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(PublicToolbox/regutools/spleval.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))
Function Synopsis
points = spleval(f)
Help Text
SPLEVAL Evaluation of a spline or spline curve.
points = spleval(f)
Computes points on the given spline or spline curve f between
its extreme breaks.
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls
- ppbrk C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\ppbrk.m
- ppual C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\ppual.m
- sp2pp C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\sp2pp.m
This function is called by
- l_corner C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\l_corner.m
Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\spleval.m
function points = spleval(f)
%SPLEVAL Evaluation of a spline or spline curve.
% points = spleval(f)
% Computes points on the given spline or spline curve f between
% its extreme breaks.
% Original routine fnplt by C. de Boor / latest change: Feb.25, 1989
% Simplified by Per Christian Hansen, UNI-C, 11/19/91.
if (f(1)==11), f = sp2pp(f); end
[breaks,coefs,l,k,d] = ppbrk(f);
x = breaks(1) + [0:npoints]*((breaks(l+1)-breaks(1))/npoints);
if (d==1), points=[x;v]; else, points = v; end
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