GUI Layout Toolbox 1.10 previous pagenext page

Examples Go back up one level

The following examples are provided as part of this documentation. Click the name of any example to go to the corresponding page.


Layout heirarchy
Using layouts inside layouts to produce more complex designs

Using axes

Positioning axes
Using the different axes position properties.

Using panels

Context help
Adding context-sensitive help using panels.
Minimize and maximize
Creating a user interface with panels that can be minimized and maximized.
Dock and undock
Creating a user interface with panels that can be undocked into separate windows.

Enable and Visible

Enabling/Disabling a layout
Using the "Enable" property to enable or disable groups of buttons
Showing/Hiding a layout
Using the "Visible" property to show or hide groups of buttons


Building a complete application
Using layouts together to produce a complete application

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