Psychophysics Toolbox
Moderated by Allen Ingling



August 2003: Yahoo! Groups has deleted attachments to messages on all groups, including the Psychtoolbox Forum. We have archived attachments to past messages here. Attachments are indexed by message number and compressed in .zip format. Attachments to forum messages posted after August will be distributed to forum email subscribers but will not be archived on the web portal.

September 2003: We would consider transplanting the Psychtoolbox Forum from Yahoo Groups to another service and would be glad to receive comment or recommendation on any of the many alternatives to Yahoo Groups. Desirable features are: Simple web-based administration, web and email portals, online archiving of messages with no expiration, moderation and no advertising.



The Psychophysics Toolbox discussion forum is a place for Psychtoolbox users to ask questions, share software, and offer advice concerning the use and development of the Psychtoolbox. Messages posted to the forum never expire, so you can search it for advice on your issue. The forum is moderated by Allen Ingling. Yahoo hosts the forum free-of-charge, with advertising.


Access the forum by these methods:




For questions concerning forum content, contact the moderator, Allen Ingling.

visitors since 20 March 2000.

David Brainard, Denis Pelli & Allen Ingling.
6 July 2001