SOM Toolbox Online documentation



 SOM_KMEANSCOLOR Map unit color code according to K-means clustering

 color = som_kmeanscolor(sM, C, [initRGB], [contrast]) 

  color        = som_kmeanscolor(sM,15,som_colorcode(sM,'rgb1'),'enhance');
  [color,best] = som_kmeanscolor(sM,15,[],'normal');
  Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
   sM       (struct) map struct
   C        (scalar) maximum number of clusters
   initRGB  (string, matrix) color code string accepted by SOM_COLORCODE
                     or an Mx3 matrix of RGB triples, where M is the number
                     of map units. Default: SOM_COLORCODEs default
   contrast (string) 'flat', 'enhanced' color contrast mode, default:

   color    (matrix) MxCx3 of RGB triples
   best     (scalar) index for "best" clustering according to 
                     Davies-Boulding index; color(:,:,best) includes the 
                     corresponding color code.
   kmeans   (cell)   output of KMEANS_CLUSTERS in a cell array.
 The function gives a set of color codings according to K-means 
 clustering. For clustering, it uses function KMEANS_CLUSTERS for map units, 
 and it calculates color codings for 1,2,...,C clusters. 
 The idea of coloring is that the color of a cluster is the mean of the 
 original colors (RGB values) of the map units belonging to that cluster, 
 see SOM_CLUSTERCOLOR. The original colors are defined by  SOM_COLORCODE
 by default. Input 'contrast' simply specifies whether or not 
 to linearly redistribute R,G, and B values so that minimum is 0 and 
 maximum 1 ('enahanced')  or to use directly the output of 
 SOM_CLUSTERCOLOR ('flat'). KMEANS_CLUSTERS uses certain heuristics to 
 select the best of 5 trials for each  number of clusters. Evaluating the 
 clustering multiple times may take some time. 

  load iris; % or any other map struct sM 
  som_show(sM,'color',color,'color',{color(:,:,b),'"Best clustering"');

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