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SOMPAK_INIT Call SOM_PAK initialization programs from Matlab. sMap=sompak_init(sData,ft,init_type,cout,ct,xdim,ydim,topol,neigh) ARGUMENTS ([]'s are optional and can be given as empty: [] or '') sData (struct) data struct (matrix) data matrix (string) filename [ft] (string) 'pak' or 'box'. Argument must be defined, if input file is used. init_type (string) string 'rand' or 'linear' [cout] (string) filename for output SOM, if argument is not defined (i.e. argument is '[]') temporary file '__abcdef' is used in operations and *it_is_removed* after operations!!! [ct] (string) 'pak' or 'box'. Argument must be defined, if output file is used. xdim (scalar) Number of units of the map in x-direction. ydim (scalar) Number of units of the map in y-direction. topol (string) string 'hexa' or 'rect' neigh (string) string 'bubble' or 'gaussian'. RETURNS sMap (struct) map struct Calls SOM_PAK initialization programs (randinit and lininit) from Matlab. Notice that to use this function, the SOM_PAK programs must be in your search path, or the variable 'SOM_PAKDIR' which is a string containing the program path, must be defined in the workspace. SOM_PAK programs can be found from: See also SOMPAK_TRAIN, SOMPAK_SAMMON, SOMPAK_INIT_GUI, SOMPAK_GUI, SOM_LININIT, SOM_RANDINIT.