Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling - Kruskal's Non-Metric MDS
Input Arguments:
- DISSIM is a vector of dissimilarities, containing the upper triangular part of an interpoint distance matrix,
similar to what one would get from PDIST.
- D is the dimensionality of the lower-dimensional space.
- R is the Minkowski metric. A value of R=1 gives the city-block distance, and R=2 yields the Euclidean.
Output Arguments:
- X is the observations in the d-dimensional space.
- STRESS is the value of the stress.
- DHAT is the disparaties.
Cox, Trevor F. and Michael A. A. Cox. 2001. Multidimensional Scaling, 2nd Edition, Boca Raton: Chapman
& Hall/CRC.
Kruskal, Joseph B. 1964a. “Multidimensional scaling by optimizing goodness of fit to a nonmetric hypothesis,”
Psychometrika, 29:1-27.
Kruskal, Joseph B. 1964b. “Nonmetric multidimensional scaling: A numerical method,” Psychometrika, 29:115-129.
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