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(PublicToolbox/regutools/Contents.m in BrainStorm 2.0 (Alpha))

Help Text

 Regularization Tools.
 Version 2.0  16-March-93.
 Copyright (c) 1993 by Per Christian Hansen and UNI-C.

   regudemo  - Tutorial introduction to Regularization Tools.

 Test examples.
   baart     - Fredholm integral equation of the first kind.
   deriv2    - Computation of the second derivative.
   foxgood   - Severely ill-posed problem.
   heat      - Inverse heat equation.
   ilaplace  - Inverse Laplace transformation.
   parallax  - Stellar parallax problem with 28 fixed observations.
   phillips  - Philips' "famous" test problem.
   shaw      - One-dimensional image restoration problem.
   spikes    - Test problem with a "spiky" solution.
   ursell    - Integral equation with no square integrable solution.
   wing      - Test problem with a discontinuous solution.

 Regularization routines.
   cgls      - Computes the least squares solution based on k steps
               of the conjugate gradient algorithm.
   discrep   - Minimizes the solution (semi-)norm subject to an upper
               bound on the residual norm (discrepancy principle).
   dsvd      - Computes a damped SVD/GSVD solution.
   lsqi      - Minimizes the residual norm subject to an upper bound
               on the (semi-)norm of the solution.
   lsqr      - Computes the least squares solution based on k steps
               of the LSQR algorithm (Lanczos bidiagonalization).
   maxent    - Computes the maximum entropy regularized solution.
   mtsvd     - Computes the modified TSVD solution.
   nu        - Computes the solution based on k steps of Brakhage's
               iterative nu-method.
   pcgls     - Same as cgls, but for general-form regularization.
   plsqr     - Same as lsqr, but for general-form regularization.
   pnu       - Same as nu, but for general-form regularization.
   tgsvd     - Computes the truncated GSVD solution.
   tikhonov  - Computes the Tikhonov regularized solution.
   tsvd      - Computes the truncated SVD solution.
   ttls      - Computes the truncated TLS solution.

 Analysis routines.
   fil_fac   - Computes filter factors for some regularization methods.
   gcv       - Plots the GCV function and computes its minimum.
   l_corner  - Locates the L-shaped corner of the L-curve.
   l_curve   - Computes the L-curve, plots it, and computes its corner.
   lagrange  - Plots the Lagrange function ||Ax-b||^2 + lambda^2*||Lx||^,
               and its derivative.
   picard    - Plots the (generalized) singular values,
               the Fourier coefficient for the right-hand side, and a
               (smoothed curve of) the solution Fourier-coefficients.
   plot_lc   - Plots an L-curve.
   quasiopt  - Plots the quasi-optimality function and computes its minimum.

 Routines for transforming a problem in general form into one in
 standard form, and back again.
   gen_form  - Transforms a standard-form solution back into the
               general-form setting.
   std_form  - Transforms a general-form problem into one in
               standard form.

 Utility routines.
   bidiag    - Bidiagonalization of a matrix by Householder transformations.
   bsvd      - Computes the singular values, or the compact SVD,
               of a bidiagonal matrix stored in compact form.
   csd       - Computes the CS decomposition.
   csvd      - Computes the compact SVD of an m-by-n matrix.
   get_l     - Produces a p-by-n matrix which is the discrete
               approximation to the d'th order derivative operator.
   gsvd      - Computes the generalized SVD of a matrix pair.
   lanc_b    - Performs k steps of the Lanczos bidiagonalization
               process with/without reorthogonalization.

 Auxiliary routines required by some of the above routines.
   app_hh_l  - Applies a Householder transformation from the left.
   gen_hh    - Generates a Householder transformation.
   heb_new   - Newton-Raphson iteration with Hebden's rational
               approximation, used in lsqi.
   heb_new2  - Ditto, used in discrep.
   lsolve    - Inversion with A-weighted generalized inverse of L.
   ltsolve   - Inversion with transposed A-weighted inverse of L.
   mgs       - Modified Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization.
   newton    - Newton-Raphson iteration, used in discrep.
   pinit     - Initialization for treating general-form problems.
   pythag    - Computes sqrt(a^2 + b^2).
   spleval   - Computes points on a spline or spline curve.

 The routine l_corner requires the following routines from the Spline
   fnder, ppbrk, ppcut, ppmak, sp2pp, spbrk, spmak.
 If the Spline Toolbox is not available, then dummy functions with these
 names should reside in the same directory as Regularization Tools.

Cross-Reference Information

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Listing of C:\BrainStorm_2001\PublicToolbox\regutools\Contents.m

% Regularization Tools.
% Version 2.0  16-March-93.
% Copyright (c) 1993 by Per Christian Hansen and UNI-C.
% Demonstration.
%   regudemo  - Tutorial introduction to Regularization Tools.
% Test examples.
%   baart     - Fredholm integral equation of the first kind.
%   deriv2    - Computation of the second derivative.
%   foxgood   - Severely ill-posed problem.
%   heat      - Inverse heat equation.
%   ilaplace  - Inverse Laplace transformation.
%   parallax  - Stellar parallax problem with 28 fixed observations.
%   phillips  - Philips' "famous" test problem.
%   shaw      - One-dimensional image restoration problem.
%   spikes    - Test problem with a "spiky" solution.
%   ursell    - Integral equation with no square integrable solution.
%   wing      - Test problem with a discontinuous solution.
% Regularization routines.
%   cgls      - Computes the least squares solution based on k steps
%               of the conjugate gradient algorithm.
%   discrep   - Minimizes the solution (semi-)norm subject to an upper
%               bound on the residual norm (discrepancy principle).
%   dsvd      - Computes a damped SVD/GSVD solution.
%   lsqi      - Minimizes the residual norm subject to an upper bound
%               on the (semi-)norm of the solution.
%   lsqr      - Computes the least squares solution based on k steps
%               of the LSQR algorithm (Lanczos bidiagonalization).
%   maxent    - Computes the maximum entropy regularized solution.
%   mtsvd     - Computes the modified TSVD solution.
%   nu        - Computes the solution based on k steps of Brakhage's
%               iterative nu-method.
%   pcgls     - Same as cgls, but for general-form regularization.
%   plsqr     - Same as lsqr, but for general-form regularization.
%   pnu       - Same as nu, but for general-form regularization.
%   tgsvd     - Computes the truncated GSVD solution.
%   tikhonov  - Computes the Tikhonov regularized solution.
%   tsvd      - Computes the truncated SVD solution.
%   ttls      - Computes the truncated TLS solution.
% Analysis routines.
%   fil_fac   - Computes filter factors for some regularization methods.
%   gcv       - Plots the GCV function and computes its minimum.
%   l_corner  - Locates the L-shaped corner of the L-curve.
%   l_curve   - Computes the L-curve, plots it, and computes its corner.
%   lagrange  - Plots the Lagrange function ||Ax-b||^2 + lambda^2*||Lx||^,
%               and its derivative.
%   picard    - Plots the (generalized) singular values,
%               the Fourier coefficient for the right-hand side, and a
%               (smoothed curve of) the solution Fourier-coefficients.
%   plot_lc   - Plots an L-curve.
%   quasiopt  - Plots the quasi-optimality function and computes its minimum.
% Routines for transforming a problem in general form into one in
% standard form, and back again.
%   gen_form  - Transforms a standard-form solution back into the
%               general-form setting.
%   std_form  - Transforms a general-form problem into one in
%               standard form.
% Utility routines.
%   bidiag    - Bidiagonalization of a matrix by Householder transformations.
%   bsvd      - Computes the singular values, or the compact SVD,
%               of a bidiagonal matrix stored in compact form.
%   csd       - Computes the CS decomposition.
%   csvd      - Computes the compact SVD of an m-by-n matrix.
%   get_l     - Produces a p-by-n matrix which is the discrete
%               approximation to the d'th order derivative operator.
%   gsvd      - Computes the generalized SVD of a matrix pair.
%   lanc_b    - Performs k steps of the Lanczos bidiagonalization
%               process with/without reorthogonalization.
% Auxiliary routines required by some of the above routines.
%   app_hh_l  - Applies a Householder transformation from the left.
%   gen_hh    - Generates a Householder transformation.
%   heb_new   - Newton-Raphson iteration with Hebden's rational
%               approximation, used in lsqi.
%   heb_new2  - Ditto, used in discrep.
%   lsolve    - Inversion with A-weighted generalized inverse of L.
%   ltsolve   - Inversion with transposed A-weighted inverse of L.
%   mgs       - Modified Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization.
%   newton    - Newton-Raphson iteration, used in discrep.
%   pinit     - Initialization for treating general-form problems.
%   pythag    - Computes sqrt(a^2 + b^2).
%   spleval   - Computes points on a spline or spline curve.
% The routine l_corner requires the following routines from the Spline
% Toolbox:
%   fnder, ppbrk, ppcut, ppmak, sp2pp, spbrk, spmak.
% If the Spline Toolbox is not available, then dummy functions with these
% names should reside in the same directory as Regularization Tools.

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