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(Toolbox/help_data_raw.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))

Function Synopsis

helptext = help_data_raw;

Help Text

HELP_DATA_RAW - Information on database files of type 'raw'
 function helptext = help_data_raw;

 --------------------- RAW Formats (Binary and ASCII) -------------------------

 The BrainStorm "raw" format is for loading sensor and data from arbitrary
 formats. The file extensions are of keywords {.txt, .raw}. Files of extension
 "txt" are considered ASCII (text) files, and extensions of type "raw" are
 considered as binary files. The formats of each are:

   Each line is terminated with an EOL, each ascii number is separated by white
   space. Data are loaded using Matlab's "load -ascii" convention, see Matlab
   help on "load". Matlab command is load('-ascii',fname). The number of rows
   and columns are automatically inferred from the load routine. In special
   cases, the text file may be a more general string file rather than a simple
   ascii translation of data. See for instance the Channel Labels file.

   All values are written as single precision binary, i.e. four-byte floats.
   See Matlab help on "single" and on "fread". Data are loaded using fread as 
   fread(fname,inf,'single'). The first float is the number of rows, the second
   float is the number of columns, and the remaining rows*columns floats are
   the data in the matrix of dimension rows x columns.

 -------------------------- BrainStorm Raw Files ------------------------------

 The result of "load_raw" is a matrix read into matlab. The matrices
   anticipated for loading into BrainStorm are listed and summarized below.

 Channel Location, the Cartesian location of each sensor coil in each channel
 Channel Orientation, the Cartesian orientation of the coil (null for EEG)
 Channel Type, optional text file giving the sensor type (i.e. MEG, EEG, reference)
 Channel Labels, optional text file of names of each sensor (e.g. 'Cz', 'MEG 001')
 Channel Weights, optional file of the reference weights applied in noise
                  cancellation schemes
 Data File, the spatial-temporal or temporal-spatial data matrix
 Data Time, the optional vector of time indices associated with the data

 Details of each file are discussed below

 ---------------------- BrainStorm Raw File Summaries -------------------------

 Channel Location information
   The number of rows is the number of data channels. Each channel is
   characterized by one or more sensors or coils, equal to the number of
   columns x 3 (x, y, z location) in the matrix. Magnetometers have one column,
   1st order gradiometers have two, single-ended EEG have one, differential
   pairs have two. Single-ended EEG also have an additional channel location
   for the reference electrode. Alternatively, enter all EEG channels as two
   columns, the first for the primary electrode, the second for the reference
   electrode. If there is a mix of channel sizes (e.g. magnetometers and
   gradiometers), enter NaN for the additional channels when forming the

   All units are in meters, in Cartestian coordinates with respect to the
   Subject Coordinate System.

 Channel Orientation Information
   In the case of MEG, each coil needs an orientation. The Channel orientation
   matrix is identical in size to the Channel Location matrix. Each three
   elements (cos x, cos y, cos z) is the orientation in Cartesian coordinates
   for the corresponding location. The orientation vector should be unit norm,
   which will be enforced by the import routine. In a mixed sensor type file,
   enter NaN for meaningless orientations. EEG-only can skip this file.

 Optional: Channel Labels
   Optionally, a separate file of channel labels (e.g. 'Cz', 'R12', 'My first
   sensor'), one text line per channel, may be provided. If not provided, then
   default labels of 'MEG Channel 1', etc, will be assigned. Each line of the
   Channel labels file should not be surrounded in quotes. 

 Optional: Channel Type
   A raw file may be loaded as all one type (EEG or MEG), but optionally a text
   file may be provided that contains one line per channel, with the following
   keywords (from help_data_channel):
     'MEG', 'EEG', 'MEG REF', 'EEG REG', 'OTHER'
   Each line of the Type file should not be surrounded in quotes

 Optional: Channel Reference Weights
   Noise cancellation schemes generally work by designating some channels as
   "reference", then subtracting the reference channels in a prescribed manner
   from the regular head sensors. For instance, if there are 100 sensors about
   the head and an additional 10 reference sensors in the upper region of the
   Dewar, then the Reference Weights matrix is 100 x 10, giving the
   coefficients necessary to subtract the ten sensors from each channel.

 Optional: Landmark Information
   In addition to the coil locations (both EEG and MEG), "landmarks" or
   "fiducial" points may be entered in an optional file, generally anticipated
   to be points on the scalp. In EEG data, the following fiduciary landmarks
   are necessary in order to establish the subject coordinate system: Nasion,
   Left Pre-aricular, Right Pre-aricular. These landmarks are also explicitly
   found in some MEG data sets. Other landmarks may include the location of
   localizing coils or arbitrary headshape points. The format of the landmark
   file should always be a text file, one line per landmark, in the format '%g
   %g %g %s', where the first three values are the x,y,z Cartesian coordinates
   of the landmark and the last entry is a arbitrary text string. Coordinates
   should be separated spaces, and everything after the third space is taken
   literally as the landmark string, so no quotes should be used, 
   example: 0.09 -0.09 0.03 Nasion (PPI measured) 

 Data Matrix Information
   The data matrix is nominally a space-time matrix, where each column of the
   matrix represents one time slice, and the number of rows is equal to the
   number of channels. The space-time matrix may be stored as either space-time
   or time-space, as selected by the user at read time. If stored as raw
   (binary), the first two floats should indicate the rows and columns of the
   matrix. If the data are stored as time-space, then after loading the matrix
   will be transposed to space-time. This transposition will cause a noticeable
   delay only in the loading of very large data files. Typically binary data
   are stored "muxed", i.e. by time slice, with the first, say, 151 data points
   equal to the measurements at the 151 sensors in the first time instance. The
   data are loaded as "spatial-temporal."
   By contrast, often ascii data are stored by channel, such that the first
   line of the text file corresponds to the time series for the first sensor.
   These data are loaded as "temporal-spatial", then transposed after loading.
   All Data matrices in BrainStorm are ultimately stored as "spatial-temporal."

   All units should be in MKS, i.e. MEG in Tesla and EEG in Volts.

   The final spatial-temporal (loaded by any above method and transpostion) data
   matrix should have as many rows (channels) as there are channels in the
   Channel matrix. NOTE IN THE CASE OF EEG: For (say) a 128 channel EEG system,
   all single ended, there are actually 129 sensor locations, with the 129th
   (say) the reference electrode. Unlike MEG, there is no recorded 129th
   channel of information, but for bookkeeping purposes in BrainStorm we need a
   virtual 129th channel of data. Either make a channel row of NaN or zero data
   in the data matrix at the same index number as the reference channel
   location, or accept the load routine's request to add such a row.

 Time Vector information
   Since the data may be written in either space-time or time-space, we load
   separately a simple vector of time values, in seconds. For consistency with
   other raw formats, the first two floats should be unity and the length of
   the time series. Text files should just be white space separated text
   numbers, and EOLs will be ignored. 

 Reference in the Help Menu: the BrainStorm Document on coordinate Systems.


Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\Toolbox\help_data_raw.m

function helptext = help_data_raw;
%HELP_DATA_RAW - Information on database files of type 'raw'
% function helptext = help_data_raw;
% --------------------- RAW Formats (Binary and ASCII) -------------------------
% The BrainStorm "raw" format is for loading sensor and data from arbitrary
% formats. The file extensions are of keywords {.txt, .raw}. Files of extension
% "txt" are considered ASCII (text) files, and extensions of type "raw" are
% considered as binary files. The formats of each are:
%   Each line is terminated with an EOL, each ascii number is separated by white
%   space. Data are loaded using Matlab's "load -ascii" convention, see Matlab
%   help on "load". Matlab command is load('-ascii',fname). The number of rows
%   and columns are automatically inferred from the load routine. In special
%   cases, the text file may be a more general string file rather than a simple
%   ascii translation of data. See for instance the Channel Labels file.
% RAW:
%   All values are written as single precision binary, i.e. four-byte floats.
%   See Matlab help on "single" and on "fread". Data are loaded using fread as 
%   fread(fname,inf,'single'). The first float is the number of rows, the second
%   float is the number of columns, and the remaining rows*columns floats are
%   the data in the matrix of dimension rows x columns.
% -------------------------- BrainStorm Raw Files ------------------------------
% The result of "load_raw" is a matrix read into matlab. The matrices
%   anticipated for loading into BrainStorm are listed and summarized below.
% Channel Location, the Cartesian location of each sensor coil in each channel
% Channel Orientation, the Cartesian orientation of the coil (null for EEG)
% Channel Type, optional text file giving the sensor type (i.e. MEG, EEG, reference)
% Channel Labels, optional text file of names of each sensor (e.g. 'Cz', 'MEG 001')
% Channel Weights, optional file of the reference weights applied in noise
%                  cancellation schemes
% Data File, the spatial-temporal or temporal-spatial data matrix
% Data Time, the optional vector of time indices associated with the data
% Details of each file are discussed below
% ---------------------- BrainStorm Raw File Summaries -------------------------
% Channel Location information
%   The number of rows is the number of data channels. Each channel is
%   characterized by one or more sensors or coils, equal to the number of
%   columns x 3 (x, y, z location) in the matrix. Magnetometers have one column,
%   1st order gradiometers have two, single-ended EEG have one, differential
%   pairs have two. Single-ended EEG also have an additional channel location
%   for the reference electrode. Alternatively, enter all EEG channels as two
%   columns, the first for the primary electrode, the second for the reference
%   electrode. If there is a mix of channel sizes (e.g. magnetometers and
%   gradiometers), enter NaN for the additional channels when forming the
%   matrix.
%   All units are in meters, in Cartestian coordinates with respect to the
%   Subject Coordinate System.
% Channel Orientation Information
%   In the case of MEG, each coil needs an orientation. The Channel orientation
%   matrix is identical in size to the Channel Location matrix. Each three
%   elements (cos x, cos y, cos z) is the orientation in Cartesian coordinates
%   for the corresponding location. The orientation vector should be unit norm,
%   which will be enforced by the import routine. In a mixed sensor type file,
%   enter NaN for meaningless orientations. EEG-only can skip this file.
% Optional: Channel Labels
%   Optionally, a separate file of channel labels (e.g. 'Cz', 'R12', 'My first
%   sensor'), one text line per channel, may be provided. If not provided, then
%   default labels of 'MEG Channel 1', etc, will be assigned. Each line of the
%   Channel labels file should not be surrounded in quotes. 
% Optional: Channel Type
%   A raw file may be loaded as all one type (EEG or MEG), but optionally a text
%   file may be provided that contains one line per channel, with the following
%   keywords (from help_data_channel):
%     'MEG', 'EEG', 'MEG REF', 'EEG REG', 'OTHER'
%   Each line of the Type file should not be surrounded in quotes
% Optional: Channel Reference Weights
%   Noise cancellation schemes generally work by designating some channels as
%   "reference", then subtracting the reference channels in a prescribed manner
%   from the regular head sensors. For instance, if there are 100 sensors about
%   the head and an additional 10 reference sensors in the upper region of the
%   Dewar, then the Reference Weights matrix is 100 x 10, giving the
%   coefficients necessary to subtract the ten sensors from each channel.
% Optional: Landmark Information
%   In addition to the coil locations (both EEG and MEG), "landmarks" or
%   "fiducial" points may be entered in an optional file, generally anticipated
%   to be points on the scalp. In EEG data, the following fiduciary landmarks
%   are necessary in order to establish the subject coordinate system: Nasion,
%   Left Pre-aricular, Right Pre-aricular. These landmarks are also explicitly
%   found in some MEG data sets. Other landmarks may include the location of
%   localizing coils or arbitrary headshape points. The format of the landmark
%   file should always be a text file, one line per landmark, in the format '%g
%   %g %g %s', where the first three values are the x,y,z Cartesian coordinates
%   of the landmark and the last entry is a arbitrary text string. Coordinates
%   should be separated spaces, and everything after the third space is taken
%   literally as the landmark string, so no quotes should be used, 
%   example: 0.09 -0.09 0.03 Nasion (PPI measured) 
% Data Matrix Information
%   The data matrix is nominally a space-time matrix, where each column of the
%   matrix represents one time slice, and the number of rows is equal to the
%   number of channels. The space-time matrix may be stored as either space-time
%   or time-space, as selected by the user at read time. If stored as raw
%   (binary), the first two floats should indicate the rows and columns of the
%   matrix. If the data are stored as time-space, then after loading the matrix
%   will be transposed to space-time. This transposition will cause a noticeable
%   delay only in the loading of very large data files. Typically binary data
%   are stored "muxed", i.e. by time slice, with the first, say, 151 data points
%   equal to the measurements at the 151 sensors in the first time instance. The
%   data are loaded as "spatial-temporal."
%   By contrast, often ascii data are stored by channel, such that the first
%   line of the text file corresponds to the time series for the first sensor.
%   These data are loaded as "temporal-spatial", then transposed after loading.
%   All Data matrices in BrainStorm are ultimately stored as "spatial-temporal."
%   All units should be in MKS, i.e. MEG in Tesla and EEG in Volts.
%   The final spatial-temporal (loaded by any above method and transpostion) data
%   matrix should have as many rows (channels) as there are channels in the
%   Channel matrix. NOTE IN THE CASE OF EEG: For (say) a 128 channel EEG system,
%   all single ended, there are actually 129 sensor locations, with the 129th
%   (say) the reference electrode. Unlike MEG, there is no recorded 129th
%   channel of information, but for bookkeeping purposes in BrainStorm we need a
%   virtual 129th channel of data. Either make a channel row of NaN or zero data
%   in the data matrix at the same index number as the reference channel
%   location, or accept the load routine's request to add such a row.
% Time Vector information
%   Since the data may be written in either space-time or time-space, we load
%   separately a simple vector of time values, in seconds. For consistency with
%   other raw formats, the first two floats should be unity and the length of
%   the time series. Text files should just be white space separated text
%   numbers, and EOLs will be ignored. 
% Reference in the Help Menu: the BrainStorm Document on coordinate Systems.

%<autobegin> ---------------------- 26-May-2004 11:30:26 -----------------------
% --------- Automatically Generated Comments Block Using AUTO_COMMENTS ---------
% At Check-in: $Author: Mosher $  $Revision: 10 $  $Date: 5/26/04 9:59a $
% This software is part of BrainStorm Toolbox Version 2.0 (Alpha) 24-May-2004
% Principal Investigators and Developers:
% ** Richard M. Leahy, PhD, Signal & Image Processing Institute,
%    University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
% ** John C. Mosher, PhD, Biophysics Group,
%    Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
% ** Sylvain Baillet, PhD, Cognitive Neuroscience & Brain Imaging Laboratory,
%    CNRS, Hopital de la Salpetriere, Paris, France
% See BrainStorm website at http://neuroimage.usc.edu for further information.
% Copyright (c) 2004 BrainStorm by the University of Southern California
% This software distributed  under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% as published by the Free Software Foundation. Further details on the GPL
% license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html .
%<autoend> ------------------------ 26-May-2004 11:30:26 -----------------------

% This help file template was generated by 'make_help' on 16-Apr-2004 10:26:11
% This help file is callable as "help help_data_raw" (at the command line),
%  "help_data_raw" (in the Matlab help window), or
%  "txt = help_data_raw;" (no display, return only txt).
if nargout,
   helptext = help(mfilename); % return help block to output variable
   helpwin(mfilename); % no output variable, display in help window

Produced by color_mat2html, a customized BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha) version of mat2html on Tue Oct 12 12:05:14 2004
Cross-Directory links are: ON