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[h,Coord,Color,height] = som_dendrogram(Z,varargin)
SOM_DENDROGRAM Visualize a dendrogram. [Coord,Color,height] = som_dendrogram(Z, [[argID,] value, ...]) Z = som_linkage(sM); som_dendrogram(Z); som_dendrogram(Z,sM); som_dendrogram(Z,'coord',co); Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): Z (matrix) size n-1 x 1, the hierarchical cluster matrix returned by functions like LINKAGE and SOM_LINKAGE n is the number of original data samples. [argID, (string) See below. The values which are unambiguous can value] (varies) be given without the preceeding argID. h (vector) handle to the arc lines Coord (matrix) size 2*n-1 x {1,2}, the coordinates of the original data samples and cluster nodes used in the visualization Color (matrix) size 2*n-1 x 3, the colors of ... height (vector) size 2*n-1 x 1, the heights of ... Here are the valid argument IDs and corresponding values. The values which are unambiguous (marked with '*') can be given without the preceeding argID. 'data' *(struct) map or data struct: many other optional arguments require this (matrix) data matrix 'coord' (matrix) size n x 1 or n x 2, the coordinates of the original data samples either in 1D or 2D (matrix) size 2*n-1 x {1,2}, the coordinates of both original data samples and each cluster *(string) 'SOM', 'pca#', 'sammon#', or 'cca#': the coordinates are calculated using the given data and the required projection algorithm. The '#' at the end of projection algorithms refers to the desired output dimension and can be either 1 or 2 (2 by default). In case of 'SOM', the unit coordinates (given by SOM_VIS_COORDS) are used. 'color' (matrix) size n x 3, the color of the original data samples (matrix) size 2*n-1 x 3, the colors of both original data samples and each cluster (string) color specification, e.g. 'r.', used for each node 'height' (vector) size n-1 x 1, the heights used for each cluster (vector) size 2*n-1 x 1, the heights used for both original data samples and each cluster *(string) 'order', the order of combination determines height 'depth', the depth at which the combination happens determines height 'linecolor' (string) color specification for the arc color, 'k' by default (vector) size 1 x 3 See also SOM_LINKAGE, DENDROGRAM.