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SOM_PROJECTIONS_PLOT Projection visualizations. som_projections_plot(pmode,varargin) [cPCAarg, Pdata, Pproto] = som_projections(D,sM); som_projections_plot('scatter',Pdata(:,1:3)) som_projections_plot('scatter',Pproto(:,1:3),Pproto(:,5:7),5,sM) som_projections_plot('residuals',Pdata(:,1:4)) som_projections_plot('scree',cPCAarg{3}) The other arguments depend on the pmode: pmode = 'scatter' arg1: Co (matrix) coordinates arg2: color (matrix) color vectors (string) colorstring ('k' by default) arg3: psize (scalar) point size arg4: sT (struct) topology struct, if map grid is drawn pmode = 'residuals' arg1: Co (matrix) coordinates (2 first columns) + residuals (the rest) arg2: color (string) colorstring ('k' by default) pmode = 'scree' arg1: eigval (vector) vector of eigenvalues See also SOM_PROJECTIONS.