
Convert data from column vector to a mesh-matrix representation

The mesh-matrices are filled columnwise, starting from the top left corner, with the elements from the corresponding column vectors. The exact (cX, cY, cZ) - (X, Y, Z) relationship being:

X(i,j) = cX(meshRows*(i-1)+j)

Y(i,j) = cY(meshRows*(i-1)+j)

Z(i,j) = cZ(meshRows*(i-1)+j)


[X, Y, Z] = gtm_r2m(cX, cY, cZ, meshRows, meshCols)
[X, Y] = gtm_r2m(cX, cY, meshRows, meshCols)
X = gtm_r2m(cX, meshRows, meshCols)


cX, cY, cZ - column vectors with x-, y-, and x-data respectively; N-by-1

meshRows, meshCols - number of rows and colmuns of the mesh matrices; meshRows*meshCols = N


X, Y, Z - mesh matrices; meshRows-by-meshCols

See also


The GTM Toolbox: Contents