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H = som_neighf(sMap,radius,neigh,ntype)
SOM_NEIGHF Return neighborhood function values. H = som_neighf(sMap,[radius],[neigh],[ntype]); Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): sMap (struct) map or topology struct [radius] (scalar) neighborhood radius (by default, the last used value in sMap.trainhist is used, or 1 if that is unavailable) [neigh] (string) neighborhood function type (by default, ..., or 'gaussian' if that is unavailable) [ntype] (string) 'normal' (default), 'probability' or 'mirror' H (matrix) [munits x munits] neighborhood function values from each map unit to each other map unit For more help, try 'type som_batchtrain' or check out online documentation. See also SOM_MAKE, SOM_SEQTRAIN, SOM_TRAIN_STRUCT.