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(Toolbox/contents.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))
Help Text
BrainStorm Toolbox
Version 2.0 (Alpha) 12-Oct-2004
Contents Generated by make_contents on 12-Oct-2004 11:54:29
Files Sorted first by Category, then alphabetical, listed with first help line.
A * indicates the H1 line begins with the filename.
Category: Data Processing
bst_extractmarkersctf.m * - Extract signal block from a .ds CTF data set
bst_readmarkerfilectf.m * - read_markerf reads the CTF markerfile MarkerFile.mrk
covariance_plots.fig GUI figure for covariance_plots.m
covariance_plots.m * - M-file for covariance_generator, covariance_plots
ds2brainstorm.m * - Convert a DS CTF dataset into BrainStorm format
eeg2bs.m * - (fnamein,fnameout,type,channel)
extract_channels.m * - Extract the channels to be used in this particular run
extract_ctf_markers.m * - Extract signal block from a .ds CTF data set based on the Markers information in the Markerfile
load_fif_apos.m * - Load in position information from Neuromag 122 ".apos" file
load_fif_asc.m * - Load data from Neuromag 122 .fif file converted to ascii
load_smf.m * - Load a simply written SMF file into the faces vertices structure
meg4write.m * - WRITE CTF MEG4 file format
mesh2brainstorm.m * - Import .mesh tessellation files (BrainVisa interchange)
readdsgl.m * - Loads a BrainSuite .dsgl format tessellation file.
readmarkerfile_ctf.m * - Read marker information from CTF MarkerFile.mrk
save_smf.m * - Save out a file in a simple form of the SMF format
tri2brainstorm.m * - Read .tri file into BrainStorm format
Category: Database Management
browse_study_folder.m * - Find all *brainstormstudy.mat files in a directory tree
eeg_load_scan3avg.m * - Read a NeuroScan 3.x AVG File
elpos2bs.m * - this function converts electrode position files into BrainStorm Channel format
find_mfiles.m * - Find m-files that open a particular figure handle or the GCF
help_manager.fig GUI figure for help_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
help_manager.m * - Application M-file for help_manager.fig
load_brainstorm_file.m * - load or try to find and load the BrainStorm file.
make_default_database.m * - Confirm or Create a default database, default study, default subject
make_default_study.m * - Create simulated default data and link to a simulated subject
make_default_subject.m * - Make a brainstormsubject and simulated MRI in a folder
phantom_channel_assignment.fig GUI figure for phantom_channel_assignment.m, tess_align_tool.m
phantom_channel_assignment.m * - Application M-file for phantom_channel_assignment.fig
read_besa.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
Category: Forward Modeling
bem_gain.m * - Computes the EEG/MEG forward/gain matrix associated with a set of grid points
bem_kernel.m * - computes kernel matrices for EEG and MEG
bem_xfer.m * - Computation of the MEG and/or EEG BEM transfer matrices
bestfitsph.m * - Find best fitting sphere
bst_headmodeler.m * - Solution to the MEG/EEG forward problem
carto_sensors.m * - (Rcoils,v);
eeg_bem.m * - Calculate the electric potential , BEM approach, arbitrary orientation
eeg_sph.m * - Calculate the electric potential , spherical head, arbitrary orientation
gain_interp.m * - Gain matrix interpolation from a set of pre-computed forward fields defined over grid points in 3D space
get_gain.m * - Get a set of source foward fields from a .bin gain matrix file
good_channel.m * - Extract channels of a given type
gridmaker.m * - 3D regular gridding of surface envelope
hrow_linear.m * - Compute row in BEM geometry matrix for linear collocation
kl_galerkin.m * - Galerking kernel for BEM of linear model
kl_gram.m * - Kernel computation used in bem_xfer
meg_bem.m * - Calculate the mag field, BEM approach, arbitrary orientation
os_meg.m * - Calculate the (overlapping) sphere models for MEG
overlapping_sphere.m * - Create overlapping spheres for E/MEG channels.
overlapping_sphere_fmins.m * - for use with OVERLAPPING_SPHERE
read_gain.m * - Extract parts or a compete gain matrix from .bin binay gain file
sensor_122.m * - Return the Neuromag 122 information
sensor_axial.m * - Generate axial gradiometers
sensor_planar.m * - Generate planar gradiometers
sensor_ring.m * - Generate rings of sensors about a sphere roughly uniformly spaced.
sensor_spacing.m * - generate sites roughly evenly spaced about a hemisphere.
solid_angle2.m * - Solid angle of a viewed triangle
source_grid.m * - generate variable grid of possible source locations
source_grids.m * - Generate source grids for parametric model searches
source_tess.m * - generate variable grid of possible source locations
tesselate.m * - tesselate based on the sensor_ring program
trans_matrix.m * - calculate BEM transfer matrices for EEG and MEG
tri_interp.m * - Compute the interpolation matrix from a cortical tessellation to the MRI volume
weighting_scalar.m * - For use with Overlapping Sphere
zhang_fit.m * - Compute 'Berg' parameters for EEG multilayer sphere
Category: GUI and Related
bem_param_select.fig GUI figure for headmodeler_gui.m
bst_color_scheme.m * - apply the BrainStorm color, font, size scheme to the figure
bst_layout.m * - Manage all BST windows in a standard layout
bst_message_window.fig GUI figure for bst_message_window.m, avw2brainstorm.m, bem_gain.m, and others
bst_message_window.m * - Application M-file for bst_message_window.fig, with NON CALLBACKS
bst_splashscreen.fig GUI figure for bst_splashscreen.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
bst_splashscreen.m * - GUI app for license information and agreement
bst_static_taskbar.fig GUI figure for bst_static_taskbar.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, data_manager.m, and others
bst_static_taskbar.m * - BrainStorm's primary taskbar always visible
bst_win_manager.m * - GUI Window management for BrainStorm
channel_select.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
data_manager.fig GUI figure for data_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, extract_channels.m, and others
data_manager.m * - Edit/select database, subjects, studies, datasets, build headmodels, import data.
data_selector_cb.m * - Callback function to setup and execute inverse techniques
database_manager.fig GUI figure for database_manager.m, data_manager.m
database_manager.m * - GUI to edit the User Databases and select one
dataplot.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, and others
dataplot_cb.m * - : Callback switchyard for the DATAViewer Tool
file_selection_win.fig GUI figure for file_selection_win.m, bst_mriviewer.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
file_selection_win.m * - Application M-file for file_selection_win.fig
generic_listbox_win.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, subject_editor.m
headmodeler_gui.fig GUI figure for headmodeler_gui.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, data_manager.m, and others
headmodeler_gui.m * - Application M-file to build head models
importdata.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, data_manager.m, ds2brainstorm.m, and others
importdata.m * - Case Switchyard for importing data from major MEG and EEG systems
layout_manager.fig GUI figure for layout_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
layout_manager.m * - Application M-file to manage the window layout
least_squares_parameters.fig GUI figure for data_selector_cb.m, least_squares_parameters_cb.m, parametric_estimation.m
listbox_win.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, subject_editor.m
listchan.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
logobrainstorm.jpg Figure file
makeuswait.m * - change the figure pointer according to action
map_single.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
mri_parameters.fig GUI figure for mri_parameters.m, bst_mriviewer.m
mri_parameters.m * - Application M-file for mri_parameters.fig
nowzooming.m * - WindownButtonDownFcn callbcak for zooming within BST_MRIVIEWER
pcs_params.fig GUI figure for pcs_params.m, bst_mriviewer.m, mri_read_tool.m
pcs_params.m * - Application M-file to set the parameters of the patient coordinates
set_dataviewing_parameters.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
simulator.fig GUI figure for simulator.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_study.m, and others
simulator.m * - Application M-file for simulator.fig
simulator_mri.fig GUI figure for simulator_mri.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_subject.m
simulator_mri.m * - Application M-file to make a simulated spherical MRI
study_editor.fig GUI figure for study_editor.m, data_manager.m, importdata.m
study_editor.m * - GUI to edit the BrainStorm Study information, case switchyard
subject_editor.fig GUI figure for subject_editor.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, data_manager.m, and others
subject_editor.m * - GUI to edit the BrainStorm Subject information, case switchyard
tess_align_tool.fig GUI figure for tess_align_tool.m, subject_editor.m
tess_align_tool.m * - Application M-file for tess_align_tool.fig
tessellation_window.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, dataplot_cb.m, manage_corticalscouts.m, and others
zscore_gui.fig GUI figure for zscore_gui.m, dataplot_cb.m
zscore_gui.m * - : management of zscore visualization
Category: Help
contents.m This Contents File
help_data_bststudy.m * - Information on database files of type 'bststudy'
help_data_bstsubject.m * - Information on database files of type 'bstsubject'
help_data_channel.m * - Information on database files of type 'channel'
help_data_data.m * - Information on database files of type 'data'
help_data_headmodel.m * - Information on database files of type 'headmodel'
help_data_image.m * - Information on database files of type 'image'
help_data_raw.m * - Information on database files of type 'raw'
help_data_results.m * - Information on database files of type 'results'
help_data_tess.m * - Information on database files of type 'tess'
help_data_triconn.m * - Information on database files of type 'triconn'
help_data_vertconn.m * - Information on database files of type 'vertconn'
help_database_list.m * - Explain the database used by BrainStorm
help_editing_brainstorm.m * - Information on how to update and edit your version of BrainStorm
help_fig_bem_param_select.m * - Information on figure file 'bem_param_select'
help_fig_bst_message_window.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_message_window'
help_fig_bst_splashscreen.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_splashscreen'
help_fig_bst_static_taskbar.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_static_taskbar'
help_fig_channel_select.m * - Information on figure file 'channel_select'
help_fig_chi_pdf_fit.m * - Information on figure file 'chi_pdf_fit'
help_fig_covariance_generator.m * - Information on figure file 'covariance_generator'
help_fig_covariance_plots.m * - Information on figure file 'covariance_plots'
help_fig_data_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'data_manager'
help_fig_data_selector.m * - Information on figure file 'data_selector'
help_fig_database_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'database_manager'
help_fig_dataplot.m * - Information on figure file 'dataplot'
help_fig_generic_listbox_win.m * - Information on figure file 'generic_listbox_win'
help_fig_headmodeler_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'headmodeler_gui'
help_fig_help_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'help_manager'
help_fig_importdata.m * - Information on figure file 'importdata'
help_fig_layout_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'layout_manager'
help_fig_least_squares_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'least_squares_parameters'
help_fig_listbox_win.m * - Information on figure file 'listbox_win'
help_fig_listchan.m * - Information on figure file 'listchan'
help_fig_manage_corticalscouts.m * - Information on figure file 'manage_corticalscouts'
help_fig_map_single.m * - Information on figure file 'map_single'
help_fig_mapping.m * - Information on figure file 'mapping'
help_fig_markers_select.m * - Information on figure file 'markers_select'
help_fig_minnorm_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'minnorm_parameters'
help_fig_mri_read_tool.m * - Information on figure file 'mri_read_tool'
help_fig_mri_scan_params.m * - Information on figure file 'mri_scan_params'
help_fig_mribox.m * - Information on figure file 'mribox'
help_fig_parametric_estimation.m * - Information on figure file 'parametric_estimation'
help_fig_pcs_params.m * - Information on figure file 'pcs_params'
help_fig_rap_music_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'rap_music_parameters'
help_fig_rap_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'rap_parameters'
help_fig_results_time_series.m * - Information on figure file 'results_time_series'
help_fig_results_update_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'results_update_gui'
help_fig_results_visualization.m * - Information on figure file 'results_visualization'
help_fig_select_folder.m * - Information on figure file 'select_folder'
help_fig_set_dataviewing_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'set_dataviewing_parameters'
help_fig_set_sourceviewing_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'set_sourceviewing_parameters'
help_fig_show_signal_decomposition.m * - Information on figure file 'show_signal_decomposition'
help_fig_simulator.m * - Information on figure file 'simulator'
help_fig_simulator_mri.m * - Information on figure file 'simulator_mri'
help_fig_sourceimaging.m * - Information on figure file 'sourceimaging'
help_fig_sourceimaging_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'sourceimaging_parameters'
help_fig_study_editor.m * - Information on figure file 'study_editor'
help_fig_subject_editor.m * - Information on figure file 'subject_editor'
help_fig_taskbar.m * - Information on figure file 'taskbar'
help_fig_tessellation_handler.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_handler'
help_fig_tessellation_select.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_select'
help_fig_tessellation_window.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_window'
help_fig_timeseries.m * - Information on figure file 'timeseries'
help_fig_view_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'view_manager'
help_fig_visu_maps.m * - Information on figure file 'visu_maps'
help_fig_wave_single.m * - Information on figure file 'wave_single'
help_fig_web_pages.m * - Information on figure file 'web_pages'
help_fig_zscore_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'zscore_gui'
help_figure_list.m * - Explain the figures used by BrainStorm
help_pref_currentdata.m * - Preference information on structure of 'CurrentData'
help_pref_dateofagreement.m * - Preference information on structure of 'DateofAgreement'
help_pref_defaultsubject.m * - Preference information on structure of 'DefaultSubject'
help_pref_iuserdatabase.m * - Preference information on structure of 'iUserDataBase'
help_pref_layout.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Layout'
help_pref_studies.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Studies'
help_pref_studysubject.m * - Preference information on structure of 'StudySubject'
help_pref_subjects.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Subjects'
help_pref_usercurrentdata.m * - Preference information on structure of 'UserCurrentData'
help_pref_userdatabase.m * - Preference information on structure of 'UserDataBase'
help_pref_version.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Version'
help_preference_list.m * - Explain the preferences used by BrainStorm
montreal_data_create.m * - Read landmarks from the Montreal Phantom and create simulated data
readme.m * - What's New in Each Revision of BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha)
Category: Inverse Modeling
bst_sourceimaging.m * - Command line call to source imaging routines
bstscript_ForwardInverse_basic.m * - Basic Head Modelling and Source Imaging BrainStorm Script
data_selector.fig GUI figure for bst_sourceimaging.m, data_selector_cb.m, parametric_estimation.m
lcmvbf.fig GUI figure for lcmvbf.m, bst_sourceimaging.m, dataplot_cb.m
lcmvbf.m * - Spatial filtering solution as called from command line or BST_SOURCEIMAGING.M
least_squares_fit.m * - multiple dipole fit using fminsearch
least_squares_parameters_cb.m * - least_squares GUI setup and execution
minnorm.m * - Mininum norm solution as called from command line or BST_SOURCEIMAGING.M
minnorm_parameters_cb.m * - Minimum Norm GUI setup and execution
muopt.m * - Quasi-optimality criterion for choosing the regularization parameter.
parametric_estimation.fig GUI figure for parametric_estimation.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
parametric_estimation.m * - GUI for selecting data segments and subspaces prior to estimation
rap_music_parameters.fig GUI figure for rap_music_parameters.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
rap_music_parameters.m * - Application M-file for rap_music_parameters.fig
rapmusic_gui.m * - Execute RAPMUSIC using GUI inputs, BrainStorm MMII version
regcheck.m * - Check the regularization tag
regsubspace.m * - Determine the subspace based on the regularization method
subcorr_gui.m * - Subcorr function custom to the gui features
Category: Utility - General
avw2brainstorm.m * - : Converts an AVW MRI structure (from D. Weber's EEGToolbox) to BRAINSTORM MRI format
brainstorm.m * - Go to the BrainStorm home web page
brainstorm_reset.m * - Clear Matlab BrainStorm preferences, remove default data
dip.m * - UNKNOWN, move to archive?
engstr.m * - create a string for the number in engineering format
find_brainstorm_files.m * - Find BrainStorm subjects or study files, create Menu
find_brainstorm_structure.m * - Find all of the available files with a subject or study
find_subdir.m * - Find all subdirectories in a BrainStorm path
genpath2cell.m * - convert path or generated path string into cell array
get_channel.m * - Get the Channel information associated with a particular data file
get_user_directory.m * - Get the user's root directory information
ginput2.m * - Graphical input from mouse.
grayish.m * - % gray out the lower end of a spectrum for less severe palette
load_raw.m * - Read a BrainStorm "raw" format (.txt or .raw) matrix
make_contents.mat Mat-file
mby3check.m * - Check to see if matrix is m by 3 or 3 by m.
mby6check.m * - Check to see if matrix is m by 6 or 6 by m.
meg4read.m * - READ CTF MEG4 file format
mutincomp.m * - Mutual incompatibility among checkboxes and radiobuttons
norcol.m * - (French) squared sum of each column in a matrix
norlig.m * - (French) Norm of the rows of a matrix
offset.m * - each column in inmat such that a plot(outmat) looks good.
qslim.m * - Mesh simplification, wrapper function for Garland's QSLIM executable program
read_ctf_mri.m * - Read CTF MRI format (Version 2.1)
readdfs.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
readRaw.m * - Reads an EGI epoch-marked simple binary format (epoch-marked raw format) file.
save_fieldnames.m * - Save just the fieldnames of a structure to a mat-file
save_raw.m * - Save out a matrix in BrainStorm "raw" format, based on extension
select_folder.fig GUI figure for select_folder.m, database_manager.m
select_folder.m * - Application M-file for bst_SelectFolder.fig
str2mat0.m * - (Deprecated) Form text matrix from individual strings.
str_repeater.m * - Repeat string format and separator to display data
vec.m * - Lexicographical ordering of a matrix, A(:).
web_pages.fig GUI figure for web_pages.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
web_pages.m * - Listbox of relevant BrainStorm web pages and email addresses
windclf.m * - Reset and clear the figure, retaining the NAME property
windfind.m * - Find or create a particular window using it's NAME property
Category: Utility - Numeric
aic_mdl.m * - Calculate Information Theoretic Criteria for data dimensionality
blk_diag.m * - Make or extract a sparse block diagonal matrix
blk_lex.m * - Lexicographically order the submatrices in A
brainstorm_filt.m * - Zero-phase filter dedicated to multi-channel MEG and EEG data
carto_sph.m * - (sensloc,v,center)
chi_pdf_fit.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
closest.m * - Find point in one array closest to point in another array
colnorm.m * - Calculate L2 norm for each column of a matrix and normalize
covariance_generator.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
cross_mat.m * - Sparse cross product matrix good for matrix equivalent operation
crossprod.m * - Cross product between two sets, each set with three columns
dist_sph.m * - FMINS distance function used to minimize the fit to a sphere
dlegpoly.m * - Evaluate the first N Legendre polynomials
dotprod.m * - Dot product of two vectors (deprecated)
embedding.m * - computing the approximate embedding surface
fidufit.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
findclosest.m * - Find entries of closest elements between two vectors
fronorm.m * - Fast calculation of the Frobenius Norm of a Matrix
hanning_window.m * - Calculate the hanning window function for n points
inorcol.m * - Compute the (pseudo)inverse of the column norms of matrix Mat
modulo.m * - Compute the modulo
mri2scs.m * - Compute the transform to move form the MRI coordinate system (in mm) to the SCS
ray_intersect.m * - find intersection of a ray with a set of faces
rownorm.m * - Calculate the L2 norm of each row of a matrix
scs2mri.m * - transform SCS point coordinates (in mm) to MRI coordinate system (in mm)
shepards.m * - (X,x,v,n); 3D nearest-neighbor interpolation using Shepard's weighting
sort_key.m * - Sort with column keys
svd0.m * - Economy SVD in both U and V, S returned sparse diagonal
tessellation_stats.m * - Calculate statistics of the tesselation and hunt for suspicious faces and vertices
transform.m * - Transform coordinates between PCS and MRI
tri_area.m * - Find areas of all triangles
Category: Visualization
bst_imaging_display.m * - : display utility for cortical distributed source imaging
bst_mriviewer.fig GUI figure for bst_mriviewer.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
bst_mriviewer.m * - Application M-file for bst_mriviewer.fig
bst_wavedata_display.m * - Various ways of loooking at time series
c_activ.m * - Finding a colormap to code deepness and activation
catci.m * - computing color coding for activation on the vertices
contraste.m * - computing the colormap coding deepness
curvature_cortex.m * - calculates cortex curvature
depthgauge.m * - Make a depthgauge for measuring depth
faces_connectivity.m * - Generate the connections of faces to a vertex
filterGUI.fig GUI figure for filterGUI.m, dataplot_cb.m
filterGUI.m * - M-file for filterGUI.fig
ihot.mat Mat-file
interp_mail.m * - (French) Interpolate coordinates of the "maillage"
leaflet.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
leaflet.mat Mat-file
load_BsTMRI.m * - Load BrainStorm MRI format
manage_corticalscouts.fig GUI figure for manage_corticalscouts.m, dataplot_cb.m
manage_corticalscouts.m * - Application M-file for manage_corticalscouts.fig
mapping.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, bst_mriviewer.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, and others
markers_select.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
mri_read_tool.fig GUI figure for mri_read_tool.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_subject.m, and others
mri_read_tool.m * - AOS Version Application M-file to read in MRI and manipulate
mribox.fig GUI figure for mritool_cb.m
mritool_cb.m * - OBSOLETE Switchyard corresponding to the OLDER MRITOOL GUI (mribox.fig)
patch_swell.m * - enlarge a patch by appending the next set of adjacent vertices
plot3d.m * - 'plot3' the given three column data
plot_dipole.m * - (r,n,s,c)
plot_patch.m * - plots a vertex or face and its neighbors
results_time_series.fig GUI figure for results_time_series.m, rapmusic_gui.m
results_time_series.m * - Application M-file for results_time_series.fig
results_update.m * - Update of display the source parameters and residuals while RAP-MUSIC or LS is running.
results_update_gui.fig GUI figure for results_update.m
results_visualization.fig GUI figure for results_visualization.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, rapmusic_gui.m, and others
results_visualization.m * - Application M-file View the results of source modeling
separation.m * - Splitting the brain into 2 parts
set_sourceviewing_parameters.fig GUI figure for set_sourceviewing_parameters.m, dataplot_cb.m
set_sourceviewing_parameters.m * - Application M-file for set_sourceviewing_parameters.fig
show_signal_decomposition.fig GUI figure for show_signal_decomposition.m
show_signal_decomposition.m * - Application M-file for show_signal_decomposition.fig
smooth_cortex.m * - Smoothes tesselation
sourceimaging.fig GUI figure for sourceimaging.m, bst_sourceimaging.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, and others
sourceimaging.m * - Main switch to source imaging routines
sourceimaging_parameters.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
tessellation_handler.fig GUI figure for tessellation_handler.m, set_sourceviewing_parameters.m
tessellation_handler.m * - : Basic Viewing of tessellation objects in BrainStorm format; GUI Manager
tessellation_outwards.m * - Ensure that tessellation ordering is "outwards"
togglebuttoncolor.m * - : change button color of toggle button
toggleface.m * - Toggle the faces and edges as invisible
togglelight.m * - toggle the lighting flat or phong
vertices_connectivity.m * - Generate the connections between vertices
view_surface.m * - Convenient function to consistently plot surfaces
visu_maps.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
warp_everything_bst.m WARP_EVERYTHING - (summary line here)
wave_single.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
Category: All Alphabetical
aic_mdl.m * - Calculate Information Theoretic Criteria for data dimensionality
avw2brainstorm.m * - : Converts an AVW MRI structure (from D. Weber's EEGToolbox) to BRAINSTORM MRI format
bem_gain.m * - Computes the EEG/MEG forward/gain matrix associated with a set of grid points
bem_kernel.m * - computes kernel matrices for EEG and MEG
bem_param_select.fig GUI figure for headmodeler_gui.m
bem_xfer.m * - Computation of the MEG and/or EEG BEM transfer matrices
bestfitsph.m * - Find best fitting sphere
blk_diag.m * - Make or extract a sparse block diagonal matrix
blk_lex.m * - Lexicographically order the submatrices in A
brainstorm.m * - Go to the BrainStorm home web page
brainstorm_filt.m * - Zero-phase filter dedicated to multi-channel MEG and EEG data
brainstorm_reset.m * - Clear Matlab BrainStorm preferences, remove default data
browse_study_folder.m * - Find all *brainstormstudy.mat files in a directory tree
bst_cactivcmap.mat Mat-file
bst_color_scheme.m * - apply the BrainStorm color, font, size scheme to the figure
bst_extractmarkersctf.m * - Extract signal block from a .ds CTF data set
bst_headmodeler.m * - Solution to the MEG/EEG forward problem
bst_imaging_display.m * - : display utility for cortical distributed source imaging
bst_layout.m * - Manage all BST windows in a standard layout
bst_message_window.fig GUI figure for bst_message_window.m, avw2brainstorm.m, bem_gain.m, and others
bst_message_window.m * - Application M-file for bst_message_window.fig, with NON CALLBACKS
bst_mriviewer.fig GUI figure for bst_mriviewer.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
bst_mriviewer.m * - Application M-file for bst_mriviewer.fig
bst_readmarkerfilectf.m * - read_markerf reads the CTF markerfile MarkerFile.mrk
bst_sourceimaging.m * - Command line call to source imaging routines
bst_splashscreen.fig GUI figure for bst_splashscreen.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
bst_splashscreen.m * - GUI app for license information and agreement
bst_static_taskbar.fig GUI figure for bst_static_taskbar.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, data_manager.m, and others
bst_static_taskbar.m * - BrainStorm's primary taskbar always visible
bst_wavedata_display.m * - Various ways of loooking at time series
bst_win_manager.m * - GUI Window management for BrainStorm
bstscript_ForwardInverse_basic.m * - Basic Head Modelling and Source Imaging BrainStorm Script
c_activ.m * - Finding a colormap to code deepness and activation
carto_sensors.m * - (Rcoils,v);
carto_sph.m * - (sensloc,v,center)
catci.m * - computing color coding for activation on the vertices
channel_select.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
chi_pdf_fit.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
closest.m * - Find point in one array closest to point in another array
colnorm.m * - Calculate L2 norm for each column of a matrix and normalize
common_vertices.m M-file has no help text
contents.m This Contents File
contraste.m * - computing the colormap coding deepness
covariance_generator.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
covariance_plots.fig GUI figure for covariance_plots.m
covariance_plots.m * - M-file for covariance_generator, covariance_plots
cpot.m * - UNKNOWN, Send to Archive?
cross_mat.m * - Sparse cross product matrix good for matrix equivalent operation
crossprod.m * - Cross product between two sets, each set with three columns
curvature_cortex.m * - calculates cortex curvature
data_manager.fig GUI figure for data_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, extract_channels.m, and others
data_manager.m * - Edit/select database, subjects, studies, datasets, build headmodels, import data.
data_selector.fig GUI figure for bst_sourceimaging.m, data_selector_cb.m, parametric_estimation.m
data_selector_cb.m * - Callback function to setup and execute inverse techniques
database_manager.fig GUI figure for database_manager.m, data_manager.m
database_manager.m * - GUI to edit the User Databases and select one
dataplot.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, and others
dataplot_cb.m * - : Callback switchyard for the DATAViewer Tool
dense2sparse_normals2.m M-file has no help text
depthgauge.m * - Make a depthgauge for measuring depth
dip.m * - UNKNOWN, move to archive?
dist_sph.m * - FMINS distance function used to minimize the fit to a sphere
dlegpoly.m * - Evaluate the first N Legendre polynomials
dotprod.m * - Dot product of two vectors (deprecated)
ds2brainstorm.m * - Convert a DS CTF dataset into BrainStorm format
eeg2bs.m * - (fnamein,fnameout,type,channel)
eeg_bem.m * - Calculate the electric potential , BEM approach, arbitrary orientation
eeg_load_scan3avg.m * - Read a NeuroScan 3.x AVG File
eeg_sph.m * - Calculate the electric potential , spherical head, arbitrary orientation
elpos2bs.m * - this function converts electrode position files into BrainStorm Channel format
embedding.m * - computing the approximate embedding surface
engstr.m * - create a string for the number in engineering format
extract_channels.m * - Extract the channels to be used in this particular run
extract_ctf_markers.m * - Extract signal block from a .ds CTF data set based on the Markers information in the Markerfile
faces_connectivity.m * - Generate the connections of faces to a vertex
fidufit.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
fidufit.mat Mat-file
file_selection_win.fig GUI figure for file_selection_win.m, bst_mriviewer.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
file_selection_win.m * - Application M-file for file_selection_win.fig
filter_win.m M-file has no help text
filter_win.mat Mat-file
filterGUI.fig GUI figure for filterGUI.m, dataplot_cb.m
filterGUI.m * - M-file for filterGUI.fig
find_brainstorm_files.m * - Find BrainStorm subjects or study files, create Menu
find_brainstorm_structure.m * - Find all of the available files with a subject or study
find_mfiles.m * - Find m-files that open a particular figure handle or the GCF
find_subdir.m * - Find all subdirectories in a BrainStorm path
findclosest.m * - Find entries of closest elements between two vectors
fronorm.m * - Fast calculation of the Frobenius Norm of a Matrix
gain_interp.m * - Gain matrix interpolation from a set of pre-computed forward fields defined over grid points in 3D space
generic_listbox_win.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, subject_editor.m
genpath2cell.m * - convert path or generated path string into cell array
geom100.mat Mat-file
get_channel.m * - Get the Channel information associated with a particular data file
get_gain.m * - Get a set of source foward fields from a .bin gain matrix file
get_user_directory.m * - Get the user's root directory information
ginput2.m * - Graphical input from mouse.
good_channel.m * - Extract channels of a given type
grayish.m * - % gray out the lower end of a spectrum for less severe palette
gridmaker.m * - 3D regular gridding of surface envelope
hanning_window.m * - Calculate the hanning window function for n points
headmodeler_gui.fig GUI figure for headmodeler_gui.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, data_manager.m, and others
headmodeler_gui.m * - Application M-file to build head models
help_data_bststudy.m * - Information on database files of type 'bststudy'
help_data_bstsubject.m * - Information on database files of type 'bstsubject'
help_data_channel.m * - Information on database files of type 'channel'
help_data_data.m * - Information on database files of type 'data'
help_data_headmodel.m * - Information on database files of type 'headmodel'
help_data_image.m * - Information on database files of type 'image'
help_data_raw.m * - Information on database files of type 'raw'
help_data_results.m * - Information on database files of type 'results'
help_data_tess.m * - Information on database files of type 'tess'
help_data_triconn.m * - Information on database files of type 'triconn'
help_data_vertconn.m * - Information on database files of type 'vertconn'
help_database_list.m * - Explain the database used by BrainStorm
help_editing_brainstorm.m * - Information on how to update and edit your version of BrainStorm
help_fig_bem_param_select.m * - Information on figure file 'bem_param_select'
help_fig_bst_message_window.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_message_window'
help_fig_bst_splashscreen.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_splashscreen'
help_fig_bst_static_taskbar.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_static_taskbar'
help_fig_channel_select.m * - Information on figure file 'channel_select'
help_fig_chi_pdf_fit.m * - Information on figure file 'chi_pdf_fit'
help_fig_covariance_generator.m * - Information on figure file 'covariance_generator'
help_fig_covariance_plots.m * - Information on figure file 'covariance_plots'
help_fig_data_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'data_manager'
help_fig_data_selector.m * - Information on figure file 'data_selector'
help_fig_database_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'database_manager'
help_fig_dataplot.m * - Information on figure file 'dataplot'
help_fig_generic_listbox_win.m * - Information on figure file 'generic_listbox_win'
help_fig_headmodeler_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'headmodeler_gui'
help_fig_help_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'help_manager'
help_fig_importdata.m * - Information on figure file 'importdata'
help_fig_layout_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'layout_manager'
help_fig_least_squares_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'least_squares_parameters'
help_fig_listbox_win.m * - Information on figure file 'listbox_win'
help_fig_listchan.m * - Information on figure file 'listchan'
help_fig_manage_corticalscouts.m * - Information on figure file 'manage_corticalscouts'
help_fig_map_single.m * - Information on figure file 'map_single'
help_fig_mapping.m * - Information on figure file 'mapping'
help_fig_markers_select.m * - Information on figure file 'markers_select'
help_fig_minnorm_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'minnorm_parameters'
help_fig_mri_read_tool.m * - Information on figure file 'mri_read_tool'
help_fig_mri_scan_params.m * - Information on figure file 'mri_scan_params'
help_fig_mribox.m * - Information on figure file 'mribox'
help_fig_parametric_estimation.m * - Information on figure file 'parametric_estimation'
help_fig_pcs_params.m * - Information on figure file 'pcs_params'
help_fig_rap_music_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'rap_music_parameters'
help_fig_rap_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'rap_parameters'
help_fig_results_time_series.m * - Information on figure file 'results_time_series'
help_fig_results_update_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'results_update_gui'
help_fig_results_visualization.m * - Information on figure file 'results_visualization'
help_fig_select_folder.m * - Information on figure file 'select_folder'
help_fig_set_dataviewing_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'set_dataviewing_parameters'
help_fig_set_sourceviewing_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'set_sourceviewing_parameters'
help_fig_show_signal_decomposition.m * - Information on figure file 'show_signal_decomposition'
help_fig_simulator.m * - Information on figure file 'simulator'
help_fig_simulator_mri.m * - Information on figure file 'simulator_mri'
help_fig_sourceimaging.m * - Information on figure file 'sourceimaging'
help_fig_sourceimaging_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'sourceimaging_parameters'
help_fig_study_editor.m * - Information on figure file 'study_editor'
help_fig_subject_editor.m * - Information on figure file 'subject_editor'
help_fig_taskbar.m * - Information on figure file 'taskbar'
help_fig_tessellation_handler.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_handler'
help_fig_tessellation_select.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_select'
help_fig_tessellation_window.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_window'
help_fig_timeseries.m * - Information on figure file 'timeseries'
help_fig_view_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'view_manager'
help_fig_visu_maps.m * - Information on figure file 'visu_maps'
help_fig_wave_single.m * - Information on figure file 'wave_single'
help_fig_web_pages.m * - Information on figure file 'web_pages'
help_fig_zscore_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'zscore_gui'
help_figure_list.m * - Explain the figures used by BrainStorm
help_manager.fig GUI figure for help_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
help_manager.m * - Application M-file for help_manager.fig
help_pref_currentdata.m * - Preference information on structure of 'CurrentData'
help_pref_dateofagreement.m * - Preference information on structure of 'DateofAgreement'
help_pref_defaultsubject.m * - Preference information on structure of 'DefaultSubject'
help_pref_iuserdatabase.m * - Preference information on structure of 'iUserDataBase'
help_pref_layout.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Layout'
help_pref_studies.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Studies'
help_pref_studysubject.m * - Preference information on structure of 'StudySubject'
help_pref_subjects.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Subjects'
help_pref_usercurrentdata.m * - Preference information on structure of 'UserCurrentData'
help_pref_userdatabase.m * - Preference information on structure of 'UserDataBase'
help_pref_version.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Version'
help_preference_list.m * - Explain the preferences used by BrainStorm
hrow_linear.m * - Compute row in BEM geometry matrix for linear collocation
hs_err_pid2684.log Document file
ihot.mat Mat-file
importdata.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, data_manager.m, ds2brainstorm.m, and others
importdata.m * - Case Switchyard for importing data from major MEG and EEG systems
inorcol.m * - Compute the (pseudo)inverse of the column norms of matrix Mat
interp_mail.m * - (French) Interpolate coordinates of the "maillage"
kl_galerkin.m * - Galerking kernel for BEM of linear model
kl_gram.m * - Kernel computation used in bem_xfer
layout_manager.fig GUI figure for layout_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
layout_manager.m * - Application M-file to manage the window layout
lcmvbf.fig GUI figure for lcmvbf.m, bst_sourceimaging.m, dataplot_cb.m
lcmvbf.m * - Spatial filtering solution as called from command line or BST_SOURCEIMAGING.M
leaflet.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
leaflet.mat Mat-file
least_squares_fit.m * - multiple dipole fit using fminsearch
least_squares_parameters.fig GUI figure for data_selector_cb.m, least_squares_parameters_cb.m, parametric_estimation.m
least_squares_parameters_cb.m * - least_squares GUI setup and execution
listbox_win.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, subject_editor.m
listchan.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
load_brainstorm_file.m * - load or try to find and load the BrainStorm file.
load_BsTMRI.m * - Load BrainStorm MRI format
load_fif_apos.m * - Load in position information from Neuromag 122 ".apos" file
load_fif_asc.m * - Load data from Neuromag 122 .fif file converted to ascii
load_raw.m * - Read a BrainStorm "raw" format (.txt or .raw) matrix
load_smf.m * - Load a simply written SMF file into the faces vertices structure
logobrainstorm.jpg Figure file
make_contents.mat Mat-file
make_default_database.m * - Confirm or Create a default database, default study, default subject
make_default_study.m * - Create simulated default data and link to a simulated subject
make_default_subject.m * - Make a brainstormsubject and simulated MRI in a folder
makeuswait.m * - change the figure pointer according to action
manage_corticalscouts.fig GUI figure for manage_corticalscouts.m, dataplot_cb.m
manage_corticalscouts.m * - Application M-file for manage_corticalscouts.fig
map_single.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
mapping.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, bst_mriviewer.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, and others
markers_select.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
mby3check.m * - Check to see if matrix is m by 3 or 3 by m.
mby6check.m * - Check to see if matrix is m by 6 or 6 by m.
meg4read.m * - READ CTF MEG4 file format
meg4write.m * - WRITE CTF MEG4 file format
meg_bem.m * - Calculate the mag field, BEM approach, arbitrary orientation
mes.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
mesh2brainstorm.m * - Import .mesh tessellation files (BrainVisa interchange)
minnorm.m * - Mininum norm solution as called from command line or BST_SOURCEIMAGING.M
minnorm_parameters.fig GUI figure for data_selector_cb.m, minnorm_parameters_cb.m
minnorm_parameters_cb.m * - Minimum Norm GUI setup and execution
modulo.m * - Compute the modulo
montreal_data_create.m * - Read landmarks from the Montreal Phantom and create simulated data
mri2scs.m * - Compute the transform to move form the MRI coordinate system (in mm) to the SCS
mri_parameters.fig GUI figure for mri_parameters.m, bst_mriviewer.m
mri_parameters.m * - Application M-file for mri_parameters.fig
mri_read_tool.fig GUI figure for mri_read_tool.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_subject.m, and others
mri_read_tool.m * - AOS Version Application M-file to read in MRI and manipulate
mri_scan_params.fig GUI figure for mri_read_tool.m
mri_scan_params.m M-file has no help text
mribox.fig GUI figure for mritool_cb.m
mritool_cb.m * - OBSOLETE Switchyard corresponding to the OLDER MRITOOL GUI (mribox.fig)
muopt.m * - Quasi-optimality criterion for choosing the regularization parameter.
mutincomp.m * - Mutual incompatibility among checkboxes and radiobuttons
norcol.m * - (French) squared sum of each column in a matrix
norlig.m * - (French) Norm of the rows of a matrix
nowzooming.m * - WindownButtonDownFcn callbcak for zooming within BST_MRIVIEWER
offset.m * - each column in inmat such that a plot(outmat) looks good.
os_meg.m * - Calculate the (overlapping) sphere models for MEG
overlapping_sphere.m * - Create overlapping spheres for E/MEG channels.
overlapping_sphere_fmins.m * - for use with OVERLAPPING_SPHERE
parametric_estimation.fig GUI figure for parametric_estimation.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
parametric_estimation.m * - GUI for selecting data segments and subspaces prior to estimation
patch2tess.m M-file has no help text
patch_swell.m * - enlarge a patch by appending the next set of adjacent vertices
pcs_params.fig GUI figure for pcs_params.m, bst_mriviewer.m, mri_read_tool.m
pcs_params.m * - Application M-file to set the parameters of the patient coordinates
phantom_channel_assignment.fig GUI figure for phantom_channel_assignment.m, tess_align_tool.m
phantom_channel_assignment.m * - Application M-file for phantom_channel_assignment.fig
pleg.m * - Used in CPOT, Legendre polynomials
plot3d.m * - 'plot3' the given three column data
plot_dipole.m * - (r,n,s,c)
plot_patch.m * - plots a vertex or face and its neighbors
prepfig.m * - Prepare figure
qslim.m * - Mesh simplification, wrapper function for Garland's QSLIM executable program
rap_music_parameters.fig GUI figure for rap_music_parameters.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
rap_music_parameters.m * - Application M-file for rap_music_parameters.fig
rapmusic_gui.m * - Execute RAPMUSIC using GUI inputs, BrainStorm MMII version
ray_intersect.m * - find intersection of a ray with a set of faces
read_besa.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
read_ctf_mri.m * - Read CTF MRI format (Version 2.1)
read_gain.m * - Extract parts or a compete gain matrix from .bin binay gain file
readdfs.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
readdsgl.m * - Loads a BrainSuite .dsgl format tessellation file.
readmarkerfile_ctf.m * - Read marker information from CTF MarkerFile.mrk
readme.m * - What's New in Each Revision of BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha)
readRaw.m * - Reads an EGI epoch-marked simple binary format (epoch-marked raw format) file.
regcheck.m * - Check the regularization tag
regsubspace.m * - Determine the subspace based on the regularization method
results_time_series.fig GUI figure for results_time_series.m, rapmusic_gui.m
results_time_series.m * - Application M-file for results_time_series.fig
results_update.m * - Update of display the source parameters and residuals while RAP-MUSIC or LS is running.
results_update_gui.fig GUI figure for results_update.m
results_visualization.fig GUI figure for results_visualization.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, rapmusic_gui.m, and others
results_visualization.m * - Application M-file View the results of source modeling
rownorm.m * - Calculate the L2 norm of each row of a matrix
save_fieldnames.m * - Save just the fieldnames of a structure to a mat-file
save_raw.m * - Save out a matrix in BrainStorm "raw" format, based on extension
save_smf.m * - Save out a file in a simple form of the SMF format
scs2mri.m * - transform SCS point coordinates (in mm) to MRI coordinate system (in mm)
select_folder.fig GUI figure for select_folder.m, database_manager.m
select_folder.m * - Application M-file for bst_SelectFolder.fig
sensor_122.m * - Return the Neuromag 122 information
sensor_axial.m * - Generate axial gradiometers
sensor_planar.m * - Generate planar gradiometers
sensor_ring.m * - Generate rings of sensors about a sphere roughly uniformly spaced.
sensor_spacing.m * - generate sites roughly evenly spaced about a hemisphere.
separation.m * - Splitting the brain into 2 parts
set_dataviewing_parameters.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
set_sourceviewing_parameters.fig GUI figure for set_sourceviewing_parameters.m, dataplot_cb.m
set_sourceviewing_parameters.m * - Application M-file for set_sourceviewing_parameters.fig
shepards.m * - (X,x,v,n); 3D nearest-neighbor interpolation using Shepard's weighting
show_signal_decomposition.fig GUI figure for show_signal_decomposition.m
show_signal_decomposition.m * - Application M-file for show_signal_decomposition.fig
simulator.fig GUI figure for simulator.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_study.m, and others
simulator.m * - Application M-file for simulator.fig
simulator_mri.fig GUI figure for simulator_mri.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_subject.m
simulator_mri.m * - Application M-file to make a simulated spherical MRI
smooth_cortex.m * - Smoothes tesselation
solid_angle2.m * - Solid angle of a viewed triangle
sort_key.m * - Sort with column keys
source_grid.m * - generate variable grid of possible source locations
source_grids.m * - Generate source grids for parametric model searches
source_tess.m * - generate variable grid of possible source locations
sourceimaging.fig GUI figure for sourceimaging.m, bst_sourceimaging.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, and others
sourceimaging.m * - Main switch to source imaging routines
sourceimaging_parameters.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
sph_rphtestgrid2.mat Mat-file
sph_rphtestgrid3.mat Mat-file
str2mat0.m * - (Deprecated) Form text matrix from individual strings.
str_repeater.m * - Repeat string format and separator to display data
study_editor.fig GUI figure for study_editor.m, data_manager.m, importdata.m
study_editor.m * - GUI to edit the BrainStorm Study information, case switchyard
subcorr_gui.m * - Subcorr function custom to the gui features
subject_editor.fig GUI figure for subject_editor.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, data_manager.m, and others
subject_editor.m * - GUI to edit the BrainStorm Subject information, case switchyard
surf2vol_interp.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
svd0.m * - Economy SVD in both U and V, S returned sparse diagonal
tess_align_tool.fig GUI figure for tess_align_tool.m, subject_editor.m
tess_align_tool.m * - Application M-file for tess_align_tool.fig
tesselate.m * - tesselate based on the sensor_ring program
tessellation_handler.fig GUI figure for tessellation_handler.m, set_sourceviewing_parameters.m
tessellation_handler.m * - : Basic Viewing of tessellation objects in BrainStorm format; GUI Manager
tessellation_outwards.m * - Ensure that tessellation ordering is "outwards"
tessellation_stats.m * - Calculate statistics of the tesselation and hunt for suspicious faces and vertices
tessellation_window.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, dataplot_cb.m, manage_corticalscouts.m, and others
togglebuttoncolor.m * - : change button color of toggle button
toggleface.m * - Toggle the faces and edges as invisible
togglelight.m * - toggle the lighting flat or phong
toolbox_cross_ref.mat Mat-file
trans_matrix.m * - calculate BEM transfer matrices for EEG and MEG
transform.m * - Transform coordinates between PCS and MRI
tri2brainstorm.m * - Read .tri file into BrainStorm format
tri_area.m * - Find areas of all triangles
tri_interp.m * - Compute the interpolation matrix from a cortical tessellation to the MRI volume
vec.m * - Lexicographical ordering of a matrix, A(:).
vertices_connectivity.m * - Generate the connections between vertices
view_surface.m * - Convenient function to consistently plot surfaces
visu_maps.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
warp_everything_bst.m WARP_EVERYTHING - (summary line here)
wave_single.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
waves_multi.m M-file has no help text
waves_multi.mat Mat-file
web_pages.fig GUI figure for web_pages.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
web_pages.m * - Listbox of relevant BrainStorm web pages and email addresses
weighting_scalar.m * - For use with Overlapping Sphere
windclf.m * - Reset and clear the figure, retaining the NAME property
windfind.m * - Find or create a particular window using it's NAME property
zhang_fit.m * - Compute 'Berg' parameters for EEG multilayer sphere
zscore_gui.fig GUI figure for zscore_gui.m, dataplot_cb.m
zscore_gui.m * - : management of zscore visualization
Category: Unknown Category
bst_cactivcmap.mat Mat-file
common_vertices.m M-file has no help text
fidufit.mat Mat-file
geom100.mat Mat-file
sph_rphtestgrid2.mat Mat-file
sph_rphtestgrid3.mat Mat-file
toolbox_cross_ref.mat Mat-file
Category: Missing in Toolbox
dense2sparse_normals2.m M-file has no help text
filter_win.m M-file has no help text
filter_win.mat Mat-file
hs_err_pid2684.log Document file
minnorm_parameters.fig GUI figure for data_selector_cb.m, minnorm_parameters_cb.m
mri_scan_params.fig GUI figure for mri_read_tool.m
mri_scan_params.m M-file has no help text
patch2tess.m M-file has no help text
waves_multi.m M-file has no help text
waves_multi.mat Mat-file
Category: Archive
cpot.m * - UNKNOWN, Send to Archive?
mes.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
pleg.m * - Used in CPOT, Legendre polynomials
prepfig.m * - Prepare figure
surf2vol_interp.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
Cross-Reference Information
This is called by
Listing of C:\BrainStorm_2001\Toolbox\contents.m
% BrainStorm Toolbox
% Version 2.0 (Alpha) 12-Oct-2004
% Contents Generated by make_contents on 12-Oct-2004 11:54:29
% Files Sorted first by Category, then alphabetical, listed with first help line.
% A * indicates the H1 line begins with the filename.
% Category: Data Processing
% bst_extractmarkersctf.m * - Extract signal block from a .ds CTF data set
% bst_readmarkerfilectf.m * - read_markerf reads the CTF markerfile MarkerFile.mrk
% covariance_plots.fig GUI figure for covariance_plots.m
% covariance_plots.m * - M-file for covariance_generator, covariance_plots
% ds2brainstorm.m * - Convert a DS CTF dataset into BrainStorm format
% eeg2bs.m * - (fnamein,fnameout,type,channel)
% extract_channels.m * - Extract the channels to be used in this particular run
% extract_ctf_markers.m * - Extract signal block from a .ds CTF data set based on the Markers information in the Markerfile
% load_fif_apos.m * - Load in position information from Neuromag 122 ".apos" file
% load_fif_asc.m * - Load data from Neuromag 122 .fif file converted to ascii
% load_smf.m * - Load a simply written SMF file into the faces vertices structure
% meg4write.m * - WRITE CTF MEG4 file format
% mesh2brainstorm.m * - Import .mesh tessellation files (BrainVisa interchange)
% readdsgl.m * - Loads a BrainSuite .dsgl format tessellation file.
% readmarkerfile_ctf.m * - Read marker information from CTF MarkerFile.mrk
% save_smf.m * - Save out a file in a simple form of the SMF format
% tri2brainstorm.m * - Read .tri file into BrainStorm format
% Category: Database Management
% browse_study_folder.m * - Find all *brainstormstudy.mat files in a directory tree
% eeg_load_scan3avg.m * - Read a NeuroScan 3.x AVG File
% elpos2bs.m * - this function converts electrode position files into BrainStorm Channel format
% find_mfiles.m * - Find m-files that open a particular figure handle or the GCF
% help_manager.fig GUI figure for help_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
% help_manager.m * - Application M-file for help_manager.fig
% load_brainstorm_file.m * - load or try to find and load the BrainStorm file.
% make_default_database.m * - Confirm or Create a default database, default study, default subject
% make_default_study.m * - Create simulated default data and link to a simulated subject
% make_default_subject.m * - Make a brainstormsubject and simulated MRI in a folder
% phantom_channel_assignment.fig GUI figure for phantom_channel_assignment.m, tess_align_tool.m
% phantom_channel_assignment.m * - Application M-file for phantom_channel_assignment.fig
% read_besa.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% Category: Forward Modeling
% bem_gain.m * - Computes the EEG/MEG forward/gain matrix associated with a set of grid points
% bem_kernel.m * - computes kernel matrices for EEG and MEG
% bem_xfer.m * - Computation of the MEG and/or EEG BEM transfer matrices
% bestfitsph.m * - Find best fitting sphere
% bst_headmodeler.m * - Solution to the MEG/EEG forward problem
% carto_sensors.m * - (Rcoils,v);
% eeg_bem.m * - Calculate the electric potential , BEM approach, arbitrary orientation
% eeg_sph.m * - Calculate the electric potential , spherical head, arbitrary orientation
% gain_interp.m * - Gain matrix interpolation from a set of pre-computed forward fields defined over grid points in 3D space
% get_gain.m * - Get a set of source foward fields from a .bin gain matrix file
% good_channel.m * - Extract channels of a given type
% gridmaker.m * - 3D regular gridding of surface envelope
% hrow_linear.m * - Compute row in BEM geometry matrix for linear collocation
% kl_galerkin.m * - Galerking kernel for BEM of linear model
% kl_gram.m * - Kernel computation used in bem_xfer
% meg_bem.m * - Calculate the mag field, BEM approach, arbitrary orientation
% os_meg.m * - Calculate the (overlapping) sphere models for MEG
% overlapping_sphere.m * - Create overlapping spheres for E/MEG channels.
% overlapping_sphere_fmins.m * - for use with OVERLAPPING_SPHERE
% read_gain.m * - Extract parts or a compete gain matrix from .bin binay gain file
% sensor_122.m * - Return the Neuromag 122 information
% sensor_axial.m * - Generate axial gradiometers
% sensor_planar.m * - Generate planar gradiometers
% sensor_ring.m * - Generate rings of sensors about a sphere roughly uniformly spaced.
% sensor_spacing.m * - generate sites roughly evenly spaced about a hemisphere.
% solid_angle2.m * - Solid angle of a viewed triangle
% source_grid.m * - generate variable grid of possible source locations
% source_grids.m * - Generate source grids for parametric model searches
% source_tess.m * - generate variable grid of possible source locations
% tesselate.m * - tesselate based on the sensor_ring program
% trans_matrix.m * - calculate BEM transfer matrices for EEG and MEG
% tri_interp.m * - Compute the interpolation matrix from a cortical tessellation to the MRI volume
% weighting_scalar.m * - For use with Overlapping Sphere
% zhang_fit.m * - Compute 'Berg' parameters for EEG multilayer sphere
% Category: GUI and Related
% bem_param_select.fig GUI figure for headmodeler_gui.m
% bst_color_scheme.m * - apply the BrainStorm color, font, size scheme to the figure
% bst_layout.m * - Manage all BST windows in a standard layout
% bst_message_window.fig GUI figure for bst_message_window.m, avw2brainstorm.m, bem_gain.m, and others
% bst_message_window.m * - Application M-file for bst_message_window.fig, with NON CALLBACKS
% bst_splashscreen.fig GUI figure for bst_splashscreen.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
% bst_splashscreen.m * - GUI app for license information and agreement
% bst_static_taskbar.fig GUI figure for bst_static_taskbar.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, data_manager.m, and others
% bst_static_taskbar.m * - BrainStorm's primary taskbar always visible
% bst_win_manager.m * - GUI Window management for BrainStorm
% channel_select.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
% data_manager.fig GUI figure for data_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, extract_channels.m, and others
% data_manager.m * - Edit/select database, subjects, studies, datasets, build headmodels, import data.
% data_selector_cb.m * - Callback function to setup and execute inverse techniques
% database_manager.fig GUI figure for database_manager.m, data_manager.m
% database_manager.m * - GUI to edit the User Databases and select one
% dataplot.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, and others
% dataplot_cb.m * - : Callback switchyard for the DATAViewer Tool
% file_selection_win.fig GUI figure for file_selection_win.m, bst_mriviewer.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
% file_selection_win.m * - Application M-file for file_selection_win.fig
% generic_listbox_win.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, subject_editor.m
% headmodeler_gui.fig GUI figure for headmodeler_gui.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, data_manager.m, and others
% headmodeler_gui.m * - Application M-file to build head models
% importdata.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, data_manager.m, ds2brainstorm.m, and others
% importdata.m * - Case Switchyard for importing data from major MEG and EEG systems
% layout_manager.fig GUI figure for layout_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
% layout_manager.m * - Application M-file to manage the window layout
% least_squares_parameters.fig GUI figure for data_selector_cb.m, least_squares_parameters_cb.m, parametric_estimation.m
% listbox_win.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, subject_editor.m
% listchan.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
% logobrainstorm.jpg Figure file
% makeuswait.m * - change the figure pointer according to action
% map_single.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
% mri_parameters.fig GUI figure for mri_parameters.m, bst_mriviewer.m
% mri_parameters.m * - Application M-file for mri_parameters.fig
% nowzooming.m * - WindownButtonDownFcn callbcak for zooming within BST_MRIVIEWER
% pcs_params.fig GUI figure for pcs_params.m, bst_mriviewer.m, mri_read_tool.m
% pcs_params.m * - Application M-file to set the parameters of the patient coordinates
% set_dataviewing_parameters.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
% simulator.fig GUI figure for simulator.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_study.m, and others
% simulator.m * - Application M-file for simulator.fig
% simulator_mri.fig GUI figure for simulator_mri.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_subject.m
% simulator_mri.m * - Application M-file to make a simulated spherical MRI
% study_editor.fig GUI figure for study_editor.m, data_manager.m, importdata.m
% study_editor.m * - GUI to edit the BrainStorm Study information, case switchyard
% subject_editor.fig GUI figure for subject_editor.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, data_manager.m, and others
% subject_editor.m * - GUI to edit the BrainStorm Subject information, case switchyard
% tess_align_tool.fig GUI figure for tess_align_tool.m, subject_editor.m
% tess_align_tool.m * - Application M-file for tess_align_tool.fig
% tessellation_window.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, dataplot_cb.m, manage_corticalscouts.m, and others
% zscore_gui.fig GUI figure for zscore_gui.m, dataplot_cb.m
% zscore_gui.m * - : management of zscore visualization
% Category: Help
% contents.m This Contents File
% help_data_bststudy.m * - Information on database files of type 'bststudy'
% help_data_bstsubject.m * - Information on database files of type 'bstsubject'
% help_data_channel.m * - Information on database files of type 'channel'
% help_data_data.m * - Information on database files of type 'data'
% help_data_headmodel.m * - Information on database files of type 'headmodel'
% help_data_image.m * - Information on database files of type 'image'
% help_data_raw.m * - Information on database files of type 'raw'
% help_data_results.m * - Information on database files of type 'results'
% help_data_tess.m * - Information on database files of type 'tess'
% help_data_triconn.m * - Information on database files of type 'triconn'
% help_data_vertconn.m * - Information on database files of type 'vertconn'
% help_database_list.m * - Explain the database used by BrainStorm
% help_editing_brainstorm.m * - Information on how to update and edit your version of BrainStorm
% help_fig_bem_param_select.m * - Information on figure file 'bem_param_select'
% help_fig_bst_message_window.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_message_window'
% help_fig_bst_splashscreen.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_splashscreen'
% help_fig_bst_static_taskbar.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_static_taskbar'
% help_fig_channel_select.m * - Information on figure file 'channel_select'
% help_fig_chi_pdf_fit.m * - Information on figure file 'chi_pdf_fit'
% help_fig_covariance_generator.m * - Information on figure file 'covariance_generator'
% help_fig_covariance_plots.m * - Information on figure file 'covariance_plots'
% help_fig_data_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'data_manager'
% help_fig_data_selector.m * - Information on figure file 'data_selector'
% help_fig_database_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'database_manager'
% help_fig_dataplot.m * - Information on figure file 'dataplot'
% help_fig_generic_listbox_win.m * - Information on figure file 'generic_listbox_win'
% help_fig_headmodeler_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'headmodeler_gui'
% help_fig_help_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'help_manager'
% help_fig_importdata.m * - Information on figure file 'importdata'
% help_fig_layout_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'layout_manager'
% help_fig_least_squares_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'least_squares_parameters'
% help_fig_listbox_win.m * - Information on figure file 'listbox_win'
% help_fig_listchan.m * - Information on figure file 'listchan'
% help_fig_manage_corticalscouts.m * - Information on figure file 'manage_corticalscouts'
% help_fig_map_single.m * - Information on figure file 'map_single'
% help_fig_mapping.m * - Information on figure file 'mapping'
% help_fig_markers_select.m * - Information on figure file 'markers_select'
% help_fig_minnorm_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'minnorm_parameters'
% help_fig_mri_read_tool.m * - Information on figure file 'mri_read_tool'
% help_fig_mri_scan_params.m * - Information on figure file 'mri_scan_params'
% help_fig_mribox.m * - Information on figure file 'mribox'
% help_fig_parametric_estimation.m * - Information on figure file 'parametric_estimation'
% help_fig_pcs_params.m * - Information on figure file 'pcs_params'
% help_fig_rap_music_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'rap_music_parameters'
% help_fig_rap_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'rap_parameters'
% help_fig_results_time_series.m * - Information on figure file 'results_time_series'
% help_fig_results_update_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'results_update_gui'
% help_fig_results_visualization.m * - Information on figure file 'results_visualization'
% help_fig_select_folder.m * - Information on figure file 'select_folder'
% help_fig_set_dataviewing_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'set_dataviewing_parameters'
% help_fig_set_sourceviewing_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'set_sourceviewing_parameters'
% help_fig_show_signal_decomposition.m * - Information on figure file 'show_signal_decomposition'
% help_fig_simulator.m * - Information on figure file 'simulator'
% help_fig_simulator_mri.m * - Information on figure file 'simulator_mri'
% help_fig_sourceimaging.m * - Information on figure file 'sourceimaging'
% help_fig_sourceimaging_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'sourceimaging_parameters'
% help_fig_study_editor.m * - Information on figure file 'study_editor'
% help_fig_subject_editor.m * - Information on figure file 'subject_editor'
% help_fig_taskbar.m * - Information on figure file 'taskbar'
% help_fig_tessellation_handler.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_handler'
% help_fig_tessellation_select.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_select'
% help_fig_tessellation_window.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_window'
% help_fig_timeseries.m * - Information on figure file 'timeseries'
% help_fig_view_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'view_manager'
% help_fig_visu_maps.m * - Information on figure file 'visu_maps'
% help_fig_wave_single.m * - Information on figure file 'wave_single'
% help_fig_web_pages.m * - Information on figure file 'web_pages'
% help_fig_zscore_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'zscore_gui'
% help_figure_list.m * - Explain the figures used by BrainStorm
% help_pref_currentdata.m * - Preference information on structure of 'CurrentData'
% help_pref_dateofagreement.m * - Preference information on structure of 'DateofAgreement'
% help_pref_defaultsubject.m * - Preference information on structure of 'DefaultSubject'
% help_pref_iuserdatabase.m * - Preference information on structure of 'iUserDataBase'
% help_pref_layout.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Layout'
% help_pref_studies.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Studies'
% help_pref_studysubject.m * - Preference information on structure of 'StudySubject'
% help_pref_subjects.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Subjects'
% help_pref_usercurrentdata.m * - Preference information on structure of 'UserCurrentData'
% help_pref_userdatabase.m * - Preference information on structure of 'UserDataBase'
% help_pref_version.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Version'
% help_preference_list.m * - Explain the preferences used by BrainStorm
% montreal_data_create.m * - Read landmarks from the Montreal Phantom and create simulated data
% readme.m * - What's New in Each Revision of BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha)
% Category: Inverse Modeling
% bst_sourceimaging.m * - Command line call to source imaging routines
% bstscript_ForwardInverse_basic.m * - Basic Head Modelling and Source Imaging BrainStorm Script
% data_selector.fig GUI figure for bst_sourceimaging.m, data_selector_cb.m, parametric_estimation.m
% lcmvbf.fig GUI figure for lcmvbf.m, bst_sourceimaging.m, dataplot_cb.m
% lcmvbf.m * - Spatial filtering solution as called from command line or BST_SOURCEIMAGING.M
% least_squares_fit.m * - multiple dipole fit using fminsearch
% least_squares_parameters_cb.m * - least_squares GUI setup and execution
% minnorm.m * - Mininum norm solution as called from command line or BST_SOURCEIMAGING.M
% minnorm_parameters_cb.m * - Minimum Norm GUI setup and execution
% muopt.m * - Quasi-optimality criterion for choosing the regularization parameter.
% parametric_estimation.fig GUI figure for parametric_estimation.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
% parametric_estimation.m * - GUI for selecting data segments and subspaces prior to estimation
% rap_music_parameters.fig GUI figure for rap_music_parameters.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
% rap_music_parameters.m * - Application M-file for rap_music_parameters.fig
% rapmusic_gui.m * - Execute RAPMUSIC using GUI inputs, BrainStorm MMII version
% regcheck.m * - Check the regularization tag
% regsubspace.m * - Determine the subspace based on the regularization method
% subcorr_gui.m * - Subcorr function custom to the gui features
% Category: Utility - General
% avw2brainstorm.m * - : Converts an AVW MRI structure (from D. Weber's EEGToolbox) to BRAINSTORM MRI format
% brainstorm.m * - Go to the BrainStorm home web page
% brainstorm_reset.m * - Clear Matlab BrainStorm preferences, remove default data
% dip.m * - UNKNOWN, move to archive?
% engstr.m * - create a string for the number in engineering format
% find_brainstorm_files.m * - Find BrainStorm subjects or study files, create Menu
% find_brainstorm_structure.m * - Find all of the available files with a subject or study
% find_subdir.m * - Find all subdirectories in a BrainStorm path
% genpath2cell.m * - convert path or generated path string into cell array
% get_channel.m * - Get the Channel information associated with a particular data file
% get_user_directory.m * - Get the user's root directory information
% ginput2.m * - Graphical input from mouse.
% grayish.m * - % gray out the lower end of a spectrum for less severe palette
% load_raw.m * - Read a BrainStorm "raw" format (.txt or .raw) matrix
% make_contents.mat Mat-file
% mby3check.m * - Check to see if matrix is m by 3 or 3 by m.
% mby6check.m * - Check to see if matrix is m by 6 or 6 by m.
% meg4read.m * - READ CTF MEG4 file format
% mutincomp.m * - Mutual incompatibility among checkboxes and radiobuttons
% norcol.m * - (French) squared sum of each column in a matrix
% norlig.m * - (French) Norm of the rows of a matrix
% offset.m * - each column in inmat such that a plot(outmat) looks good.
% qslim.m * - Mesh simplification, wrapper function for Garland's QSLIM executable program
% read_ctf_mri.m * - Read CTF MRI format (Version 2.1)
% readdfs.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% readRaw.m * - Reads an EGI epoch-marked simple binary format (epoch-marked raw format) file.
% save_fieldnames.m * - Save just the fieldnames of a structure to a mat-file
% save_raw.m * - Save out a matrix in BrainStorm "raw" format, based on extension
% select_folder.fig GUI figure for select_folder.m, database_manager.m
% select_folder.m * - Application M-file for bst_SelectFolder.fig
% str2mat0.m * - (Deprecated) Form text matrix from individual strings.
% str_repeater.m * - Repeat string format and separator to display data
% vec.m * - Lexicographical ordering of a matrix, A(:).
% web_pages.fig GUI figure for web_pages.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
% web_pages.m * - Listbox of relevant BrainStorm web pages and email addresses
% windclf.m * - Reset and clear the figure, retaining the NAME property
% windfind.m * - Find or create a particular window using it's NAME property
% Category: Utility - Numeric
% aic_mdl.m * - Calculate Information Theoretic Criteria for data dimensionality
% blk_diag.m * - Make or extract a sparse block diagonal matrix
% blk_lex.m * - Lexicographically order the submatrices in A
% brainstorm_filt.m * - Zero-phase filter dedicated to multi-channel MEG and EEG data
% carto_sph.m * - (sensloc,v,center)
% chi_pdf_fit.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% closest.m * - Find point in one array closest to point in another array
% colnorm.m * - Calculate L2 norm for each column of a matrix and normalize
% covariance_generator.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% cross_mat.m * - Sparse cross product matrix good for matrix equivalent operation
% crossprod.m * - Cross product between two sets, each set with three columns
% dist_sph.m * - FMINS distance function used to minimize the fit to a sphere
% dlegpoly.m * - Evaluate the first N Legendre polynomials
% dotprod.m * - Dot product of two vectors (deprecated)
% embedding.m * - computing the approximate embedding surface
% fidufit.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% findclosest.m * - Find entries of closest elements between two vectors
% fronorm.m * - Fast calculation of the Frobenius Norm of a Matrix
% hanning_window.m * - Calculate the hanning window function for n points
% inorcol.m * - Compute the (pseudo)inverse of the column norms of matrix Mat
% modulo.m * - Compute the modulo
% mri2scs.m * - Compute the transform to move form the MRI coordinate system (in mm) to the SCS
% ray_intersect.m * - find intersection of a ray with a set of faces
% rownorm.m * - Calculate the L2 norm of each row of a matrix
% scs2mri.m * - transform SCS point coordinates (in mm) to MRI coordinate system (in mm)
% shepards.m * - (X,x,v,n); 3D nearest-neighbor interpolation using Shepard's weighting
% sort_key.m * - Sort with column keys
% svd0.m * - Economy SVD in both U and V, S returned sparse diagonal
% tessellation_stats.m * - Calculate statistics of the tesselation and hunt for suspicious faces and vertices
% transform.m * - Transform coordinates between PCS and MRI
% tri_area.m * - Find areas of all triangles
% Category: Visualization
% bst_imaging_display.m * - : display utility for cortical distributed source imaging
% bst_mriviewer.fig GUI figure for bst_mriviewer.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
% bst_mriviewer.m * - Application M-file for bst_mriviewer.fig
% bst_wavedata_display.m * - Various ways of loooking at time series
% c_activ.m * - Finding a colormap to code deepness and activation
% catci.m * - computing color coding for activation on the vertices
% contraste.m * - computing the colormap coding deepness
% curvature_cortex.m * - calculates cortex curvature
% depthgauge.m * - Make a depthgauge for measuring depth
% faces_connectivity.m * - Generate the connections of faces to a vertex
% filterGUI.fig GUI figure for filterGUI.m, dataplot_cb.m
% filterGUI.m * - M-file for filterGUI.fig
% ihot.mat Mat-file
% interp_mail.m * - (French) Interpolate coordinates of the "maillage"
% leaflet.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% leaflet.mat Mat-file
% load_BsTMRI.m * - Load BrainStorm MRI format
% manage_corticalscouts.fig GUI figure for manage_corticalscouts.m, dataplot_cb.m
% manage_corticalscouts.m * - Application M-file for manage_corticalscouts.fig
% mapping.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, bst_mriviewer.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, and others
% markers_select.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% mri_read_tool.fig GUI figure for mri_read_tool.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_subject.m, and others
% mri_read_tool.m * - AOS Version Application M-file to read in MRI and manipulate
% mribox.fig GUI figure for mritool_cb.m
% mritool_cb.m * - OBSOLETE Switchyard corresponding to the OLDER MRITOOL GUI (mribox.fig)
% patch_swell.m * - enlarge a patch by appending the next set of adjacent vertices
% plot3d.m * - 'plot3' the given three column data
% plot_dipole.m * - (r,n,s,c)
% plot_patch.m * - plots a vertex or face and its neighbors
% results_time_series.fig GUI figure for results_time_series.m, rapmusic_gui.m
% results_time_series.m * - Application M-file for results_time_series.fig
% results_update.m * - Update of display the source parameters and residuals while RAP-MUSIC or LS is running.
% results_update_gui.fig GUI figure for results_update.m
% results_visualization.fig GUI figure for results_visualization.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, rapmusic_gui.m, and others
% results_visualization.m * - Application M-file View the results of source modeling
% separation.m * - Splitting the brain into 2 parts
% set_sourceviewing_parameters.fig GUI figure for set_sourceviewing_parameters.m, dataplot_cb.m
% set_sourceviewing_parameters.m * - Application M-file for set_sourceviewing_parameters.fig
% show_signal_decomposition.fig GUI figure for show_signal_decomposition.m
% show_signal_decomposition.m * - Application M-file for show_signal_decomposition.fig
% smooth_cortex.m * - Smoothes tesselation
% sourceimaging.fig GUI figure for sourceimaging.m, bst_sourceimaging.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, and others
% sourceimaging.m * - Main switch to source imaging routines
% sourceimaging_parameters.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% tessellation_handler.fig GUI figure for tessellation_handler.m, set_sourceviewing_parameters.m
% tessellation_handler.m * - : Basic Viewing of tessellation objects in BrainStorm format; GUI Manager
% tessellation_outwards.m * - Ensure that tessellation ordering is "outwards"
% togglebuttoncolor.m * - : change button color of toggle button
% toggleface.m * - Toggle the faces and edges as invisible
% togglelight.m * - toggle the lighting flat or phong
% vertices_connectivity.m * - Generate the connections between vertices
% view_surface.m * - Convenient function to consistently plot surfaces
% visu_maps.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% warp_everything_bst.m WARP_EVERYTHING - (summary line here)
% wave_single.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% Category: All Alphabetical
% aic_mdl.m * - Calculate Information Theoretic Criteria for data dimensionality
% avw2brainstorm.m * - : Converts an AVW MRI structure (from D. Weber's EEGToolbox) to BRAINSTORM MRI format
% bem_gain.m * - Computes the EEG/MEG forward/gain matrix associated with a set of grid points
% bem_kernel.m * - computes kernel matrices for EEG and MEG
% bem_param_select.fig GUI figure for headmodeler_gui.m
% bem_xfer.m * - Computation of the MEG and/or EEG BEM transfer matrices
% bestfitsph.m * - Find best fitting sphere
% blk_diag.m * - Make or extract a sparse block diagonal matrix
% blk_lex.m * - Lexicographically order the submatrices in A
% brainstorm.m * - Go to the BrainStorm home web page
% brainstorm_filt.m * - Zero-phase filter dedicated to multi-channel MEG and EEG data
% brainstorm_reset.m * - Clear Matlab BrainStorm preferences, remove default data
% browse_study_folder.m * - Find all *brainstormstudy.mat files in a directory tree
% bst_cactivcmap.mat Mat-file
% bst_color_scheme.m * - apply the BrainStorm color, font, size scheme to the figure
% bst_extractmarkersctf.m * - Extract signal block from a .ds CTF data set
% bst_headmodeler.m * - Solution to the MEG/EEG forward problem
% bst_imaging_display.m * - : display utility for cortical distributed source imaging
% bst_layout.m * - Manage all BST windows in a standard layout
% bst_message_window.fig GUI figure for bst_message_window.m, avw2brainstorm.m, bem_gain.m, and others
% bst_message_window.m * - Application M-file for bst_message_window.fig, with NON CALLBACKS
% bst_mriviewer.fig GUI figure for bst_mriviewer.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
% bst_mriviewer.m * - Application M-file for bst_mriviewer.fig
% bst_readmarkerfilectf.m * - read_markerf reads the CTF markerfile MarkerFile.mrk
% bst_sourceimaging.m * - Command line call to source imaging routines
% bst_splashscreen.fig GUI figure for bst_splashscreen.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
% bst_splashscreen.m * - GUI app for license information and agreement
% bst_static_taskbar.fig GUI figure for bst_static_taskbar.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, data_manager.m, and others
% bst_static_taskbar.m * - BrainStorm's primary taskbar always visible
% bst_wavedata_display.m * - Various ways of loooking at time series
% bst_win_manager.m * - GUI Window management for BrainStorm
% bstscript_ForwardInverse_basic.m * - Basic Head Modelling and Source Imaging BrainStorm Script
% c_activ.m * - Finding a colormap to code deepness and activation
% carto_sensors.m * - (Rcoils,v);
% carto_sph.m * - (sensloc,v,center)
% catci.m * - computing color coding for activation on the vertices
% channel_select.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
% chi_pdf_fit.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% closest.m * - Find point in one array closest to point in another array
% colnorm.m * - Calculate L2 norm for each column of a matrix and normalize
% common_vertices.m M-file has no help text
% contents.m This Contents File
% contraste.m * - computing the colormap coding deepness
% covariance_generator.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% covariance_plots.fig GUI figure for covariance_plots.m
% covariance_plots.m * - M-file for covariance_generator, covariance_plots
% cpot.m * - UNKNOWN, Send to Archive?
% cross_mat.m * - Sparse cross product matrix good for matrix equivalent operation
% crossprod.m * - Cross product between two sets, each set with three columns
% curvature_cortex.m * - calculates cortex curvature
% data_manager.fig GUI figure for data_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, extract_channels.m, and others
% data_manager.m * - Edit/select database, subjects, studies, datasets, build headmodels, import data.
% data_selector.fig GUI figure for bst_sourceimaging.m, data_selector_cb.m, parametric_estimation.m
% data_selector_cb.m * - Callback function to setup and execute inverse techniques
% database_manager.fig GUI figure for database_manager.m, data_manager.m
% database_manager.m * - GUI to edit the User Databases and select one
% dataplot.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, and others
% dataplot_cb.m * - : Callback switchyard for the DATAViewer Tool
% dense2sparse_normals2.m M-file has no help text
% depthgauge.m * - Make a depthgauge for measuring depth
% dip.m * - UNKNOWN, move to archive?
% dist_sph.m * - FMINS distance function used to minimize the fit to a sphere
% dlegpoly.m * - Evaluate the first N Legendre polynomials
% dotprod.m * - Dot product of two vectors (deprecated)
% ds2brainstorm.m * - Convert a DS CTF dataset into BrainStorm format
% eeg2bs.m * - (fnamein,fnameout,type,channel)
% eeg_bem.m * - Calculate the electric potential , BEM approach, arbitrary orientation
% eeg_load_scan3avg.m * - Read a NeuroScan 3.x AVG File
% eeg_sph.m * - Calculate the electric potential , spherical head, arbitrary orientation
% elpos2bs.m * - this function converts electrode position files into BrainStorm Channel format
% embedding.m * - computing the approximate embedding surface
% engstr.m * - create a string for the number in engineering format
% extract_channels.m * - Extract the channels to be used in this particular run
% extract_ctf_markers.m * - Extract signal block from a .ds CTF data set based on the Markers information in the Markerfile
% faces_connectivity.m * - Generate the connections of faces to a vertex
% fidufit.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% fidufit.mat Mat-file
% file_selection_win.fig GUI figure for file_selection_win.m, bst_mriviewer.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
% file_selection_win.m * - Application M-file for file_selection_win.fig
% filter_win.m M-file has no help text
% filter_win.mat Mat-file
% filterGUI.fig GUI figure for filterGUI.m, dataplot_cb.m
% filterGUI.m * - M-file for filterGUI.fig
% find_brainstorm_files.m * - Find BrainStorm subjects or study files, create Menu
% find_brainstorm_structure.m * - Find all of the available files with a subject or study
% find_mfiles.m * - Find m-files that open a particular figure handle or the GCF
% find_subdir.m * - Find all subdirectories in a BrainStorm path
% findclosest.m * - Find entries of closest elements between two vectors
% fronorm.m * - Fast calculation of the Frobenius Norm of a Matrix
% gain_interp.m * - Gain matrix interpolation from a set of pre-computed forward fields defined over grid points in 3D space
% generic_listbox_win.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, subject_editor.m
% genpath2cell.m * - convert path or generated path string into cell array
% geom100.mat Mat-file
% get_channel.m * - Get the Channel information associated with a particular data file
% get_gain.m * - Get a set of source foward fields from a .bin gain matrix file
% get_user_directory.m * - Get the user's root directory information
% ginput2.m * - Graphical input from mouse.
% good_channel.m * - Extract channels of a given type
% grayish.m * - % gray out the lower end of a spectrum for less severe palette
% gridmaker.m * - 3D regular gridding of surface envelope
% hanning_window.m * - Calculate the hanning window function for n points
% headmodeler_gui.fig GUI figure for headmodeler_gui.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, data_manager.m, and others
% headmodeler_gui.m * - Application M-file to build head models
% help_data_bststudy.m * - Information on database files of type 'bststudy'
% help_data_bstsubject.m * - Information on database files of type 'bstsubject'
% help_data_channel.m * - Information on database files of type 'channel'
% help_data_data.m * - Information on database files of type 'data'
% help_data_headmodel.m * - Information on database files of type 'headmodel'
% help_data_image.m * - Information on database files of type 'image'
% help_data_raw.m * - Information on database files of type 'raw'
% help_data_results.m * - Information on database files of type 'results'
% help_data_tess.m * - Information on database files of type 'tess'
% help_data_triconn.m * - Information on database files of type 'triconn'
% help_data_vertconn.m * - Information on database files of type 'vertconn'
% help_database_list.m * - Explain the database used by BrainStorm
% help_editing_brainstorm.m * - Information on how to update and edit your version of BrainStorm
% help_fig_bem_param_select.m * - Information on figure file 'bem_param_select'
% help_fig_bst_message_window.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_message_window'
% help_fig_bst_splashscreen.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_splashscreen'
% help_fig_bst_static_taskbar.m * - Information on figure file 'bst_static_taskbar'
% help_fig_channel_select.m * - Information on figure file 'channel_select'
% help_fig_chi_pdf_fit.m * - Information on figure file 'chi_pdf_fit'
% help_fig_covariance_generator.m * - Information on figure file 'covariance_generator'
% help_fig_covariance_plots.m * - Information on figure file 'covariance_plots'
% help_fig_data_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'data_manager'
% help_fig_data_selector.m * - Information on figure file 'data_selector'
% help_fig_database_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'database_manager'
% help_fig_dataplot.m * - Information on figure file 'dataplot'
% help_fig_generic_listbox_win.m * - Information on figure file 'generic_listbox_win'
% help_fig_headmodeler_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'headmodeler_gui'
% help_fig_help_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'help_manager'
% help_fig_importdata.m * - Information on figure file 'importdata'
% help_fig_layout_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'layout_manager'
% help_fig_least_squares_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'least_squares_parameters'
% help_fig_listbox_win.m * - Information on figure file 'listbox_win'
% help_fig_listchan.m * - Information on figure file 'listchan'
% help_fig_manage_corticalscouts.m * - Information on figure file 'manage_corticalscouts'
% help_fig_map_single.m * - Information on figure file 'map_single'
% help_fig_mapping.m * - Information on figure file 'mapping'
% help_fig_markers_select.m * - Information on figure file 'markers_select'
% help_fig_minnorm_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'minnorm_parameters'
% help_fig_mri_read_tool.m * - Information on figure file 'mri_read_tool'
% help_fig_mri_scan_params.m * - Information on figure file 'mri_scan_params'
% help_fig_mribox.m * - Information on figure file 'mribox'
% help_fig_parametric_estimation.m * - Information on figure file 'parametric_estimation'
% help_fig_pcs_params.m * - Information on figure file 'pcs_params'
% help_fig_rap_music_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'rap_music_parameters'
% help_fig_rap_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'rap_parameters'
% help_fig_results_time_series.m * - Information on figure file 'results_time_series'
% help_fig_results_update_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'results_update_gui'
% help_fig_results_visualization.m * - Information on figure file 'results_visualization'
% help_fig_select_folder.m * - Information on figure file 'select_folder'
% help_fig_set_dataviewing_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'set_dataviewing_parameters'
% help_fig_set_sourceviewing_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'set_sourceviewing_parameters'
% help_fig_show_signal_decomposition.m * - Information on figure file 'show_signal_decomposition'
% help_fig_simulator.m * - Information on figure file 'simulator'
% help_fig_simulator_mri.m * - Information on figure file 'simulator_mri'
% help_fig_sourceimaging.m * - Information on figure file 'sourceimaging'
% help_fig_sourceimaging_parameters.m * - Information on figure file 'sourceimaging_parameters'
% help_fig_study_editor.m * - Information on figure file 'study_editor'
% help_fig_subject_editor.m * - Information on figure file 'subject_editor'
% help_fig_taskbar.m * - Information on figure file 'taskbar'
% help_fig_tessellation_handler.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_handler'
% help_fig_tessellation_select.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_select'
% help_fig_tessellation_window.m * - Information on figure file 'tessellation_window'
% help_fig_timeseries.m * - Information on figure file 'timeseries'
% help_fig_view_manager.m * - Information on figure file 'view_manager'
% help_fig_visu_maps.m * - Information on figure file 'visu_maps'
% help_fig_wave_single.m * - Information on figure file 'wave_single'
% help_fig_web_pages.m * - Information on figure file 'web_pages'
% help_fig_zscore_gui.m * - Information on figure file 'zscore_gui'
% help_figure_list.m * - Explain the figures used by BrainStorm
% help_manager.fig GUI figure for help_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
% help_manager.m * - Application M-file for help_manager.fig
% help_pref_currentdata.m * - Preference information on structure of 'CurrentData'
% help_pref_dateofagreement.m * - Preference information on structure of 'DateofAgreement'
% help_pref_defaultsubject.m * - Preference information on structure of 'DefaultSubject'
% help_pref_iuserdatabase.m * - Preference information on structure of 'iUserDataBase'
% help_pref_layout.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Layout'
% help_pref_studies.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Studies'
% help_pref_studysubject.m * - Preference information on structure of 'StudySubject'
% help_pref_subjects.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Subjects'
% help_pref_usercurrentdata.m * - Preference information on structure of 'UserCurrentData'
% help_pref_userdatabase.m * - Preference information on structure of 'UserDataBase'
% help_pref_version.m * - Preference information on structure of 'Version'
% help_preference_list.m * - Explain the preferences used by BrainStorm
% hrow_linear.m * - Compute row in BEM geometry matrix for linear collocation
% hs_err_pid2684.log Document file
% ihot.mat Mat-file
% importdata.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, data_manager.m, ds2brainstorm.m, and others
% importdata.m * - Case Switchyard for importing data from major MEG and EEG systems
% inorcol.m * - Compute the (pseudo)inverse of the column norms of matrix Mat
% interp_mail.m * - (French) Interpolate coordinates of the "maillage"
% kl_galerkin.m * - Galerking kernel for BEM of linear model
% kl_gram.m * - Kernel computation used in bem_xfer
% layout_manager.fig GUI figure for layout_manager.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
% layout_manager.m * - Application M-file to manage the window layout
% lcmvbf.fig GUI figure for lcmvbf.m, bst_sourceimaging.m, dataplot_cb.m
% lcmvbf.m * - Spatial filtering solution as called from command line or BST_SOURCEIMAGING.M
% leaflet.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% leaflet.mat Mat-file
% least_squares_fit.m * - multiple dipole fit using fminsearch
% least_squares_parameters.fig GUI figure for data_selector_cb.m, least_squares_parameters_cb.m, parametric_estimation.m
% least_squares_parameters_cb.m * - least_squares GUI setup and execution
% listbox_win.fig GUI figure for importdata.m, subject_editor.m
% listchan.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
% load_brainstorm_file.m * - load or try to find and load the BrainStorm file.
% load_BsTMRI.m * - Load BrainStorm MRI format
% load_fif_apos.m * - Load in position information from Neuromag 122 ".apos" file
% load_fif_asc.m * - Load data from Neuromag 122 .fif file converted to ascii
% load_raw.m * - Read a BrainStorm "raw" format (.txt or .raw) matrix
% load_smf.m * - Load a simply written SMF file into the faces vertices structure
% logobrainstorm.jpg Figure file
% make_contents.mat Mat-file
% make_default_database.m * - Confirm or Create a default database, default study, default subject
% make_default_study.m * - Create simulated default data and link to a simulated subject
% make_default_subject.m * - Make a brainstormsubject and simulated MRI in a folder
% makeuswait.m * - change the figure pointer according to action
% manage_corticalscouts.fig GUI figure for manage_corticalscouts.m, dataplot_cb.m
% manage_corticalscouts.m * - Application M-file for manage_corticalscouts.fig
% map_single.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
% mapping.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, bst_mriviewer.m, bst_wavedata_display.m, and others
% markers_select.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% mby3check.m * - Check to see if matrix is m by 3 or 3 by m.
% mby6check.m * - Check to see if matrix is m by 6 or 6 by m.
% meg4read.m * - READ CTF MEG4 file format
% meg4write.m * - WRITE CTF MEG4 file format
% meg_bem.m * - Calculate the mag field, BEM approach, arbitrary orientation
% mes.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% mesh2brainstorm.m * - Import .mesh tessellation files (BrainVisa interchange)
% minnorm.m * - Mininum norm solution as called from command line or BST_SOURCEIMAGING.M
% minnorm_parameters.fig GUI figure for data_selector_cb.m, minnorm_parameters_cb.m
% minnorm_parameters_cb.m * - Minimum Norm GUI setup and execution
% modulo.m * - Compute the modulo
% montreal_data_create.m * - Read landmarks from the Montreal Phantom and create simulated data
% mri2scs.m * - Compute the transform to move form the MRI coordinate system (in mm) to the SCS
% mri_parameters.fig GUI figure for mri_parameters.m, bst_mriviewer.m
% mri_parameters.m * - Application M-file for mri_parameters.fig
% mri_read_tool.fig GUI figure for mri_read_tool.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_subject.m, and others
% mri_read_tool.m * - AOS Version Application M-file to read in MRI and manipulate
% mri_scan_params.fig GUI figure for mri_read_tool.m
% mri_scan_params.m M-file has no help text
% mribox.fig GUI figure for mritool_cb.m
% mritool_cb.m * - OBSOLETE Switchyard corresponding to the OLDER MRITOOL GUI (mribox.fig)
% muopt.m * - Quasi-optimality criterion for choosing the regularization parameter.
% mutincomp.m * - Mutual incompatibility among checkboxes and radiobuttons
% norcol.m * - (French) squared sum of each column in a matrix
% norlig.m * - (French) Norm of the rows of a matrix
% nowzooming.m * - WindownButtonDownFcn callbcak for zooming within BST_MRIVIEWER
% offset.m * - each column in inmat such that a plot(outmat) looks good.
% os_meg.m * - Calculate the (overlapping) sphere models for MEG
% overlapping_sphere.m * - Create overlapping spheres for E/MEG channels.
% overlapping_sphere_fmins.m * - for use with OVERLAPPING_SPHERE
% parametric_estimation.fig GUI figure for parametric_estimation.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
% parametric_estimation.m * - GUI for selecting data segments and subspaces prior to estimation
% patch2tess.m M-file has no help text
% patch_swell.m * - enlarge a patch by appending the next set of adjacent vertices
% pcs_params.fig GUI figure for pcs_params.m, bst_mriviewer.m, mri_read_tool.m
% pcs_params.m * - Application M-file to set the parameters of the patient coordinates
% phantom_channel_assignment.fig GUI figure for phantom_channel_assignment.m, tess_align_tool.m
% phantom_channel_assignment.m * - Application M-file for phantom_channel_assignment.fig
% pleg.m * - Used in CPOT, Legendre polynomials
% plot3d.m * - 'plot3' the given three column data
% plot_dipole.m * - (r,n,s,c)
% plot_patch.m * - plots a vertex or face and its neighbors
% prepfig.m * - Prepare figure
% qslim.m * - Mesh simplification, wrapper function for Garland's QSLIM executable program
% rap_music_parameters.fig GUI figure for rap_music_parameters.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, dataplot_cb.m, and others
% rap_music_parameters.m * - Application M-file for rap_music_parameters.fig
% rapmusic_gui.m * - Execute RAPMUSIC using GUI inputs, BrainStorm MMII version
% ray_intersect.m * - find intersection of a ray with a set of faces
% read_besa.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% read_ctf_mri.m * - Read CTF MRI format (Version 2.1)
% read_gain.m * - Extract parts or a compete gain matrix from .bin binay gain file
% readdfs.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% readdsgl.m * - Loads a BrainSuite .dsgl format tessellation file.
% readmarkerfile_ctf.m * - Read marker information from CTF MarkerFile.mrk
% readme.m * - What's New in Each Revision of BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha)
% readRaw.m * - Reads an EGI epoch-marked simple binary format (epoch-marked raw format) file.
% regcheck.m * - Check the regularization tag
% regsubspace.m * - Determine the subspace based on the regularization method
% results_time_series.fig GUI figure for results_time_series.m, rapmusic_gui.m
% results_time_series.m * - Application M-file for results_time_series.fig
% results_update.m * - Update of display the source parameters and residuals while RAP-MUSIC or LS is running.
% results_update_gui.fig GUI figure for results_update.m
% results_visualization.fig GUI figure for results_visualization.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, rapmusic_gui.m, and others
% results_visualization.m * - Application M-file View the results of source modeling
% rownorm.m * - Calculate the L2 norm of each row of a matrix
% save_fieldnames.m * - Save just the fieldnames of a structure to a mat-file
% save_raw.m * - Save out a matrix in BrainStorm "raw" format, based on extension
% save_smf.m * - Save out a file in a simple form of the SMF format
% scs2mri.m * - transform SCS point coordinates (in mm) to MRI coordinate system (in mm)
% select_folder.fig GUI figure for select_folder.m, database_manager.m
% select_folder.m * - Application M-file for bst_SelectFolder.fig
% sensor_122.m * - Return the Neuromag 122 information
% sensor_axial.m * - Generate axial gradiometers
% sensor_planar.m * - Generate planar gradiometers
% sensor_ring.m * - Generate rings of sensors about a sphere roughly uniformly spaced.
% sensor_spacing.m * - generate sites roughly evenly spaced about a hemisphere.
% separation.m * - Splitting the brain into 2 parts
% set_dataviewing_parameters.fig GUI figure for dataplot_cb.m
% set_sourceviewing_parameters.fig GUI figure for set_sourceviewing_parameters.m, dataplot_cb.m
% set_sourceviewing_parameters.m * - Application M-file for set_sourceviewing_parameters.fig
% shepards.m * - (X,x,v,n); 3D nearest-neighbor interpolation using Shepard's weighting
% show_signal_decomposition.fig GUI figure for show_signal_decomposition.m
% show_signal_decomposition.m * - Application M-file for show_signal_decomposition.fig
% simulator.fig GUI figure for simulator.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_study.m, and others
% simulator.m * - Application M-file for simulator.fig
% simulator_mri.fig GUI figure for simulator_mri.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, make_default_subject.m
% simulator_mri.m * - Application M-file to make a simulated spherical MRI
% smooth_cortex.m * - Smoothes tesselation
% solid_angle2.m * - Solid angle of a viewed triangle
% sort_key.m * - Sort with column keys
% source_grid.m * - generate variable grid of possible source locations
% source_grids.m * - Generate source grids for parametric model searches
% source_tess.m * - generate variable grid of possible source locations
% sourceimaging.fig GUI figure for sourceimaging.m, bst_sourceimaging.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, and others
% sourceimaging.m * - Main switch to source imaging routines
% sourceimaging_parameters.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% sph_rphtestgrid2.mat Mat-file
% sph_rphtestgrid3.mat Mat-file
% str2mat0.m * - (Deprecated) Form text matrix from individual strings.
% str_repeater.m * - Repeat string format and separator to display data
% study_editor.fig GUI figure for study_editor.m, data_manager.m, importdata.m
% study_editor.m * - GUI to edit the BrainStorm Study information, case switchyard
% subcorr_gui.m * - Subcorr function custom to the gui features
% subject_editor.fig GUI figure for subject_editor.m, bst_static_taskbar.m, data_manager.m, and others
% subject_editor.m * - GUI to edit the BrainStorm Subject information, case switchyard
% surf2vol_interp.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% svd0.m * - Economy SVD in both U and V, S returned sparse diagonal
% tess_align_tool.fig GUI figure for tess_align_tool.m, subject_editor.m
% tess_align_tool.m * - Application M-file for tess_align_tool.fig
% tesselate.m * - tesselate based on the sensor_ring program
% tessellation_handler.fig GUI figure for tessellation_handler.m, set_sourceviewing_parameters.m
% tessellation_handler.m * - : Basic Viewing of tessellation objects in BrainStorm format; GUI Manager
% tessellation_outwards.m * - Ensure that tessellation ordering is "outwards"
% tessellation_stats.m * - Calculate statistics of the tesselation and hunt for suspicious faces and vertices
% tessellation_window.fig GUI figure for bst_imaging_display.m, dataplot_cb.m, manage_corticalscouts.m, and others
% togglebuttoncolor.m * - : change button color of toggle button
% toggleface.m * - Toggle the faces and edges as invisible
% togglelight.m * - toggle the lighting flat or phong
% toolbox_cross_ref.mat Mat-file
% trans_matrix.m * - calculate BEM transfer matrices for EEG and MEG
% transform.m * - Transform coordinates between PCS and MRI
% tri2brainstorm.m * - Read .tri file into BrainStorm format
% tri_area.m * - Find areas of all triangles
% tri_interp.m * - Compute the interpolation matrix from a cortical tessellation to the MRI volume
% vec.m * - Lexicographical ordering of a matrix, A(:).
% vertices_connectivity.m * - Generate the connections between vertices
% view_surface.m * - Convenient function to consistently plot surfaces
% visu_maps.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% warp_everything_bst.m WARP_EVERYTHING - (summary line here)
% wave_single.fig GUI figure with unknown calls
% waves_multi.m M-file has no help text
% waves_multi.mat Mat-file
% web_pages.fig GUI figure for web_pages.m, bst_static_taskbar.m
% web_pages.m * - Listbox of relevant BrainStorm web pages and email addresses
% weighting_scalar.m * - For use with Overlapping Sphere
% windclf.m * - Reset and clear the figure, retaining the NAME property
% windfind.m * - Find or create a particular window using it's NAME property
% zhang_fit.m * - Compute 'Berg' parameters for EEG multilayer sphere
% zscore_gui.fig GUI figure for zscore_gui.m, dataplot_cb.m
% zscore_gui.m * - : management of zscore visualization
% Category: Unknown Category
% bst_cactivcmap.mat Mat-file
% common_vertices.m M-file has no help text
% fidufit.mat Mat-file
% geom100.mat Mat-file
% sph_rphtestgrid2.mat Mat-file
% sph_rphtestgrid3.mat Mat-file
% toolbox_cross_ref.mat Mat-file
% Category: Missing in Toolbox
% dense2sparse_normals2.m M-file has no help text
% filter_win.m M-file has no help text
% filter_win.mat Mat-file
% hs_err_pid2684.log Document file
% minnorm_parameters.fig GUI figure for data_selector_cb.m, minnorm_parameters_cb.m
% mri_scan_params.fig GUI figure for mri_read_tool.m
% mri_scan_params.m M-file has no help text
% patch2tess.m M-file has no help text
% waves_multi.m M-file has no help text
% waves_multi.mat Mat-file
% Category: Archive
% cpot.m * - UNKNOWN, Send to Archive?
% mes.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
% pleg.m * - Used in CPOT, Legendre polynomials
% prepfig.m * - Prepare figure
% surf2vol_interp.m * - (overwrite succinct one line summary here)
%<autobegin> ---------------------- 12-Oct-2004 11:55:26 -----------------------
% --------- Automatically Generated Comments Block Using AUTO_COMMENTS ---------
% At Check-in: $Author: Mosher $ $Revision: 61 $ $Date: 10/12/04 10:19a $
% This software is part of BrainStorm Toolbox Version 2.0 (Alpha) 11-Oct-2004
% Principal Investigators and Developers:
% ** Richard M. Leahy, PhD, Signal & Image Processing Institute,
% University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
% ** John C. Mosher, PhD, Biophysics Group,
% Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
% ** Sylvain Baillet, PhD, Cognitive Neuroscience & Brain Imaging Laboratory,
% CNRS, Hopital de la Salpetriere, Paris, France
% See BrainStorm website at http://neuroimage.usc.edu for further information.
% Copyright (c) 2004 BrainStorm by the University of Southern California
% This software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% as published by the Free Software Foundation. Further details on the GPL
% license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html .
%<autoend> ------------------------ 12-Oct-2004 11:55:26 -----------------------
Produced by color_mat2html, a customized BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha) version of mat2html on Tue Oct 12 12:05:14 2004
Cross-Directory links are: ON