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colors=som_colorcode(m, colorcode, scaling)
SOM_COLORCODE Calculates a heuristic color coding for the SOM grid colors = som_colorcode(m, colorcode, scaling) Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): m (struct) map or topol struct (cell array) of form {str,[m1 m2]} where str = 'hexa' or 'rect' and [m1 m2] = msize (matrix) size N x 2, unit coordinates [colorcode] (string) 'rgb1' (default),'rgb2','rgb3','rgb4','hsv' [scaling] (scalar) 1=on (default), 0=off. Has effect only if m is a Nx2 matrix of coordinates: controls whether these are scaled to range [0,1] or not. colors (matrix) size N x 3, RGB colors for each unit (or point) The function gives a color coding by location for the map grid (or arbitrary set of points). Map grid coordinates are always linearly normalized to a unit square (x and y coordinates between [0,1]), except if m is a Nx2 matrix and scaling=0. In that case too, the coordinates must be in range [0,1]. Following heuristic color codings are available: 'rgb1' slice of RGB-cube so that green - yellow the corners have colors: | | blue - magenta 'rgb2' slice of RGB-cube so that red - yellow the corners have colors: | | blue - cyan 'rgb3' slice of RGB-cube so that mixed_green - orange the corners have colors: | | light_blue - pink 'rgb4' has 'rgb1' on the diagonal + additional colors in corners (more resolution but visually strongly discontinuous) 'hsv' angle and radius from map centre are coded by hue and intensity (more resoluton but visually discontinuous) See also SOM_CPLANE, SOM_SHOW, SOM_CLUSTERCOLOR, SOM_KMEANSCOLOR, SOM_BMUCOLOR.