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(Toolbox/sensor_122.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))

Function Synopsis

[Rcoil,Ocoil,x,y,z] = sensor_122(sensor_info);

Help Text

SENSOR_122 - Return the Neuromag 122 information
 function [Rcoil,Ocoil,x,y,z] = sensor_122(sensor_info);
 sensor_info is the 122 x 12 Neurmag information from an apos file.
 Leave null to use default information.
 Rcoil is the coil center, Ocoil is the orientation.
 Use plot3(x,y,z) to see the coils in three dimensions

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

Listing of function C:\BrainStorm_2001\Toolbox\sensor_122.m

function [Rcoil,Ocoil,x,y,z] = sensor_122(sensor_info);
%SENSOR_122 - Return the Neuromag 122 information
% function [Rcoil,Ocoil,x,y,z] = sensor_122(sensor_info);
% sensor_info is the 122 x 12 Neurmag information from an apos file.
% Leave null to use default information.
% Rcoil is the coil center, Ocoil is the orientation.
% Use plot3(x,y,z) to see the coils in three dimensions

%<autobegin> ---------------------- 26-May-2004 11:34:19 -----------------------
% --------- Automatically Generated Comments Block Using AUTO_COMMENTS ---------
% CATEGORY: Forward Modeling
% Subfunctions in this file, in order of occurrence in file:
%   cm = default_pos;
% At Check-in: $Author: Mosher $  $Revision: 12 $  $Date: 5/26/04 10:02a $
% This software is part of BrainStorm Toolbox Version 2.0 (Alpha) 24-May-2004
% Principal Investigators and Developers:
% ** Richard M. Leahy, PhD, Signal & Image Processing Institute,
%    University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
% ** John C. Mosher, PhD, Biophysics Group,
%    Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
% ** Sylvain Baillet, PhD, Cognitive Neuroscience & Brain Imaging Laboratory,
%    CNRS, Hopital de la Salpetriere, Paris, France
% See BrainStorm website at http://neuroimage.usc.edu for further information.
% Copyright (c) 2004 BrainStorm by the University of Southern California
% This software distributed  under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% as published by the Free Software Foundation. Further details on the GPL
% license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html .
%<autoend> ------------------------ 26-May-2004 11:34:19 -----------------------

  sensor_info = [];

if(isempty(sensor_info)),    % load default information
    sensor_info = default_pos; % local function
  sensor_info = [[1:122]' sensor_info]; % original cm.pos format

% col 1 is the sensor number.  Col 2:4 is the position of the center, Col 5:7,
% x-axis, col 8:10, y-axis , col 11:13 z-axis.

% Center of coils is +/- 8.1 mm on x-axis.  Size of coil is 16.2 mm on a
%  side.

% Sensor origin, 0 0 0, is about [0 0 50 mm] on a standard,
%  fiducially-oriented patient coordinate system.

% y is out through the nasion.  x is out the right peri-ariculars
%  origin is at the perpendicular intersector of y with peri-aricular line

Rcenter = sensor_info(:,2:4);
Ux = sensor_info(:,5:7);            % unit x direction
Rcoil = [(Rcenter + (Ux * 8.1/1000)) (Rcenter - (Ux * 8.1/1000))];
Ocoil = [sensor_info(:,11:13) sensor_info(:,11:13)];    % directions

if(nargout > 2),        % give vertices for squares
  coilx = [0 16.2 16.2 0]'/1000;
  coily = [8.1 8.1 -8.1 -8.1]'/1000;
  coilz = zeros(4,1);
  coil = [coilx coily coilz];    % basic coil on "positive" side of sensor
  Uy = sensor_info(:,8:10);
  Uz = sensor_info(:,11:13);
  Ux = Ux';
  Uy = Uy';
  Uz = Uz';
  Ux = Ux(:)';
  Uy = Uy(:)';
  Uz = Uz(:)';
  Rotator = [Ux;Uy;Uz];
  % this formula will form the inverse rotator:
  %  Rotator = sensor_info(:,5:13)';
  %  Rotator = reshape(Rotator,3,size(Rotator,2)*3); % each submatrix of three
    % is now a rotator
  Rcenter = Rcenter';         % each column is now a position
  Rcenter = Rcenter(:)';    % each three cols is now a position
  Coil = [coil; [-coil(:,1) coil(:,2:3)]]*Rotator;
  Coil = Coil+ ones(8,1)*Rcenter; % centers
  ndx = [1:3:size(Coil,2)];     % x coordinates
  x = Coil(:,ndx);
  y = Coil(:,ndx+1);
  z = Coil(:,ndx+2);


function cm = default_pos;

%load in a default set of "apos" information on the Neuromag-122

cm = [...
1001  0.10900  0.00016 -0.03686  0.00000 -0.03767 -0.99929 -0.00124  0.99929 -0.03767  1.00000  0.00123 -0.00005 
1002  0.10900  0.00016 -0.03686 -0.00124  0.99931 -0.03706  0.00000  0.03706  0.99931  1.00000  0.00123 -0.00005 
1003  0.10893  0.00016  0.00380  0.03520 -0.03706 -0.99869 -0.00002  0.99931 -0.03708  0.99938  0.00133  0.03518 
1004  0.10893  0.00016  0.00381  0.00000  0.99929 -0.03767 -0.03520  0.03765  0.99867  0.99938  0.00133  0.03518 
1005  0.09884  0.00158  0.04401  0.40698 -0.03458 -0.91278  0.00081  0.99930 -0.03750  0.91343  0.01452  0.40673 
1006  0.09883  0.00158  0.04401  0.00062  0.99931 -0.03706 -0.40698  0.03410  0.91280  0.91343  0.01452  0.40673 
1007  0.10417  0.04107 -0.03478  0.03830 -0.03088 -0.99879 -0.19265  0.98054 -0.03771  0.98052  0.19386  0.03160 
1008  0.10417  0.04107 -0.03478 -0.19265  0.98054 -0.03767 -0.03829  0.03084  0.99879  0.98052  0.19386  0.03160 
1009  0.10291  0.04082  0.00620  0.03768 -0.03088 -0.99881 -0.19325  0.98043 -0.03761  0.98043  0.19444  0.03097 
1010  0.10291  0.04082  0.00620 -0.19325  0.98043 -0.03766 -0.03769  0.03094  0.99881  0.98043  0.19444  0.03097 
1011  0.09333  0.04162  0.04499  0.40234 -0.02530 -0.91514 -0.11357  0.99052 -0.07732  0.90842  0.13504  0.39565 
1012  0.09333  0.04162  0.04500 -0.11363  0.99052 -0.07719 -0.40233  0.02517  0.91515  0.90842  0.13504  0.39565
1013  0.07090  0.04349  0.07743  0.71198 -0.01173 -0.70210 -0.05092  0.99637 -0.06829  0.70035  0.08437  0.70880
1014  0.07090  0.04349  0.07742 -0.05127  0.99637 -0.06795 -0.71196  0.01125  0.70213  0.70035  0.08437  0.70880
1015  0.03819  0.04474  0.09903  0.92433 -0.02161 -0.38097  0.00112  0.99854 -0.05393  0.38158  0.04942  0.92301
1016  0.03819  0.04474  0.09903  0.00062  0.99856 -0.05373 -0.92433  0.02107  0.38100  0.38158  0.04942  0.92301
1017  0.09062  0.08267  0.01189  0.03458  0.05373 -0.99796 -0.42537  0.90438  0.03395  0.90436  0.42333  0.05413
1018  0.09061  0.08268  0.01189 -0.42535  0.90441  0.03334 -0.03484 -0.05317  0.99798  0.90436  0.42333  0.05413
1019  0.07515  0.08379  0.05647  0.56415 -0.02654 -0.82524 -0.34507  0.90043 -0.26486  0.75010  0.43419  0.49882
1020  0.07515  0.08379  0.05647 -0.34460  0.90041 -0.26555 -0.56444  0.02730  0.82502  0.75010  0.43419  0.49882
1021  0.04161  0.08487  0.08599  0.88993 -0.01729 -0.45577 -0.18908  0.89538 -0.40316  0.41506  0.44497  0.79356
1022  0.04160  0.08487  0.08600 -0.18896  0.89538 -0.40323 -0.88996  0.01742  0.45572  0.41506  0.44497  0.79356
1023  0.00000  0.08601  0.09564  0.00000  0.88968 -0.45658 -1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.45658  0.88968
1024  0.00000  0.08601  0.09565 -1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -0.88968  0.45658  0.00000  0.45658  0.88968
1025  0.06379  0.11673  0.01756  0.05187  0.10065 -0.99357 -0.76964  0.63802  0.02445  0.63637  0.76342  0.11056
1026  0.06379  0.11673  0.01756 -0.76962  0.63805  0.02409 -0.05215 -0.10042  0.99358  0.63637  0.76342  0.11056
1027  0.02381  0.13634  0.02203 -0.14069  0.19191 -0.97128 -0.96106  0.20920  0.18055  0.23784  0.95886  0.15500
1028  0.02380  0.13634  0.02203 -0.96110  0.20926  0.18025  0.14039 -0.19184  0.97133  0.23784  0.95886  0.15500
1029  0.02667  0.11996  0.06107 -0.10931  0.58608 -0.80285 -0.95771  0.15418  0.24295  0.26617  0.79545  0.54444
1030  0.02666  0.11995  0.06108 -0.95774  0.15438  0.24268  0.10899 -0.58603  0.80293  0.26617  0.79545  0.54444
1031 -0.02381  0.13634  0.02203  0.14069  0.19191 -0.97128 -0.96106 -0.20920 -0.18055 -0.23784  0.95886  0.15500
1032 -0.02380  0.13634  0.02203 -0.96110 -0.20926 -0.18025 -0.14039 -0.19184  0.97133 -0.23784  0.95886  0.15500
1033 -0.02667  0.11996  0.06107  0.10931  0.58608 -0.80285 -0.95771 -0.15418 -0.24295 -0.26617  0.79545  0.54444 
1034 -0.02666  0.11995  0.06108 -0.95774 -0.15438 -0.24268 -0.10899 -0.58603  0.80293 -0.26617  0.79545  0.54444 
1035 -0.06379  0.11673  0.01756 -0.05187  0.10065 -0.99357 -0.76964 -0.63802 -0.02445 -0.63637  0.76342  0.11056 
1036 -0.06379  0.11673  0.01756 -0.76962 -0.63805 -0.02409  0.05215 -0.10042  0.99358 -0.63637  0.76342  0.11056 
1037 -0.09062  0.08267  0.01189 -0.03458  0.05373 -0.99796 -0.42537 -0.90438 -0.03395 -0.90436  0.42333  0.05413 
1038 -0.09061  0.08268  0.01189 -0.42535 -0.90441 -0.03334  0.03484 -0.05317  0.99798 -0.90436  0.42333  0.05413 
1039 -0.07515  0.08379  0.05647 -0.56415 -0.02654 -0.82524 -0.34507 -0.90043  0.26486 -0.75010  0.43419  0.49882 
1040 -0.07515  0.08379  0.05647 -0.34460 -0.90041  0.26555  0.56444  0.02730  0.82502 -0.75010  0.43419  0.49882 
1041 -0.04161  0.08487  0.08599 -0.88993 -0.01729 -0.45577 -0.18908 -0.89538  0.40316 -0.41506  0.44497  0.79356 
1042 -0.04160  0.08487  0.08600 -0.18896 -0.89538  0.40323  0.88996  0.01742  0.45572 -0.41506  0.44497  0.79356 
1043 -0.10417  0.04107 -0.03478 -0.03830 -0.03088 -0.99879 -0.19265 -0.98054  0.03771 -0.98052  0.19386  0.03160 
1044 -0.10417  0.04107 -0.03478 -0.19265 -0.98054  0.03767  0.03829  0.03084  0.99879 -0.98052  0.19386  0.03160 
1045 -0.10291  0.04082  0.00620 -0.03768 -0.03088 -0.99881 -0.19265 -0.98055  0.03759 -0.98054  0.19384  0.03100 
1046 -0.10291  0.04082  0.00620 -0.19265 -0.98054  0.03767  0.03769  0.03096  0.99881 -0.98054  0.19384  0.03100 
1047 -0.09333  0.04162  0.04499 -0.40234 -0.02530 -0.91514 -0.11357 -0.99052  0.07732 -0.90842  0.13504  0.39565 
1048 -0.09333  0.04162  0.04500 -0.11363 -0.99052  0.07719  0.40233  0.02517  0.91515 -0.90842  0.13504  0.39565 
1049 -0.07090  0.04349  0.07743 -0.71198 -0.01173 -0.70210 -0.05092 -0.99637  0.06829 -0.70035  0.08437  0.70880 
1050 -0.07090  0.04349  0.07742 -0.05127 -0.99637  0.06795  0.71196  0.01125  0.70213 -0.70035  0.08437  0.70880 
1051 -0.03819  0.04474  0.09903 -0.92433 -0.02161 -0.38097  0.00112 -0.99854  0.05393 -0.38158  0.04942  0.92301 
1052 -0.03819  0.04474  0.09903  0.00062 -0.99856  0.05373  0.92433  0.02107  0.38100 -0.38158  0.04942  0.92301 
1053  0.00000  0.04551  0.10656  0.00000  0.99862 -0.05249 -1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.05249  0.99862 
1054  0.00000  0.04550  0.10656 -1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -0.99862  0.05249  0.00000  0.05249  0.99862 
1055 -0.10900  0.00016 -0.03686  0.00000 -0.03767 -0.99929 -0.00124 -0.99929  0.03767 -1.00000  0.00123 -0.00005 
1056 -0.10900  0.00016 -0.03686 -0.00124 -0.99931  0.03706  0.00000  0.03706  0.99931 -1.00000  0.00123 -0.00005 
1057 -0.10893  0.00016  0.00380 -0.03520 -0.03706 -0.99869 -0.00002 -0.99931  0.03708 -0.99938  0.00133  0.03518 
1058 -0.10893  0.00016  0.00381  0.00000 -0.99929  0.03767  0.03520  0.03765  0.99867 -0.99938  0.00133  0.03518 
1059 -0.09884  0.00158  0.04401 -0.40698 -0.03458 -0.91278  0.00081 -0.99930  0.03750 -0.91343  0.01452  0.40673 
1060 -0.09883  0.00158  0.04401  0.00062 -0.99931  0.03706  0.40698  0.03410  0.91280 -0.91343  0.01452  0.40673 
1061 -0.07510  0.00295  0.07783 -0.71972 -0.02595 -0.69378 -0.00045 -0.99928  0.03784 -0.69426  0.02754  0.71920 
1062 -0.07510  0.00295  0.07783 -0.00062 -0.99929  0.03767  0.71972  0.02571  0.69379 -0.69426  0.02754  0.71920 
1063 -0.04051  0.00372  0.10026 -0.92727 -0.01420 -0.37412  0.00039 -0.99932  0.03697 -0.37439  0.03413  0.92664 
1064 -0.04050  0.00372  0.10026  0.00062 -0.99931  0.03706  0.92727  0.01445  0.37411 -0.37439  0.03413  0.92664 
1065  0.00000  0.00409  0.10813  0.00000  0.99929 -0.03767 -1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.03767  0.99929 
1066  0.00000  0.00409  0.10812 -1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -0.99929  0.03767  0.00000  0.03767  0.99929 
1067 -0.10070 -0.04171 -0.03931  0.01296 -0.03210 -0.99940  0.38232 -0.92338  0.03462 -0.92394 -0.38254  0.00030 
1068 -0.10070 -0.04171 -0.03930  0.38232 -0.92338  0.03459 -0.01295  0.03207  0.99940 -0.92394 -0.38254  0.00030 
1069 -0.10069 -0.04171  0.00158  0.00000 -0.03765 -0.99929  0.38286 -0.92315  0.03478 -0.92381 -0.38259  0.01441 
1070 -0.10069 -0.04171  0.00158  0.38286 -0.92318  0.03396  0.00031  0.03689  0.99932 -0.92381 -0.38259  0.01441 
1071 -0.08959 -0.04005  0.04558 -0.45436  0.00309 -0.89081  0.32825 -0.92905 -0.17064 -0.82814 -0.36994  0.42111 
1072 -0.08958 -0.04004  0.04558  0.32801 -0.92905 -0.17111  0.45453 -0.00357  0.89072 -0.82814 -0.36994  0.42111 
1073 -0.06186 -0.03717  0.08061 -0.77784 -0.06235 -0.62536  0.26120 -0.93713 -0.23145 -0.57161 -0.34338  0.74522 
1074 -0.06185 -0.03717  0.08061  0.26114 -0.93713 -0.23150  0.77786  0.06227  0.62534 -0.57161 -0.34338  0.74522 
1075 -0.07708 -0.07708 -0.03993  0.01913 -0.01913 -0.99963  0.70685 -0.70685  0.02705 -0.70711 -0.70711  0.00000 
1076 -0.07708 -0.07708 -0.03993  0.70687 -0.70687  0.02593 -0.01833  0.01833  0.99966 -0.70711 -0.70711  0.00000 
1077 -0.07707 -0.07707  0.00096  0.01235 -0.02470 -0.99962  0.70717 -0.70656  0.02619 -0.70693 -0.70722  0.00874 
1078 -0.07708 -0.07707  0.00095  0.70717 -0.70655  0.02656 -0.01261  0.02496  0.99961 -0.70693 -0.70722  0.00874 
1079 -0.06181 -0.07746  0.04343 -0.23033 -0.32913 -0.91576  0.78783 -0.61546  0.02305 -0.57120 -0.71616  0.40106 
1080 -0.06180 -0.07746  0.04343  0.78778 -0.61553  0.02284  0.23050  0.32899  0.91577 -0.57120 -0.71616  0.40106 
1081 -0.04171 -0.10070 -0.04105  0.01296 -0.00555 -0.99990  0.92371 -0.38282  0.01410 -0.38286 -0.92380  0.00017
1082 -0.04171 -0.10070 -0.04105  0.92370 -0.38282  0.01482 -0.01363  0.00583  0.99989 -0.38286 -0.92380  0.00017
1083 -0.04171 -0.10070  0.00000  0.01296 -0.00555 -0.99990  0.92371 -0.38282  0.01410 -0.38286 -0.92380  0.00017
1084 -0.04171 -0.10070  0.00000  0.92370 -0.38282  0.01482 -0.01363  0.00583  0.99989 -0.38286 -0.92380  0.00017
1085 -0.02113 -0.09801  0.04068 -0.00247 -0.38286 -0.92380  0.98072 -0.18144  0.07257 -0.19540 -0.90581  0.37593
1086 -0.02113 -0.09801  0.04067  0.98072 -0.18157  0.07226  0.00281  0.38280  0.92383 -0.19540 -0.90581  0.37593
1087 -0.02180 -0.07322  0.07662  0.08460 -0.73241 -0.67559  0.97577 -0.07641  0.20503 -0.20178 -0.67657  0.70819
1088 -0.02180 -0.07322  0.07662  0.97578 -0.07653  0.20491 -0.08443  0.73239  0.67563 -0.20178 -0.67657  0.70819
1089 -0.02094 -0.03739  0.09935  0.03707 -0.93775 -0.34532  0.98052 -0.03258  0.19370 -0.19290 -0.34578  0.91827
1090 -0.02094 -0.03739  0.09935  0.98050 -0.03211  0.19388 -0.03756  0.93777  0.34523 -0.19290 -0.34578  0.91827
1091  0.00000 -0.10900 -0.04072  0.00000  0.00000 -1.00000  1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -1.00000  0.00000
1092  0.00000 -0.10900 -0.04072  1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  1.00000  0.00000 -1.00000  0.00000
1093  0.00000 -0.10900  0.00032  0.00000 -0.00247 -1.00000  1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -1.00000  0.00247
1094  0.00000 -0.10900  0.00032  1.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -0.00000  0.00247  1.00000  0.00000 -1.00000  0.00247
1095  0.02113 -0.09801  0.04068  0.00247 -0.38286 -0.92380  0.98072  0.18144 -0.07257  0.19540 -0.90581  0.37593
1096  0.02113 -0.09801  0.04067  0.98072  0.18157 -0.07226 -0.00281  0.38280  0.92383  0.19540 -0.90581  0.37593
1097  0.02180 -0.07322  0.07662 -0.08460 -0.73241 -0.67559  0.97577  0.07641 -0.20503  0.20178 -0.67657  0.70819
1098  0.02180 -0.07322  0.07662  0.97578  0.07653 -0.20491  0.08443  0.73239  0.67563  0.20178 -0.67657  0.70819
1099  0.02094 -0.03739  0.09935 -0.03707 -0.93775 -0.34532  0.98052  0.03258 -0.19370  0.19290 -0.34578  0.91827
1100  0.02094 -0.03739  0.09935  0.98050  0.03211 -0.19388  0.03756  0.93777  0.34523  0.19290 -0.34578  0.91827
1101  0.04171 -0.10070 -0.04105 -0.01296 -0.00555 -0.99990  0.92371  0.38282 -0.01410  0.38286 -0.92380  0.00017
1102  0.04171 -0.10070 -0.04105  0.92370  0.38282 -0.01482  0.01363  0.00583  0.99989  0.38286 -0.92380  0.00017 
1103  0.04171 -0.10070  0.00000 -0.01296 -0.00555 -0.99990  0.92371  0.38282 -0.01410  0.38286 -0.92380  0.00017 
1104  0.04171 -0.10070  0.00000  0.92370  0.38282 -0.01482  0.01363  0.00583  0.99989  0.38286 -0.92380  0.00017 
1105  0.07708 -0.07708 -0.03993 -0.01913 -0.01913 -0.99963  0.70685  0.70685 -0.02705  0.70711 -0.70711  0.00000 
1106  0.07708 -0.07708 -0.03993  0.70687  0.70687 -0.02593  0.01833  0.01833  0.99966  0.70711 -0.70711  0.00000 
1107  0.07707 -0.07707  0.00096 -0.01235 -0.02470 -0.99962  0.70717  0.70656 -0.02619  0.70693 -0.70722  0.00874 
1108  0.07708 -0.07707  0.00095  0.70717  0.70655 -0.02656  0.01261  0.02496  0.99961  0.70693 -0.70722  0.00874 
1109  0.06181 -0.07746  0.04343  0.23033 -0.32913 -0.91576  0.78783  0.61546 -0.02305  0.57120 -0.71616  0.40106 
1110  0.06180 -0.07746  0.04343  0.78778  0.61553 -0.02284 -0.23050  0.32899  0.91577  0.57120 -0.71616  0.40106 
1111  0.10070 -0.04171 -0.03931 -0.01296 -0.03210 -0.99940  0.38232  0.92338 -0.03462  0.92394 -0.38254  0.00030 
1112  0.10070 -0.04171 -0.03930  0.38232  0.92338 -0.03459  0.01295  0.03207  0.99940  0.92394 -0.38254  0.00030 
1113  0.10069 -0.04171  0.00158  0.00000 -0.03765 -0.99929  0.38286  0.92315 -0.03478  0.92381 -0.38259  0.01441 
1114  0.10069 -0.04171  0.00158  0.38286  0.92318 -0.03396 -0.00031  0.03689  0.99932  0.92381 -0.38259  0.01441 
1115  0.08959 -0.04005  0.04558  0.45436  0.00309 -0.89081  0.32825  0.92905  0.17064  0.82814 -0.36994  0.42111 
1116  0.08958 -0.04004  0.04558  0.32801  0.92905  0.17111 -0.45453 -0.00357  0.89072  0.82814 -0.36994  0.42111 
1117  0.06186 -0.03717  0.08061  0.77784 -0.06235 -0.62536  0.26120  0.93713  0.23145  0.57161 -0.34338  0.74522 
1118  0.06185 -0.03717  0.08061  0.26114  0.93713  0.23150 -0.77786  0.06227  0.62534  0.57161 -0.34338  0.74522 
1119  0.07510  0.00295  0.07783  0.71972 -0.02595 -0.69378 -0.00045  0.99928 -0.03784  0.69426  0.02754  0.71920 
1120  0.07510  0.00295  0.07783 -0.00062  0.99929 -0.03767 -0.71972  0.02571  0.69379  0.69426  0.02754  0.71920 
1121  0.04051  0.00372  0.10026  0.92727 -0.01420 -0.37412  0.00039  0.99932 -0.03697  0.37439  0.03413  0.92664 
1122  0.04050  0.00372  0.10026  0.00062  0.99931 -0.03706 -0.92727  0.01445  0.37411  0.37439  0.03413  0.92664 


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