Undo normalizations of data structs/sets.
sS = som_denormalize(sS)
sS = som_denormalize(...,'argID',value,...);
sS = som_denormalize(...,value,...);
D = som_denormalize(D,sNorm)
This function is used to undo normalizations of data structs/sets. If a
data/map struct is given, all normalizations in the '.comp_norm' field are
undone and, thus, the values in the original data context are returned. If
a matrix is given, the normalizations to undo must be given as the second
argument. SOM_DENORMALIZE actually uses function SOM_NORM_VARIABLE to
handle the normalization operations, and only handles the data struct/set
specific stuff itself.
Normalizations are always one-variable operations. In the data and map
structs the normalization information for each component is saved in the
'.comp_norm' field, which is a cell array of length dim. Each cell
contains normalizations for one vector component in a
struct array of normalization structs. Each component may have different
amounts of different kinds of normalizations. Typically, all
normalizations are either 'undone' or 'done', but in special situations
this may not be the case. The easiest way to check out the status of the
normalizations is to use function SOM_INFO, e.g. som_info(sS,3)
Required input arguments
sS The data to which the denormalization is applied.
(struct) Data or map struct. The normalizations in the
'.comp_norm' field are undone for the specified
(matrix) Data matrix. The normalization to undo must be
given in the second argument.
Optional input arguments
argID (string) Argument identifier string (see below).
value (varies) Value for the argument (see below).
The optional arguments can be given as 'argID',value -pairs. If an
argument is given value multiple times, the last one is used. The
valid IDs and corresponding values are listed below. The values
which are unambiguous (marked with '*') can be given without the
preceeding argID.
sNorm *(struct) Normalization struct, or an array of structs, which
is undone for all specified components. If the
'.status' field of the struct(s) is 'uninit',
the undoing operation is interrupted - it cannot be
done. Alternatively, the struct may be map or
data struct in which case its '.comp_norm' field
is used (see the cell array option below).
*(cell array) In practice, the '.comp_norm' field of
a data/map struct. The length of the array
must be equal to the dimension of the given
data set (sS). Each cell contains the
normalization(s) for one component. Only the
normalizations listed in comps argument are
undone though.
'remove' *(string) If 'remove' tag is specified, the
normalization operations are not only undone,
they are also removed from the struct.
'comps' *(vector) The components which are denormalized.
Default is to undo all components.
*(string) 'all'
Output arguments
sS Modified and/or updated data.
(struct) If a struct was given as input argument, the
same struct is returned with denormalized data and
updated '.comp_norm' fields.
(matrix) If a matrix was given as input argument, the
denormalized data matrix is returned.
To undo normalization of a data/map struct:
sD = som_denormalize(sD);
sM = som_denormalize(sM);
To completely remove the normalizations, use the 'remove' tag:
sD = som_denormalize(sD,'remove');
To undo only a few selected components, use the comps argument:
sD = som_denormalize(sD,[1 3:5]);
To denormalize a set of values from a data set D (which must be
of equal dimension as the data in sD):
D = som_denormalize(D,sD);
D = som_denormalize(D,sD.comp_norm);
only denormalize a few components
D = som_denormalize(D,sD,[1 3:5]);
Assuming you have a few values of a certain vector component (i)
in a vector (x) which you want to denormalize:
xorig = som_denormalize(x,sD.comp_norm{i});
xorig = som_norm_variable(x,sD.comp_norm{i},'undo');
To check out the status of normalization in a struct use SOM_INFO:
See also
| Add/apply/redo normalizations of a data struct/set.
| Normalization operations for a set of scalar values.
| User-friendly information of SOM Toolbox structs.