SOM Toolbox Help Desk

SOM Toolbox - Preprocessing GUI


Input parameters

sD (struct or vector of structs) 'som_data' -struct or vector of 'som_data' -structs


Preprocessing GUI for SOM Toolbox is a tool for manipulating 'som_data' -structs. GUI contains several preprocessing tools for data set.

Using GUI

Preprocessing GUI is shown in a Figure 1:

Figure 1. Preprocess

In the upper left corner under the text 'DATA SETS' is popup -menu that selects the current data set. Loading, saving and renaming is performed by opening a 'DATA SET MANAGEMENT' -gui using the button under this popup -menu. 'SELECTED DATA SET' -field contains information of the current data set.

Field 'COMPONENT LIST' contains the names of the components. Components for preprocessing can be chosen from this field by using the mouse. A discrete selection can be made by pressing <CTRL> -key during the selection.

Pushbuttons beside the 'COMPONENT LIST' -field visualize the chosen components.

On the right of the buttons is the field 'AVERAGE' which shows means of the selected vectors. The 'Relative Values' -axis shows relative statitistics of every components chosen vectors. The left limit if the axes is every components minimum and the right side maximum. Tha black lines shows interval containing values of the chosen vectors. The circles in the axis are the means of the chosen vectors and x -marks show show medians.

STATISTICS -field contains statistics of the current component, and in the HISTOGRAM -axis is the histogram of the current component. The current component is drawn in the axis, which is on the left side of the histogram. This axis also shows the selected vectors as red circles. The vector selections can be made by selecting regions from the axis. The SELECT ALL -button selects all vectors. The current component can be chosen from the popup -menu under the axis. It should be noticed that this selection has nothing to do with the preprocessing operations. It only selects the component to be shown in the three fields above the popup -menu.

The 'LOG' -field shows the results of the operation and the CLOSE -button closes the application.


Loading, saving and renaming data set can be done with the 'Data Set Management' -gui. DATA SET MANAGEMENT -button opens a following GUI:

Data Set Management
Figure 2. Data Set Management

Renaming data set is simple. The new name has to be written to the position where the current name is. This is also the case, when components are renamed. The RENAME -button beside the 'COMPONENTS' -field completes renaming components.

Data sets can be loaded from and saved to the workspace by using the arrow buttons. The variables in the workspace are shown under the 'WORKSPACE' -text and the data sets in the memory of the preprocess -tool are shown under the text 'DATA SETS'. The darkened data set is copied or saved.

'Data Set Management' -gui has 'Tools' -menu that contains the following operations:

Menus of the Preprocess -tool

Preprocess -tool contains the following menus: The 'Normalization' -menu contains the following functions:

The 'Components' -menu contains the following functions:

The 'Misc' -menu contains submenus and miscellanous operations.

The 'Calculate' -submenu contains the following operations:

The 'Process' -submenu contains the following operations:

The Clipping -gui

By selecting Clipping from the Misc/Processing opens the following gui:

Figure 3. Clipping

Clipping selects values of the chosen component by upper (Smaller than -field) and lower (Bigger than -field) limits and values that are equal to some value (Equal to -field). Values are combined by union- (OR -option) or intersect- (AND -option) operation and then replaced by the value given by user (Replace with -field). The filtering is performed by pushing Replace -button. If Among selected -option is used, the selection is made among the selected vectors, otherwise it is made among all vectors (All vectors -option). Close button closes this gui.

The Delay -gui

By selecting Delay from the Misc/Processing opens a following gui:

Figure 4. Delay

The Delay -field sets the length of the delay. If the Clip this -option is chosen, the number of the vectors of the data set stays the same. The values that don't match to any of the old vectors are clipped away from the component to be delayed. NaNs will be added to the empty places. If Clip all option is used, points where otherwise would be NaNs when used the former way, will be clipped away from all the components. Also, the number of vectors wii decrease. Expand all -option does not clip anything away from the component to be delayed. The number of vectors will increase and the new vectors will have NaNs everywhere else, but in the delayed component.

The Windowed gui

By selecting Windowed from the Misc/Processing opens a following gui:

Figure 5. Windowed

The length of operating window is set to the field Window length. The field containing options Centered, Previous or Next indicates whether the operational point of the window is in the middle (Centered), in the beginning (Next) or in the end (Previous).The four options in the middle of the gui (Mean, Median,Max,Min) indicates which operation is evaluated in the window. The rightmost options, whether the number of vectors of the data set increases (Expand) or stays the same (Clip).

The window is moved over the current component and the operation is evaluated in every point. The result of the operation is set to the operational point of the window.

The Select Vectors gui

By selecting Select Vectors from the Misc/Processing opens a following gui:

Select Vectors
Figure 5. Select Vectors
The Select Vectors -gui selects vectors in the same way as does the Clipping -gui. The difference is that it does only the selection part and does not replace values.

Select Vectors selects values of the chosen component by upper (Smaller than -field) and lower (Bigger than -field) limits and values that are equal to some value (Equal to -field). Values are combined by union (OR -option) or intersect (AND -option) - operation. If Among selected -option is used, the selection is made among the selected vectors, otherwise it is made among all vectors (All vectors -option). Vector indices that are given to the field Vectors are added to the selection. OK -button evaluates selection and Close -button closes this gui.

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