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(PublicToolbox/regutools/plsqr.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))

Function Synopsis

[X,rho,eta,F] = plsqr(A,L,W,b,k,reorth,sm)

Help Text

PLSQR "Preconditioned" version of the LSQR Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm.

 [X,rho,eta,F] = plsqr(A,L,W,b,k,reorth,sm)

 Performs k steps of the `preconditioned' LSQR Lanczos
 bidiagonalization algorithm applied to the system
    min || (A*L_p) x - b || ,
 where L_p is the A-weighted generalized inverse of L.  Notice
 that the matrix W holding a basis for the null space of L must
 also be specified.

 The routine returns all k solutions, stored as columns of
 the matrix X.  The solution seminorm and the residual norm are
 returned in eta and rho, respectively.

 If the generalized singular values sm of (A,L) are also provided,
 then glsqr computes the filter factors associated with each step
 and stores them columnwise in the matrix F.

 Reorthogonalization is controlled by means of reorth:
    reorth = 0 : no reorthogonalization (default),
    reorth = 1 : reorthogonalization by means of MGS,
    reorth = 2 : Householder-reorthogonalization.

Cross-Reference Information

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Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\plsqr.m

function [X,rho,eta,F] = plsqr(A,L,W,b,k,reorth,sm)
%PLSQR "Preconditioned" version of the LSQR Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm.
% [X,rho,eta,F] = plsqr(A,L,W,b,k,reorth,sm)
% Performs k steps of the `preconditioned' LSQR Lanczos
% bidiagonalization algorithm applied to the system
%    min || (A*L_p) x - b || ,
% where L_p is the A-weighted generalized inverse of L.  Notice
% that the matrix W holding a basis for the null space of L must
% also be specified.
% The routine returns all k solutions, stored as columns of
% the matrix X.  The solution seminorm and the residual norm are
% returned in eta and rho, respectively.
% If the generalized singular values sm of (A,L) are also provided,
% then glsqr computes the filter factors associated with each step
% and stores them columnwise in the matrix F.
% Reorthogonalization is controlled by means of reorth:
%    reorth = 0 : no reorthogonalization (default),
%    reorth = 1 : reorthogonalization by means of MGS,
%    reorth = 2 : Householder-reorthogonalization.

% References: C. C. Paige & M. A. Saunders, "LSQR: an algorithm for
% sparse linear equations and sparse least squares", ACM Trans.
% Math. Software 8 (1982), 43-71.
% M. Hanke, "Regularization with differential operators.  An itera-
% tive approach", J. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 13 (1992), 523-540.

% Per Christian Hansen, UNI-C, 05/26/93.

% The fudge threshold is used to prevent filter factors from exploding.
fudge_thr = 1e-4;

% Initialization
if (k < 1), error('Number of steps k must be positive'), end
if (nargin==5), reorth = 0; end
if (nargout==4 & nargin<7), error('Too few input arguments'), end
[m,n] = size(A); X = zeros(n,k); [pp,n1] = size(L);
if (n1 ~= n | m < n | n < pp)
  error('Incorrect dimensions of A and L')
if (reorth==0)
  UV = 0;
elseif (reorth==1)
  U = zeros(m,k); V = zeros(pp,k); UV = 1;
elseif (reorth==2)
  if (k>=n), error('No. of iterations must satisfy k < n'), end
  UV = 0; HHU = zeros(m,k); HHV = zeros(pp,k);
  HHalpha = zeros(1,k); HHbeta = HHalpha;
  error('Illegal reorth')
if (nargout > 1)
  eta = zeros(k,1); rho = eta;
  c2 = -1; s2 = 0; xnorm = 0; z = 0;
if (nargin==7)
  [ls,ms] = size(sm);
  F = zeros(ls,k); Fv = zeros(ls,1); Fw = Fv;
  s = (sm(:,1)./sm(:,2)).^2;

% Prepare for computations with L_p.
[NAA,x_0] = pinit(W,A,b);

% By subtracting the component A*x_0 from b we ensure that
% the corrent residual norms are computed.
b = b - A*x_0;

% Prepare for LSQR iteration.
v = zeros(pp,1); x = v; beta = norm(b);
if (beta==0), error('Right-hand side must be nonzero'), end
if (reorth==2)
  [beta,HHbeta(1),HHU(:,1)] = gen_hh(b);
u = b/beta; if (UV), U(:,1) = u; end
r = ltsolve(L,A'*u,W,NAA); alpha = norm(r);
if (reorth==2)
  [alpha,HHalpha(1),HHV(:,1)] = gen_hh(r);
v = r/alpha; if (UV), V(:,1) = v; end
phi_bar = beta; rho_bar = alpha; w = v;
if (nargin==7), Fv = s/(alpha*beta); Fw = Fv; end

% Perform Lanczos bidiagonalization with/without reorthogonalization.
for i=2:k+1

  alpha_old = alpha; beta_old = beta;

  % Compute (A*L_p)*v - alpha*u.
  p = A*lsolve(L,v,W,NAA) - alpha*u;
  if (reorth==0)
    beta = norm(p); u = p/beta;
  elseif (reorth==1)
    for j=1:i-1, p = p - (U(:,j)'*p)*U(:,j); end
    beta = norm(p); u = p/beta;
    for j=1:i-1
      p(j:m) = app_hh(p(j:m),HHbeta(j),HHU(j:m,j));
    [beta,HHbeta(i),HHU(i:m,i)] = gen_hh(p(i:m));
    u = zeros(m,1); u(i) = 1;
    for j=i:-1:1
      u(j:m) = app_hh(u(j:m),HHbeta(j),HHU(j:m,j));

  % Compute L_p'*A'*u - beta*v.
  r = ltsolve(L,A'*u,W,NAA) - beta*v;
  if (reorth==0)
    alpha = norm(r); v = r/alpha;
  elseif (reorth==1)
    for j=1:i-1, r = r - (V(:,j)'*r)*V(:,j); end
    alpha = norm(r); v = r/alpha;
    for j=1:i-1
      r(j:pp) = app_hh(r(j:pp),HHalpha(j),HHV(j:pp,j));
    [alpha,HHalpha(i),HHV(i:pp,i)] = gen_hh(r(i:pp));
    v = zeros(pp,1); v(i) = 1;
    for j=i:-1:1
      v(j:pp) = app_hh(v(j:pp),HHalpha(j),HHV(j:pp,j));

  % Store U and V if necessary.
  if (UV), U(:,i) = u; V(:,i) = v; end

  % Construct and apply orthogonal transformation.
  rrho = pythag(rho_bar,beta); c1 = rho_bar/rrho;
  s1 = beta/rrho; theta = s1*alpha; rho_bar = -c1*alpha;
  phi = c1*phi_bar; phi_bar = s1*phi_bar;

  % Compute solution norm and residual norm if necessary;
  if (nargout > 1)
    delta = s2*rrho; gamma_bar = -c2*rrho; rhs = phi - delta*z;
    z_bar = rhs/gamma_bar; eta(i-1) = pythag(xnorm,z_bar);
    gamma = pythag(gamma_bar,theta);
    c2 = gamma_bar/gamma; s2 = theta/gamma;
    z = rhs/gamma; xnorm = pythag(xnorm,z);
    rho(i-1) = abs(phi_bar);

  % If required, compute the filter factors.
  if (nargin==7)

    if (i==2)
      Fv_old = Fv;
      Fv  = Fv.*(s - beta^2 - alpha_old^2)/(alpha*beta);
      F(:,i-1) = (phi/rrho)*Fw;
      tmp = Fv;
      Fv = (Fv.*(s - beta^2 - alpha_old^2) - ...
      Fv_old = tmp;
      F(:,i-1) = F(:,i-2) + (phi/rrho)*Fw;
    if (i > 3)
      f = find(abs(F(:,i-2)-1) < fudge_thr & abs(F(:,i-3)-1) < fudge_thr);
      if (length(f) > 0), F(f,i-1) = ones(length(f),1); end
    Fw = Fv - (theta/rrho)*Fw;


  % Update the solution.
  x = x + (phi/rrho)*w; w = v - (theta/rrho)*w;
  X(:,i-1) = lsolve(L,x,W,NAA) + x_0;


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