Rectangle cluster plot for Agglomerative Clustering Output. This plots clusters based on the cluster scheme
given by Z
in a rectangle plot. Each rectangle corrresponds to a cluster of observations.
Input Arguments (see below for their usage):
- Z is the matrix output from linkage in hierarchical clustering.
- The input argument N is either a dissimilarity (value along the vertical in the associated dendrogram) where
we want to cut the tree or the number of clusters.
- The argument TYPE can either be 'dis' for dissimilarity/distance or 'nclus' for number of clusters.
- CLABS is optional. If this is used, then the points are plotted according to their true class labals given
in CLABS. Thus, all class 1 points will plot with the '1' symbol, etc. If CLABS is not used, then the observation
numbers are used as the symbols. Planned upgrades will allow the user to specify the plot symbol.
Output Arguments:
Wills, G. J. 1998. “An interactive view for hierarchical clustering,” Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Information
Visualization, 26-31.
EDA Toolbox: Contents