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Cd = som_cldist(D,clinds1,clinds2,cldist,q,mask)
SOM_CLDIST Distances between two clusters. Cd = som_cldist(Md,c1,c2,'single') Cd = som_cldist(Md,c1,c2,'average') Cd = som_cldist(Md,c1,c2,'complete') Cd = som_cldist(Md,c1,c2,'neighf',H) Cd = som_cldist(Md,c1,[],...) Cd = som_cldist(D,c1,c2,'centroid',q,mask) Cd = som_cldist(D,c1,c2,'ward',q,mask) Cd = som_cldist(D,c1,[],...) Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): D (matrix) size dlen x dim, the data set (struct) map or data struct Md (matrix) size dlen x dlen, mutual distance matrix, see SOM_MDIST c1 (cell array) size n1 x 1, indices of clusters from which the distances should be calculated, each cell contains indices of vectors that belong to that cluster (indices are between 1...dlen) c2 (cell array) size n2 x 1, same as c1 but have the clusters to which the distances should be calculated (empty) c1 is used in place of c2 [q] (scalar) distance norm, default = 2 [mask] (vector) size dim x 1, the weighting mask, a vector of ones by default H (matrix) size dlen x dlen, neighborhood function values Cd (matrix) size n1 x n2, distances between the clusters See also SOM_MDIST.