Constructs a plotmatrix where each set of axes contains either Andrews' curves or parallel coordinate plots. This constructs a plotmatrix with p plots for an n by p matrix X.
% plotmatrixpara(X,classlabs) % Default colors, no title
% plotmatrixpara(X,classlabs,[],'My Plot') % Default colors, with title
% plotmatrixpara(X,classlabs,{'k','m'}) % No title, colors black and magenta are used
% plotmatrixandr(X,classlabs) % Default colors, no title
% plotmatrixandr(X,classlabs,[],'My Plot') % Default colors, with title
% plotmatrixandr(X,classlabs,{'k','m'}) % No title, colors black and magenta are used
Martinez and Martinez, Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB, CRC Press, 2004.