
This is an executable file that prepares several matrices used in plotting a bagplot. This file must be executed in the current directory. It will create three files (interpol.dat, datatyp.dat and tukmed.dat) that are then used in the bagplot.m function

Input Arguments:

You must run bagmat.exe in the current directory. To run from the MATLAB command line, use:
! bagmat

and hit RETURN. You will see a blank line at the command window, but no text and no MATLAB command line symbol. Type the name of the data file and hit return. (The data file must be ascii and contain one observation per line.) Next type in the number of observations and hit return.

Output Arguments:

Three files are created in the current directory: interpol.dat, datatyp.dat and tukmed.dat


Step 1: !bagmat
Step 2: type name of data file - hit return
Step 3: type number of observations - hit return


Rousseeuw, P, J., I. Ruts, and J. W. Tukey. 1999. “The bagplot: A bivariate boxplot,” The American Statistician, 53:382-387.

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