT 22 (1982), 487-502.
% M. Hanke, "Regularization with differential operators. An itera-
% tive approach", J. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 13 (1992), 523-540.
% Per Christian Hansen, UNI-C, 05/26/93.
% Nargin determines which method.
if (nargin==3)
% Initialization for method 1.
[m,n] = size(A); [p,np] = size(L);
if (np~=n), error('A and L must have the same number of columns'), end
% Special treatment of the case where L is square.
if (p==n)
L_p = inv(L); K = []; M = []; A_s = A/L; b_s = b;
% Compute a QR factorization of L'.
[K,R] = qr(full(L')); R = R(1:p,:);
% Compute a QR factorization of A*K(:,p+1:n)).
[H,T] = qr(A*K(:,p+1:n)); T = T(1:n-p,:);
% Compute the transformed quantities.
L_p = (R\(K(:,1:p)'))';
K = K(:,p+1:n);
M = T\(H(:,1:n-p)');
A_s = H(:,n-p+1:m)'*A*L_p;
b_s = H(:,n-p+1:m)'*b;
% Initialization for method 2.
[m,n] = size(A); [p,nl] = size(L); nu = n-p;
if (nl~=n), error('A and L must have the same number of columns'), end
% Special treatment of the case where L is square.
if (p==n)
L_p = inv(L); A_s = A/L; b_s = b;
x_0 = zeros(n,1); K = x_0; % Fix output name.
% Compute NAA and x_0;
[NAA,x_0] = pinit(W,A,b);
b_s = b - A*x_0;
% Compute the transformed quantities.
L1 = inv([[eye(nu),zeros(nu,p)];L]); L1 = full(L1(:,nu+1:n));
L_p = L1 - W*(NAA*L1);
A_s = A*L_p;
% Fix output name.
K = x_0;
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