Automatically label to map/data structs based on given data/map.
sTo = som_autolabel(sTo, sFrom)
sTo = som_autolabel(sTo, sFrom, 'add')
sTo = som_autolabel(sTo, sFrom, 'freq')
sTo = som_autolabel(sTo, sFrom, 'vote')
sTo = som_autolabel(..., inds)
This function automatically labels given map/data struct based on an
already labelled data/map struct. Basically, the BMU of each vector in the
sFrom struct is found from among the vectors in sTo, and the vectors in
sFrom are added to the corresponding vector in the sTo struct. The actual
labels to add are selected based on the mode ('add', 'freq' or 'vote').
'add' : all labels from sFrom are added to sTo - even if there would
be multiple instances of the same label
'add1' : only one instance of each label is kept
'freq' : only one instance of each label is kept and '(#)', where
# is the frequency of the label, is added to the end of
the label. Labels are ordered according to frequency.
'vote' : only the label with most instances is added
Note that these operations do not effect the old labels of sTo: they
are left as they were.
NOTE: empty labels ('') are ignored.
Required input arguments
sTo (struct) data or map struct to which the labels are put
sFrom (struct) data or map struct from which the labels are taken
Optional input arguments
mode (string) The mode of operation: 'add' (default),
'add1', 'freq' or 'vote'
inds (vector) The columns of the '.labels' field in sFrom to be
used in operation
Output arguments
sTo (struct) the given data/map struct with modified labels
To label a trained map based on (labelled) training data, just do
sM = som_autolabel(sM,sD);
This operation is sometimes called "calibration" in the literature.
You can also do this the other way around: use a labelled map to
label a data set:
sD = som_autolabel(sD,sM);
If you only want a single instance of each label, use the 'freq' mode:
sM = som_autolabel(sM,sD,'freq');
If you already have labels in the struct, and want to perform 'freq' on
them, do the following:
sMtemp = som_label(sM,'clear','all'); % make a map struct with no labels
sM = som_autolabel(sMtemp,sM,'freq'); % add labels to it
The third mode 'vote' votes between the labels and only adds the one
which is most frequent. If two labels are equally frequent, one or the
other is chosen based on which appears first in the list.
sM = som_autolabel(sM,sD,'vote');
The lat argument is useful if you have specific labels in each column
of the '.labels' field. For example, the first column might be an
identifier, the next a typecode and the last a year. In this case, you
might want to label the map based only on the typecode:
sM = som_autolabel(sM,sD,'vote',2);
See also
| Give/remove labels from a map/data set.
| Find BMUs from the map for the given set of data vectors.
| Show map planes.
| Add for example labels to the SOM_SHOW visualization.