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(PublicToolbox/regutools/l_corner.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))
Function Synopsis
[reg_c,rho_c,eta_c] = l_corner(rho,eta,reg_param,U,s,b,method,M)
Help Text
L_CORNER Locate the "corner" of the L-curve.
[reg_c,rho_c,eta_c] =
l_corner(rho,eta,reg_param,U,sm,b,method,M) , sm = [sigma,mu]
Locates the "corner" of the L-curve in log-log scale.
It is assumed that corresponding values of || A x - b ||, || L x ||,
and the regularization parameter are stored in the arrays rho, eta,
and reg_param, respectively (such as the output from routine l_curve).
If nargin = 3, then no particular method is assumed, and if
nargin = 2 then it is issumed that reg_param = 1:length(rho).
If nargin >= 6, then the following methods are allowed:
method = 'Tikh' : Tikhonov regularization
method = 'tsvd' : truncated SVD or GSVD
method = 'dsvd' : damped SVD or GSVD
method = 'mtsvd' : modified TSVD,
and if no method is specified, 'Tikh' is default. If the Spline Toolbox
is not available, then only 'Tikh' and 'dsvd' can be used.
An eighth argument M specifies an upper bound for eta, below which
the corner should be found.
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls
- dsvd C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\dsvd.m
- fnder C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\fnder.m
- ppcut C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\ppcut.m
- sp2pp C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\sp2pp.m
- spleval C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\spleval.m
- spmak C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\spmak.m
- tsvd C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\tsvd.m
This function is called by
- l_curve C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\l_curve.m
Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\l_corner.m
function [reg_c,rho_c,eta_c] = l_corner(rho,eta,reg_param,U,s,b,method,M)
%L_CORNER Locate the "corner" of the L-curve.
% [reg_c,rho_c,eta_c] =
% l_corner(rho,eta,reg_param)
% l_corner(rho,eta,reg_param,U,s,b,method,M)
% l_corner(rho,eta,reg_param,U,sm,b,method,M) , sm = [sigma,mu]
% Locates the "corner" of the L-curve in log-log scale.
% It is assumed that corresponding values of || A x - b ||, || L x ||,
% and the regularization parameter are stored in the arrays rho, eta,
% and reg_param, respectively (such as the output from routine l_curve).
% If nargin = 3, then no particular method is assumed, and if
% nargin = 2 then it is issumed that reg_param = 1:length(rho).
% If nargin >= 6, then the following methods are allowed:
% method = 'Tikh' : Tikhonov regularization
% method = 'tsvd' : truncated SVD or GSVD
% method = 'dsvd' : damped SVD or GSVD
% method = 'mtsvd' : modified TSVD,
% and if no method is specified, 'Tikh' is default. If the Spline Toolbox
% is not available, then only 'Tikh' and 'dsvd' can be used.
% An eighth argument M specifies an upper bound for eta, below which
% the corner should be found.
% The following routines from the Spline Toolbox are needed if
% method differs from 'Tikh' or 'dsvd':
% fnder, ppbrk, ppcut, ppmak, sp2pp, spbrk, spmak.
% Per Christian Hansen, UNI-C, 03/17/93.
% Set default regularization method.
if (nargin <= 3)
method = 'none';
if (nargin==2), reg_param = [1:length(rho)]'; end
if (nargin==6), method = 'Tikh'; end
% Set threshold for skipping very small singular values in the
% L-curve analysis.
s_thr = eps; % Neglect singular values less than s_thr.
% Set default parameters for treatment of discrete L-curve.
deg = 2; % Degree of local smooting polynomial.
q = 2; % Half-width of local smoothing interval.
order = 4; % Order of fitting 2-D spline curve.
% Initialization.
if (length(rho) < order)
error('Too few data points for L-curve analysis')
if (nargin > 3)
[p,ps] = size(s); [m,n] = size(U);
if (ps==2), s = s(p:-1:1,1)./s(p:-1:1,2); U = U(:,p:-1:1); end
beta = U'*b; xi = beta./s;
% Restrict the analysis of the L-curve according to M (if specified)
% and s_thr.
if (nargin==8)
index = find(eta < M);
rho = rho(index); eta = eta(index); reg_param = reg_param(index);
s = s(index); beta = beta(index); xi = xi(index);
if (method(1:4)=='Tikh' | method(1:4)=='tikh')
% The L-curve is differentiable; computation of curvature in
% log-log scale is easy.
% Initialization.
[reg_m,reg_n] = size(reg_param);
phi = zeros(reg_m,reg_n); dphi = phi; psi = phi; dpsi = phi;
s2 = s.^2; beta2 = beta.^2; xi2 = xi.^2;
% Compute some intermediate quantities.
for i = 1:length(reg_param)
f = s2./(s2 + reg_param(i)^2); cf = 1 - f;
f1 = -2*f.*cf/reg_param(i);
f2 = -f1.*(3-4*f)/reg_param(i);
phi(i) = sum(f.*f1.*xi2);
psi(i) = sum(cf.*f1.*beta2);
dphi(i) = sum((f1.^2 + f.*f2).*xi2);
dpsi(i) = sum((-f1.^2 + cf.*f2).*beta2);
% Now compute the first and second derivatives of eta and rho
% with respect to lambda;
deta = phi./eta;
drho = -psi./rho;
ddeta = dphi./eta - deta.*(deta./eta);
ddrho = -dpsi./rho - drho.*(drho./rho);
% Convert to derivatives of log(eta) and log(rho).
dlogeta = deta./eta;
dlogrho = drho./rho;
ddlogeta = ddeta./eta - (dlogeta).^2;
ddlogrho = ddrho./rho - (dlogrho).^2;
% Let g = curvature.
g = (dlogrho.*ddlogeta - ddlogrho.*dlogeta)./...
(dlogrho.^2 + dlogeta.^2).^(1.5);
% Locate the corner. If the curvature is negative everywhere,
% then define the leftmost point of the L-curve as the corner.
[gmax,gi] = max(g);
if (gmax < 0)
lr = length(rho);
reg_c = reg_param(lr); rho_c = rho(lr); eta_c = eta(lr);
rho_c = rho(gi); eta_c = eta(gi); reg_c = reg_param(gi);
elseif (method(1:4)=='tsvd' | method(1:4)=='tgsv' | ...
method(1:4)=='mtsv' | method(1:4)=='none')
% The L-curve is discrete and may include unwanted fine-grained
% corners. Use local smoothing, followed by fitting a 2-D spline
% curve to the smoothed discrete L-curve.
% Check if the Spline Toolbox exists, otherwise return.
if (exist('spdemos')~=2)
error('The Spline Toolbox in not available so l_corner cannot be used')
% For TSVD, TGSVD, and MTSVD, restrict the analysis of the L-curve
% according to s_thr.
if (nargin > 3)
index = find(s > s_thr);
rho = rho(index); eta = eta(index); reg_param = reg_param(index);
s = s(index); beta = beta(index); xi = xi(index);
% Convert to logarithms.
lr = length(rho);
lrho = log(rho); leta = log(eta); slrho = lrho; sleta = leta;
% For all interior points k = q+1:length(rho)-q-1 on the discrete
% L-curve, perform local smoothing with a polynomial of degree deg
% to the points k-q:k+q.
v = [-q:q]'; A = zeros(2*q+1,deg+1); A(:,1) = ones(length(v),1);
for j = 2:deg+1, A(:,j) = A(:,j-1).*v; end
for k = q+1:lr-q-1
cr = A\lrho(k+v); slrho(k) = cr(1);
ce = A\leta(k+v); sleta(k) = ce(1);
% Fit a 2-D spline curve to the smoothed discrete L-curve.
sp = spmak([1:lr+order],[slrho';sleta']);
pp = ppcut(sp2pp(sp),[4,lr+1]);
% Extract abscissa and ordinate splines and differentiate them.
P = spleval(pp); dpp = fnder(pp);
D = spleval(dpp); ddpp = fnder(pp,2);
DD = spleval(ddpp);
ppx = P(1,:); ppy = P(2,:);
dppx = D(1,:); dppy = D(2,:);
ddppx = DD(1,:); ddppy = DD(2,:);
% Compute the corner of the spline curve via max. curvature.
% Define curvature = 0 where both dppx and dppy are zero.
k1 = dppx.*ddppy - ddppx.*dppy;
k2 = (dppx.^2 + dppy.^2).^(1.5);
I_nz = find(k2 ~= 0);
kappa = zeros(1,length(dppx));
kappa(I_nz) = -k1(I_nz)./k2(I_nz);
[kmax,ikmax] = max(kappa);
x_corner = ppx(ikmax); y_corner = ppy(ikmax);
% Locate the point on the discrete L-curve which is closest to the
% corner of the spline curve. Prefer a point below and to the
% left of the corner. If the curvature is negative everywhere,
% then define the leftmost point of the L-curve as the corner.
if (kmax < 0)
reg_c = reg_param(lr); rho_c = rho(lr); eta_c = eta(lr);
index = find(lrho < x_corner & leta < y_corner);
if (length(index) > 0)
[dummy,rpi] = min((lrho(index)-x_corner).^2 + (leta(index)-y_corner).^2);
rpi = index(rpi);
[dummy,rpi] = min((lrho-x_corner).^2 + (leta-y_corner).^2);
reg_c = reg_param(rpi); rho_c = rho(rpi); eta_c = eta(rpi);
elseif (method(1:4)=='dsvd' | method(1:4)=='dgsv')
% The L-curve is differentiable; computation of curvature in
% log-log scale is easy.
% Initialization.
[reg_m,reg_n] = size(reg_param);
phi = zeros(reg_m,reg_n); dphi = phi; psi = phi; dpsi = phi;
beta2 = beta.^2; xi2 = xi.^2;
% Compute some intermediate quantities.
for i = 1:length(reg_param)
f = s./(s + reg_param(i)); cf = 1 - f;
f1 = -f.*cf/reg_param(i);
f2 = -2*f1.*cf/reg_param(i);
phi(i) = sum(f.*f1.*xi2);
psi(i) = sum(cf.*f1.*beta2);
dphi(i) = sum((f1.^2 + f.*f2).*xi2);
dpsi(i) = sum((-f1.^2 + cf.*f2).*beta2);
% Now compute the first and second derivatives of eta and rho
% with respect to lambda;
deta = phi./eta;
drho = -psi./rho;
ddeta = dphi./eta - deta.*(deta./eta);
ddrho = -dpsi./rho - drho.*(drho./rho);
% Convert to derivatives of log(eta) and log(rho).
dlogeta = deta./eta;
dlogrho = drho./rho;
ddlogeta = ddeta./eta - (dlogeta).^2;
ddlogrho = ddrho./rho - (dlogrho).^2;
% Let g = curvature.
g = (dlogrho.*ddlogeta - ddlogrho.*dlogeta)./...
(dlogrho.^2 + dlogeta.^2).^(1.5);
% Locate the corner. If the curvature is negative everywhere,
% then define the leftmost point of the L-curve as the corner.
[gmax,gi] = max(g);
if (gmax < 0)
lr = length(rho);
reg_c = reg_param(lr); rho_c = rho(lr); eta_c = eta(lr);
rho_c = rho(gi); eta_c = eta(gi); reg_c = reg_param(gi);
else, error('Illegal method'), end
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