Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Toolbox
Version 1.0, November 2004
The EDA Toolbox comes with absolutely no warranty and is distributed under the GNU license. For details see the license.txt file. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions (see the license.txt file and the GNU license)
It is intended that this toolbox accompany the book Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB, Wendy and Angel Martinez, CRC Press, 2004. However, you do not need the book to use this toolbox.
We have several upgrades in mind (GUIs, functions), so please keep checking the download websites for new versions.
Contents in alphabetical order
We would like to acknowledge code that has been contributed by other authors (under the GNU license):
Other references are available on the above websites and on the individual function help pages. We are also grateful for helpful suggestions regarding MATLAB coding from Tom Lane, The MathWorks, Inc.
This software and documentation are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but they are distributed
without any warranty and without even the implied warranty of correctness or fitness for a particular purpose.
The federal government, in particular the Department of the Navy and the Department of Defense, disclaims all responsibility
for this software and any outcome from its use. In addition, this software and documentation does not reflect the
views of and is not endorsed by the federal government nor the Department of the Navy.
The code has been tested with care, but is not guaranteed to be free of defects and is not guaranteed for any particular
purpose. Bug reports and suggestions for improvements are always welcome.
This code has been developed for the Windows system, using MATLAB 6.5 and 7.0. The M-file functions should work on any platform, but the installation steps would be different. Consult your system files or The MathWorks website for more information.
Note that for full functionality, the user should have the MATLAB Statistics Toolbox, Version 4 or higher.
The following installation instructions are for Windows versions of MATLAB. This toolbox can also be used with Unix and Linux operating systems, with suitable changes to the directory structure for toolboxes and paths.
Alternative way to set the path:
a. Start MATLAB.
b. Start the Set Path dialog box from the File menu in the MATLAB Command Window.
c. Add the new directory for the EDA Toolbox to the path. Hit the Save button to permanently save your changes to the pathdef.m file.
d. Close MATLAB and restart it to see the changes in the Help files.
Changing the MATLAB environment for the EDA Toolbox:
- To provide access to the toolbox via the START button, see the instructions on The MathWorks online documentation.
- To add the Help files in the Help Browser, see the instructions on The MathWorks online documentation.
CLUSTERING adjrand Adjusted Rand index to compare groupings. agmclust Model-based agglomerative clustering. genmix GUI to generate random variables from finite mixture. mbcfinmix Model-based finite mixture estimation - EM. mbclust Model-based clustering. mixclass Classification using mixture model. mojenaplot 'Mojena Rule' plot for estimating the number of clusters plotbic Plot the BIC values from model-based clustering. randind Rand index to compare groupings. reclus ReClus plot to visualize cluster output. rectplot Rectangle plot to visualize hierarchical clustering. treemap Treemap display for hierarchical clustering. DATA TOURS csppstrtrem Remove structure in PPEDA. intour Interpolation tour of the data. kdimtour k-dimensional grand tour. permtourandrews Permutation tour using Andrews’ curves. permtourparallel Permutation tour using parallel coordinate plots. ppeda Projection pursuit EDA. pseudotour Pseudo grand tour. torustour Asimov grand tour DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION gtm_pmd Calculates posterior mode projection (GTM Toolbox). gtm_pmn Calculates posterior mean projection (GTM Toolbox). gtm_stp2 Generates components of a GTM (GTM Toolbox). gtm_trn Train the GTM using EM (GTM Toolbox). hlle Hessian eigenmaps. idpettis Intrinsic dimensionality estimate. isomap ISOMAP nonlinear dimensionality reduction. lle Locally linear embedding. nmmds Nonmetric multidimensional scaling. som_autolabel Automatic labeling (SOM Toolbox). som_data_struct Create a data structure (SOM Toolbox). som_make Create, initialize and train SOM (SOM Toolbox). som_normalize Normalize data (SOM Toolbox). som_set Set up SOM structures (SOM Toolbox). som_show Basic SOM visualization (SOM Toolbox). som_show_add Shows hits, labels and trajectories (SOM Toolbox). DISTRIBUTION SHAPES bagmat.exe Executable file to get arrays needed for bagplot. bagplot M-file to construct actual bagplot. boxp Boxplot - regular. boxprct Box-percentile plot. polarloess Bivariate smoothing using loess. quantileseda Sample quantiles. quartiles Sample quartiles using Tukey’s fourths.
GUIs brushscatter Scatterplot brushing and linking. genmix Executable file to get arrays needed for bagplot. isomapeda Explore results of ISOMAP. scattergui Scatterplot with interactive labeling. SMOOTHING loess 1-D loess scatterplot smoothing. loess2 2-D loess smoothing from Data Visualization Toolbox. loessenv Loess upper and lower envelopes. loessr Robust loess scatterplot smoothing. polarloess Bivariate smoothing using loess. VISUALIZATION brushscatter Scatterplot brushing and linking. coplot Coplot from Data Visualization Toolbox. csandrews Andrews' curves plot. csparallel Parallel coordinates plot. dotchart Dot chart plot. hexplot Hexagonal binning for scatterplot. mojenaplot 'Mojena Rule' plot for estimating the number of clusters multiwayplot Multiway dot charts. plotbic Plot the BIC values from model-based clustering. plotmatrixandr Plot matrix of Andrews' curves. plotmatrixpara Plot matrix of parallel coordinates. reclus ReClus plot to visualize cluster output. rectplot Rectangle plot to visualize hierarchical clustering. scattergui Scatterplot with interactive labeling. treemap Treemap display for hierarchical clustering.
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abrasion Rubber experiments animal Brain weights and body weights of animals bank Genuine and forged money calibrat Radioactivity counts to hormone level cereal Assessment of eight brands of cereal environmental Environmental variables: ozone, solar radiation, temperature, wind speed ethanol Compression ratio, equivalence ratio, NO_x for a single-cylinder engine forearm Length in inches of the forearm of adult males example* Various data sets for the example in the boook galaxy Velocities of the spiral galaxy geyser Waiting times in minutes between eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser hamster Organ weights for hamsters with congenital heart failure iradbpm Interpoint distance matrix (IRad) for the BPM data set iris Fisher's iris data. Species are in different arrays. L1bpm Interpoint distance matrix (L1) for the BPM data set leukemia Gene expression level of patients with leukemia livestock Livestock counts from a 1987 census of farm animals lsiex Term-document matrix used in Example 2.3, illustrating LSI lungA Gene expression data for lung cancer lungB Gene expression data for lung cancer matchbpm Interpoint distance matrix (match coefficient) for the BPM data set ochiaibpm Interpoint distance matrix (Ochiai similarity measure) for the BPM data set oronsay Particle size measurements for sand ozone Daily maximum ozone concentrations at ground level on 132 days in 1974 playfair Populations of 22 cities and diameters used for display by William Playfair pollen Artificial data set created for 1986 Joint Statistical Meetings posse Data sets from Christian Posse, used for projection pursuit EDA salmon Size of spawning stock of salmon along the Skeena River scurve Data from an S-curve manifold singer Height in inches of singers skulls Measurements of 40 skulls. 18 are female and 22 are male software Data on software inspections spam Attributes of email, some of which are spam sparrow Measurements on sparrows. The first 21 survived, and the rest died. swissroll Data from the Swiss roll manifold votfraud Democratic and Republican pluralities of voting machines and absentee votes yeast Gene expression data for yeast cells - two cell cycles and five phases
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Contents in Alphabetical Order
adjrand Adjusted Rand index to compare groupings. agmclust Model-based agglomerative clustering. bagmat.exe Executable file to get arrays needed for bagplot. bagplot M-file to construct actual bagplot. boxp Boxplot - regular. boxprct Box-percentile plot. brushscatter Scatterplot brushing and linking. coplot Coplot from Data Visualization Toolbox. csandrews Andrews' curves plot. csparallel Parallel coordinates plot. csppstrtrem Remove structure in PPEDA. dotchart Dot chart plot. genmix GUI to generate random variables from finite mixture. gtm_pmd Calculates posterior mode projection (GTM Toolbox). gtm_pmn Calculates posterior mean projection (GTM Toolbox). gtm_stp2 Generates components of a GTM (GTM Toolbox). gtm_trn Train the GTM using EM (GTM Toolbox). hexplot Hexagonal binning for scatterplot. hlle Hessian eigenmaps. idpettis Intrinsic dimensionality estimate. intour Interpolation tour of the data. isomap ISOMAP nonlinear dimensionality reduction. isomapeda Explore results of ISOMAP. kdimtour k-dimensional grand tour. lle Locally linear embedding. loess 1-D loess scatterplot smoothing. loess2 2-D loess smoothing from Data Visualization Toolbox. loessenv Loess upper and lower envelopes. loessr Robust loess scatterplot smoothing. mbcfinmix Model-based finite mixture estimation - EM. mbclust Model-based clustering. mixclass Classification using mixture model. mojenaplot 'Mojena Rule' plot for estimating the number of clusters multiwayplot Multiway dot charts. nmmds Nonmetric multidimensional scaling. permtourandrews Permutation tour using Andrews’ curves. permtourparallel Permutation tour using parallel coordinate plots. plotbic Plot the BIC values from model-based clustering. plotmatrixandr Plot matrix of Andrews’ curves. plotmatrixpara Plot matrix of parallel coordinates. polarloess Bivariate smoothing using loess. ppeda Projection pursuit EDA. pseudotour Pseudo grand tour. quantileseda Sample quantiles. quartiles Sample quartiles using Tukey’s fourths. randind Rand index to compare groupings. reclus ReClus plot to visualize cluster output. rectplot Rectangle plot to visualize hierarchical clustering. scattergui Scatterplot with interactive labeling. som_autolabel Automatic labeling (SOM Toolbox). som_data_struct Create a data structure (SOM Toolbox). som_make Create, initialize and train SOM (SOM Toolbox). som_normalize Normalize data (SOM Toolbox). som_set Set up SOM structures (SOM Toolbox). som_show Basic SOM visualization (SOM Toolbox). som_show_add Shows hits, labels and trajectories (SOM Toolbox). torustour Asimov grand tour treemap Treemap display for hierarchical clustering.Return to top.