Alternatively, you may prefer to use command lines to compute correspondence analysis. So you can load your own data and use the following commands:

>> addpath lib;
>> output = canalysis(N,k,labels_x,labels_y);
>> rotation = ComputeRotation(output, k, coordinates, method, weights);
>> PrintDescriptives(output,detailed);
>> PrintCoordinates(output,k,coordinates,detailed);
>> PrintRotation(rotation,method, weights, output.labels, detailed); 
>> map(1,2,0);


(1) 'N' is a contingence table,

(2) 'k' is the number of dimensions to be retained.

(3) 'labels_x' and 'labels_y' store the corresponding labels,

(4) 'coordinates' is the coordinates used in the model. The admissible values are:

1 Symmetrical coordinates (biplot model)
  2 Row principal coordinates, and column standard coordinates
  3 Column principal coordinates, and row standard coordinates
  4 Row and column principal coordinates (French symmetrical model)

(5) 'method' is the rotation method to be computed. The admissible values are:

1 Orthogonal rotation of symmetrical coordinates
  2 Oblique rotation of symmetrical coordinates
  3 Orthogonal rotation of principal coordinates
  4 Orthogonal rotation of standard coordinates
  5 Oblique rotation of principal coordinates

(6) 'weights' is the weight scheme to be used in the rotation. The admissible values are:

  1 Row-wise normalization of coordinates
  2 Rescaling coordinates using masses
  3 None. No weights scheme is used.

(7) 'detailed' controls the level of detail of the report. The admissible values are:

  1 Prints all the details
  0 Prints the basic information

If you want to include some supplementary rows or columns, then you should replace this line:

>> output = canalysis(N,k,labels_x,labels_y);

for this one:

>> output = canalysis(N,k,labels_x,labels_y, Sup, labels_sup);


(8) 'Sup' is a structure that contains matrices 'r' and/or 'c' that are the contingence tables which contain the supplementary rows and columns.

(9) 'labels' is a structure that stores the labels for the supplementary rows and columns in strings 'r' and 'c' (for rows and columns, respectively).

Finally, function 'canalysis' can be also executed as,

>> output = canalysis(N);

In this case, the number of dimensions to retain is set to 2, and default labels for rows and columns are used.